Sunday, January 10, 2010

What a dork

I don't think I've touched on this subject before, but I'm kinda nerdy. Physically I'm a dork, I wear glasses (mostly contacts), and have long arms and legs. In high school I had a hard time finding pants that were long enough to reach my ankles, even my math teacher said I looked like I wore floods. I can't dance, but I'm good at falling. I get a huge kick out of physical comedy, and easily laugh at stupid commercials. I've already mentioned that I don't know how to tie my shoes correctly. And at times I laugh like this "huh huh huh HUH huh"

My dorkiness has come out in full force since we got the Wii Fit. After it analyzed my weight and balance, it asked me if I trip a lot! I've been having fun with it, and I'm embarrassed to say that I was sore last week...I've been good about doing planks, and I'm doing some new exercises. The kung fu and boxing sections are cool, I get a bunch of squats in at the same time I'm working my arms. But my favorite has to be the hula hoop - you move your hips as quickly as you can to get a high number of reps, and you have to lean back and forth to catch hoops that are thrown at you. Mike just stands there and shakes his head at me while I do it, looking like a spaz.

Last night I went to Rochester to have a night out with the girls. Dawn and I began the night at my friend B's bar and pizza restaurant, The Dragonfly. We got there early enough to score a table in front of the fire, and watched some of the Jets game. The pizza was yummy, thin crust and cheesy, my kind of pie.

Our plan for the night was to hit up some of our old stomping grounds, including a trip to Muthers, a bar that does Drag shows. I thought of wearing a "clublike" black top and tall black boots, but between the sub zero temps and snow, I stuck with a magenta top under a brown argyle sweater and my skinny (still!) jeans and Frye boots. Bad choice. Everyone in the place was wearing black, black, and black. I walked in wearing my white North Face parka, and looked like a librarian (or soccer mom, which I am on the path of becoming). I was dancing around like a dork, swinging my purse and my white coat (didn't want to get it dirty on the floor) and I could see the white and pink argyle pattern of my sweater reflected in the wall of mirrors, in all that black, you could still find me.

As Lady Gaga blared, I channeled Wii Fit and started doing the hula hoop! I was pretty happy that I had a new dance move, but then I proceeded to pull something in my left hip. It's a bit sore today, but it's my own fault, thinking I could dance. Dork.

We hit one more place for last call (gasp! two late nights in one week, I can't take it), then my friend K drove us home. She has a four month old, and this is what she texted me when she got home....

What a crew. A bunch of mom's out on the town, lactating, and pulling our muscles.


Liz Mays said...

If it makes you feel better, my daughter who's incredibly fit bought the WiiFit last week and even she is sore! :)

BNM said...

Im literally laughing out loud!!! Im following your blog now & look forward to more posts.

Susan Fobes said...

Everyone is sore due to the WII this week! We already have the WII fit so this year we added WII resort-loads of fun and loads of sore muscles!
btw: At least you are still "clubbing"-it's been way too long for me or my friends. We just usually sit around and talk...

Zoë said...

Hilarious! The last sentence made me giggle. Way to go with the Wii Fit! And I'm a huge dork, too. Dorks unite! :)

Unknown said...

So funny...we just got a Wii today...Kel surprised us. we don't have Wii fit, yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

mudmama said...

The Wii fit sounds awesome, as does your girls night out! Embrace those new moves, even if ya do pull something ;)

Heather said...

I'm doing the Your Shape game and I'm surprisingly sore too.

Ronnie said...

You're cracking me up! I too have the Wii fit and if you could see me on it, you'd feel better. It was a little depressing the first time I got on it...did you know that if you're heavy your little Mii gets fat? Glad you got to go out and have a grand time with your friends!

sweetjeanette said...

ROFL!!!!! Love the text, a great finale to mommy partygoer! LOL Loved the post

Stopping by from SITS.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Lactating and pulling muscles! Visiting from SITS and wishing your family will outdo that stomache flu!

Simply Mel said...

Love your post. I'm afraid we have A LOT in common! Except I haven't tried the Wii Fit yet. LoL

Visiting from MBC, and following you now.

yonca said...

Hilarious! Glad I'm not the only one who laughs at stupid commercials :)

Pining for Pinterest said...

Oh my goodness! I was laughing so hard when I read your post! Love it!

pTsaldari said...

Adorable! Frozen breast pump.. who'd a thunk it! Enjoyed visiting your site. Very nicely presented. Share return again to be sure. Thank you for sharing,

Visit me @

Anonymous said...

Hi, Molly - me again. Just popping back over to say thanks for your comment at my place and I am your newest blog follower. Yeah!

Katie said...

Hi Molly! I'm happy to see another upstate running blogger! Looking forward to reading along :)

Theta Mom said...

You want to laugh? My arms get sore when I play Boxing on the Wii!!!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said...

LOL! Great post! I'm kind of a dork my self... but I can dance!

Sounds like you girls had an awesome time. I would hang out with your crew!

Tara said...

Hah! Hah! I love that pic of you doing the Wii. I've never tried it, but I have a friend that does it. Your comment about it asking you if you trip a lot, cracks me up!

Sounds like you and your lactating friends had a blast. I don't go out much either and I am, a huge dork too!

Anonymous said...

Hey I can symapthize with you! Don't you love it when you step on the board and the voice makes an "oooh" sound like you are hurting her?!

Unknown said...

My son got a Wii fit for Christmas and it said I was fat and trip a lot too. Your girls night out sounds like a blast. I desperately need one of those. With seven kids, I'm totally in need of some grown up mommy time. Stopping by from sits to say Hi!

Nicole said...

LOL! love the text message!! Your girls night sounds like you guys had so much fun!

HautePinkCloset said...

Great post, I could visualize everything you were saying, lol! You are so lucky to get a girls night, sound like you gals had a great time!
As you spoke of the pizza I realized just how much I miss NY pizza, none like anywhere.

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

Sounds hilarious! I had a similar situation with my choice of outfit last weekend. We went to a trendy LA bar, not really my scene anymore. We were celebrating my best friend's birthday. I totally felt way out of place. I think everyone was pointing me out as the "mom". When we left the house, I thought I looked great. I still had fun anyway!

Great post!