I don't think there is a person out there who doesn't like fall. The humidity is gone, the air is crisp, the sky is blue and the colors are vibrant; perfect weather for outdoor activities. My family took advantage of a nice day last weekend by hiking in the Adirondacks, climbing a new trail that rewarded us with a view of Sis and Bub Lakes and the changing leaves. We weren't too far from the trail head when I said what a great hike it was, then immediately tripped over a root, wiped out, and broke my ankle.
I'm rather clumsy and have broken this ankle twice previously; my friends have created my very own hashtag #MollysFall. I know how to deal with this injury; so luckily I was fitted for a walking boot instead of a hard cast. It could have been worse, but I'm not thrilled by the fact that I can't walk the dog, ride a bike, or run for two long months.
Frank isn't happy either; he's not a fan of the boot.
I can't run, but I can think about my favorite places to run. First up is Limekiln Lake in Inlet. The elevations along Route 28 in the Adirondacks from Inlet to Old Forge are great for hill training; it's nice to go through town and be a part of the activity. But I really enjoy a four mile trek in a nearby campground that offers hills, plus beautiful views of the lake.
My second favorite is right outside my front door. My neighborhood offers paved trails that lead me through woodsy areas, along a golf course, past small lakes and playgrounds. There is always someone else running or walking, even in the winter!
Beaver Lake in Baldwinsville offers trails of various lengths, the 3 mile lake loop is scenic, and it's easy to make a run longer just by adding more trails. Plus they have restrooms!
Finally, I have to give a shout out to my treadmill. Depending on my mood or weather, I can run long or short, fast or slow, hilly or flat. Having a television or music helps to pass the time but only so much. Along with physical training a treadmill run really helps with your mental training.
See you out there.....in two short months!!