Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I'm A Guest
I'm excited to be a guest on her blog today, so check it out here!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I need input....and I'll tell you how to get free Toe Juice
I ran with my sis in law Jeannine and friend Norine. We did a route around town that was different from last week, and I can't get over the difference in the two runs. Today there was zero humidity and it was cooler, the first four miles flew by, we threw in some decent hills for Boilermaker prep and for the second week in a row my ipod stayed off.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
This is the best day of the week
Anyone else in the NY area feel that earthquake yesterday? That was very odd.
I had a lousy run today. I guess I was due for one. I had no spring in my step, and a cramp in my side. I have to run 14 miles on Saturday, so I guess it was better that it happened today then Saturday.
I decided a few weeks ago I'm going ahead with getting a tatoo of a Celtic Cross, along with the initials of Mike and the kids. I was going to wait until after the marathon, but my friend Dawn wants one too, and she convinced me to get it sooner than later. I have a feeling I'm going to chicken out.
Every time I clean I shove things into my china cabinet. It's starting to look like an episode of Hoarders in there.
How old is Miley Cyrus? 17?? After seeing her video for "Tamed," I give her two years until she shaves her head a la Britney Spears.
How psyched am I that we're switching cable providers tomorrow? We'll have a DVR that records on one TV, but we can watch recorded shows on up to SEVEN other TV's.....I may never leave the house again.
I'm in the middle of reading Marian Keyes' new book The Brightest Star in the Sky. LOVE HER. Met her at a book signing and she is simply lovely in person. For those who asked, Heart of the Matter didn't disappoint, it's a perfect beach read.
I also just started the Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone. Between this and Skinny Bitch, I'm running out of excuses to eat meat.
I had a kitchen disaster the other night. After stir frying some asian slaw, and mixing it with noodles, I ruined in by adding just a bit too much Huy Fong Garlic Chili Sauce. It was lethal, and there was no fixing it. Bummer.
Miss Zippy has a new GU giveaway on her blog.
I hate it when you put laundry in and forget to turn on the machine. That sets me back more than you know.
I'm hosting my book club tonight. You know what that means.
Time for a glass of wine.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Let's Review
Another thing I liked about the skillets, was the grippy handle, it never got hot and made it that much easier to hold.
As I said, this was a fun week in the the kitchen. But please note, I received a container of the Green Superfood, and the Rachel Ray Skillets for the purpose of this review. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but were not influenced by the company or the products provided.
Monday, June 21, 2010
I'm Going Places
Heather had lent me a spare fuel belt, and I tested it out on this run, I should have used all four bottles, but I had one of water, and one of nuun. At mile 8 I sucked down a GU, then we were off again, charging up a hill and back into my neighborhood. I started to get tired at about 11.5 miles. It was after nine o'clock at that point, and although it was getting warm, I got goosebumps, so I slowed down a bit. I thought for a split second about stopping. I realize I have some work to do regarding my mental toughness, when a run starts to get difficult. Instead of giving in to it, I shook the thought out of my head and kept going, and didn't stop until G-Unit read 13 miles. Overall, it was a good run, the photo above is from the route.
MCM Mama passed the "I'm Going Places" award to me, I'm supposed to tell you where I'll be in ten years, then pass it along to ten bloggers. In ten years I will be the mother of two teenagers, one of them will probably have his learners permit so I'll finally have someone else to send to the store if I need to. I will have celebrated over 20 years of marriage. I'll be a marathon finisher, taken a stab at trail running, and will be back to playing tennis on a regular basis. I hope to be happily employed, with 8 years left on my mortgage, and have shown my kids some of the world around us.
I pass this along to:
Katie at Legally Fit
AJH at Age Groups Rock
Suzy at Running On My Time
Julie at Julie's Running Blog
Blue Violet at Nut in a Nutshell
J at Morning Runner
Nicki at Thoughts, Art and Friends
Alyssa at Bloggin 2 Noggin
Susan at Susan's Family Formula
Amo at Where a Woman Shakes Her Tablecloth
Sunday, June 20, 2010
My Health and Fitness Inspiration
This is my Dad. He's 64. A former Tri-Athlete and Marathon Runner, he was also a swimmer and diver for Chapel Hill. He still runs on a daily basis, and started eating meat again a few years ago. So as his 37 year old daughter, I feel a bit lame if I don't run because I'm "tired."
He started bringing me and my brother and sister to the health food store back in the late '70's, it was a tiny store with creaky wooden floors, and we picked out carob chip candy bars and cookies at the end of each excursion. He stir fried our veggies, tossed tofu into milk shakes, and made salads large enough to serve six as a snack. I learned that eating healthy was just a way of life.
We took hikes in the nature preserve year round (my brother fell through some ice in a creek one winter, that was scary), swam in the lake in Maine and the beach in North Carolina, played tennis and rode our bikes everywhere we could. We never sat around, there was always something to do to burn off energy.
My parents have been divorced for over 30 years, and my Dad has had some ups and downs in his life. He always asks about my races, and sends me running or food articles that he thinks I'd like. He knows the newest gadgets, on his last visit he brought this stick that he uses to massage his calf muscles.
Now that I'm the parent, I love how my kids like to share my smoothies, pop edamame in their mouths, and ask me how my exercise was. I'm already leading by example, because I myself have a wonderful teacher.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Five For Friday
I finally ordered a running skirt! They had a great sale going on, and I bit the bullet and bought one in camo/purple. My sis in law had ordered the same one, so now we'll match for the Boilermaker. We did the matching thing a couple of years ago, and wore pink tech shirts, but I think the skirts are more fun. We're planning on a 13 mile run tomorrow, just in time for the 90 degree heat and humidity due to arrive this weekend.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I've been starting my day with this for the past week:
Have to follow it with coffee.
Late lunch was this on a roll with a bit of cheddar cheese and salsa. I also had some leftover pasta salad that my sister in law made, along with two salt potatoes.
I forgot we had this in the freezer downstairs, it's from Luke's birthday over a month ago. I only had a couple of bites.
Had to celebrate my hair being one color again with some of this:
Late dinner with Mike, corn on the grill, blackened salmon with salsa, rice with carrots mixed in, field greens with balsamic and avocado.
So, what did you eat?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Name that tune.
My cousin's fiance is from Kentucky, and his mom came up to NY for the bridal shower, armed with Bourbon Balls as party favors. Holy cow, how have I not had these before? Chocolate and booze topped with a pecan and wrapped in shiny paper?? I swiped an extra box when no one was looking.
For the trip down and back, I spent a total of nine hours in the car, alone. And I thoroughly enjoyed it, just me and the open road, music blaring, stopping whenever I wanted to. No Kid's Bop, Raffi, or Disney movies on the DVD player, just me and my thoughts. It was heaven. But it was really weird to look in the rear view mirror and not see car seats.
Which brings me to music. I've had Kings of Leon on repeat, and even though I have three ipods currently on rotation, I need some new tunes. So help me out, tell me your favorite songs to work out to, I'm not picky, I go from rock to country to rap to disco to grunge, I just need to keep my groove on.
Monday, June 14, 2010
What I'll Run for.....and the winners....
Once I decided to run, I then thought about what I would run for. I want to run for myself, but I also want to put some kind of meaning to my first marathon. I checked out a bunch of races, but I kept getting pulled back to the MVP Marathon in Rochester, NY. I ran the half marathon last year, and loved the course, and I lived there for 5 years so it was nice to have that sense of being in my old 'hood. When I saw the date of it, September 12, I knew I found it, and what I would run for.
I was living in NYC on September 11, I wrote a post about it last year around the anniversary of it. It has affected me to this day. I'm going to run as a reminder of all that what was lost that day, and it will be a big F#*% You to those who tried to break us all down. I have been thinking of what kind of shirt I'll wear for it, and Zoe made one up the other day that I think I'm going to have to buy!
Okay, onto the winners of the Drymax socks give away.....thanks to everyone who entered! I had three drawings, one for each sock size, and used random.org to pick the winners:
Size Small: Tam at Borrachas Sin Fronteras
Size Medium: Tricia at Endurace Isn't Only Physical
Size Large: Tim from 26.2 Quest
Email me your deets and I'll get your socks right out to you!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Nature outside my door

I'm starting to feel a bit like Doctor Doolittle, with all the wildlife that keeps showing up around my house. Aside from the raccoon and owl that live out back, we had a bird stuck in the garage overnight, and a chipmunk has taken up residence under our front bushes. The thing is not scared of us at all, when we're outside playing with the kids, it weaves back and forth, in and out of the garage. He's quite obnoxious. Now I'm seeing animals while I'm on the treadmill. On my last run, I felt like someone was staring at me, so I looked up at the sliding glass door, and there was a big ass deer just standing there staring at me. He didn't move for fifteen minutes, until I was done running. This morning I was on the treadmill again, and saw a huge cat waltzing by the door, he was kind of creepy looking, but way too fat to be a stray. What the heck is going to show up next??
I'm going away again this weekend, down to Westchester for my cousin's bridal shower. I'm going solo, and I'm excited because I get to see my sister's new house, and my nieces who are 11 months and two. But going away meant figuring out how to get my long run in, which I was lucky enough to do today. Mike took the day off so we could go to Luke's spring concert at school, and he said he would watch the kids this morning so I could run. I wanted to go outside, but the weather was iffy, so I treadmilled it. I ran 12 miles, in what I think was a little over two hours. At some point the time clock on the treadmill reached its max and turned over, and I'm not sure when that happened exactly. It was a good run though, made easier by a Real Housewives of NYC marathon (can't WAIT for the reunion special tonight).
I forgot to put a link to Amazing Grass in my energy bar post. For those of you who asked, it's powdered wheat grass, with all sorts of good stuff added, which helps you get your daily quota of veggies. I've been using it for a year now, and put it in my smoothies, I really think it gives my immune system a boost. Today I was psyched to receive a jar of their new High Energy Drink powder, which has Matcha and Yerba Mate in it, so I'll do a review of that soon.
In the meantime, don't forget the Drymax socks giveaway.....you can enter here.
Monday, June 7, 2010
My Version of an Energy Bar
So here it is, a bar full of all my favorite things: oats, dried cherries, almonds, mini semi-sweet chocolate chips, and Amazing Grass. They're easy to make, I've been keeping them in the fridge, but I'm sure they would freeze well individually wrapped.
3/4 cup of organic, natural, crunchy peanut butter
2/3 cup of honey
1 1/4 cup oats
1 cup krispy rice cereal
1 cup dried cherries (I put them in whole, but you can chop them up)
1/2 cup raw almonds (again, I put them in whole)
2 scoops of Amazing Grass Superfood, Berry Flavor
1/3 cup semi-sweet mini chocolate chips
non-stick spray
8 x 8 brownie pan
1. mix the peanut butter and honey together in a medium size pot, on medium heat. Stir until melted, about five minutes. Make sure the peanuts don't brown too much, or burn. Then mix in the Amazing Grass until well blended.
2. take off heat, and stir in oats and rice cereal. Then mix in the cherries, almonds, and chips.
3. spray the brownie pan with non-stick spray, pour the mix in, and press down hard with either your fingers or a spatula, so that it's well packed, and even on top.
4. Put into the fridge for at least three hours to set. Cut with a serrated knife and enjoy!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Mike drove me to the bottom of their street, which is a steep hill, I would have blown out my legs before I had even started if I ran down to the main road. I've walked down, as well as up (one night I walked home with Jeannine from the bar....but that's another story) but running is different. Off I went, right away I saw I was running an 8:50 pace, so I slowed down to a 10 minute mile. Went through town, and onto a bike path, it was hot when the sun came out, but the breeze did a great job of keeping me cool.
I got to the point where I planned to turn around, at a Donut shop that has THE BEST sugar and plain donuts. Kept sipping my water, and when I had hills, I ran them around an 11:30 minute pace. I planned on taking the energy gel at mile six, and the next time I checked G-Unit, it was 6.3 miles in. So I sucked it down, the flavor was decent, but I wasn't thrilled with how warm it was. At the eight mile mark I saw Mike coming down the road in the Jeep, I told him I had two miles left, so I ran up to the golf course and back to finish it off. Ended with a 1:45 for 10 miles. Averaged a 10:16 pace, which I was happy with, because even after the hills, I had energy left, and my stomach didn't explode from the gel.
My next race is the Boilermaker, it's a month away and I'm planning on being better about my diet until then. I've been "splurging" a bit too much lately, especially since Mike came home with pretzel M&M's. As if I needed a new chocolate candy to covet. I'm also going to start taking Isotonix this week, the multi-vitamin and opc-3. Mike's co-worker gave me a bottle of each to try out, he swears by it so we'll see how that goes.
Note my pathetic attempt at including an elevation chart of my run from Garmin. Mike did something with my laptop security settings last weekend, so I resorted to putting it in as a photo. Along with a photo of the two of us last night after dinner, right before I fell asleep with Eliza in her bed at 9:30. Yup, it was a wild Saturday night in the Adirondacks.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Drymax Socks Giveaway....3 winners for this one....
I cringe when I think of how I used to work out in cotton socks. I even ran in cotton socks. But after I bought my first pair of running socks, I found out what I was missing. That led to a search for the perfect sock, which I finally found last fall. I love Drymax socks, known for keeping your feet super dry, which helps prevent blisters. Because of the way the socks are woven, it's best not to use lubricants or have tape on your feet when wearing them.
Those benefits aside, I also like how well they fit my feet. They don't have that annoying thick seam across the toes, and I feel like they hug my arch, which feels really nice when you're dealing with PF. I wear the hiking socks with my Birkenstocks in the fall, and I have a pair that go up almost to my knees, which I wear to bed when it's freezing outside.
So the lovely folks at Drymax gave a chance for three people to win a pair of their running socks. I have one pair in Small (women size 5 -7, men's 3.5 - 5.5), one in Medium (women size 7.5 - 9.5, men's 6-8), and one in Large (women 10-12, men's 8.5 - 10.5).
To enter, please visit the Drymax website, and leave me a comment. Make sure you include your sock size.
For extra entries (please leave a separate comment for each):
1. be a follower of my blog or become one.
2. spread the word via blog, twitter, yadda yadda yadda.
Giveaway ends at midnight on Sunday June 13.
Note: I was not compensated in any way for my thoughts on Drymax, it's entirely my own opinion.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I definitely celebrated this Holiday

Happy Running Day!