A couple of things have been brought to my attention. One, I squint. And two, apparently I talk about running too much.
Mike clued me in about the running thing, by saying things like:
"Please don't use terms that I don't understand, like PR. Just say he ran his fastest race ever." and "How much did they charge you for those inserts?"
The other day at lunch, I was ordering Eliza's chocolate milk, and I went off on a tangent about how chocolate milk is the perfect recovery drink. That was the first time Mike said "It's always about running isn't it." Which turned into his catchphrase for about a week, and he said it as often as possible.
As for the squinting, I think it's a habit that was formed when I was a kid, before I had glasses and had to squint to see. The other night I was obsessing over these lines that have appeared around my eyes, and I noticed they get worse when I squint. Now I realize I squint all the time, so I'm trying to keep my eyes relaxed. I'm hoping that will keep me away from the botox, because there's always a chance it could backfire. And then I'll end up looking like Mickey Rourke.
I'm getting excited for my 10 mile race on Sunday. I have a few friends running too, and Mike and the kids will be at the finish, along with my friend Karin. I found out yesterday that ipods are not allowed, which gave me a moment of panic, I could really use some Billy Idol to get me up those killer hills. But then I remembered all the times this winter when my ipod turned off in the cold, and I was fine. Hopefully there will be some good crowds to cheer us on and give some motivation.
In any case, I've had a few pangs of nervousness, only because I've never done the whole course at once. I did one last six mile hilly run on Monday, a three mile tempo run Wednesday, and I have a two mile run tomorrow. That will be it until Sunday. I don't have a time goal, my main goal for this one is to run a strong race, and have fun!!!