Which is making me think about some of my birthdays.
There was the year I turned six, and wanted a big blue suitcase. Which I got, and proceeded to sit inside of to watch television.
The year I turned 16, and my parents rented out a room at an Italian restaurant, and I had all my best girlfriends out for dinner. I'm still very close to five of those girls.The year I turned 17 and got my drivers license, and spent the weekend driving around in my Dad's car, which didn't have working seat belts.
The year I turned 18 and I was just excited that I could vote (dork).
The year I turned 19 and was in college, and I got busted for drinking in the dorm. I was so mad I started whipping birthday cake frosting at the window until it looked like it was snowing outside. Then my friend S cleaned it up (Thanks S).
The year I turned 21 and the bouncer at the bar didn't believe my drivers licence (maybe he was used to seeing it chalked) so I had to walk home in a snowstorm to get my passport.
One of many years that my birthday was on the Superbowl, I won $40 in a betting pool.
The year I turned 29 and went out for dinner with friends, and there was a little girl there who looked like my Mini Me. Which made me start to think about having a kid.The morning of my 30th birthday, I cried on my way to work, it was cold and rainy and crappy out. I didn't feel better until Mike told me he was taking me to Vegas the next day, and had already cleared it with my boss. My coworkers surprised me with a cake, and my family and friends met me at our favorite bar for Happy Hour. I received one of my best birthday presents ever from my friend Jennifer (who I mention so often in this blog that I should just write a whole post about her), a scrapbook, all about me. I'm so happy to have it so Luke and Eliza will know what their Mom was like as a person, and not just as their Mom. On the subway ride home, I sipped from my brown paper bag wrapped beer and felt loved. Until I got off the train, and saw an undercover cop wave me over, to give me a ticket for open container. I told him "I turned 30 today" and he said "Happy Birthday" and let me off.
The year I turned 32 and I was pregnant with Luke. Mike and I went to Balthazar for breakfast, and in addition to my wonderful meal, I ordered a $16 bread basket and ate that as well.
I've had several birthday dinners with my sisters in law, as our birthdays are close together. We've been here, here and here.
The morning I turned 36, and put on my favorite jeans, and they ripped. I wondered if that was some kind of message.
So that's that. For this birthday, I put in my request for a chocolate cake, some time for a run, and a new pair of pj's. And time with Mike and the kids. Like this photo of my first birthday as a Mom of Two. Mike's not in it, but my other loves (including the cake) are.
AW! What a great post! A Happy early birthday greeting :o) It was really such fun reading about all your birthday memories and milestones! I have to say how crazy cute was that of your 6th birthday! haha Now, was the whole purpose of wanting that blue suitcase, for the sole reason of sitting in it?
Blessings & Aloha!
(It was fun getting to know more about you here :o) And thank you for your sweet comment :o)
I just became a follower...ah! with working full time (and I am thankful for that) I dont get to blog read and post as often...but I will be back :o)
what great birthday memories, you got me thinking back to my own. I discovered I don't have as good a memory as you do. But I did remember some good time :)
I loved hearing about all your birthdays. I loved my 50th when my kids threw me a party! For me it started getting really good at 40. Not that I didn't like my life before then, I certainly did! I love the story about the cop letting you off. What a good guy! Enjoy your day.
What a great post!! Have a wonderful birthday, Molly!!
Have a wonderful birthday!!! My 30th birthday was depressing for me. However, now I realize I am liking being in my 30's more :-)
Happy Birthday Molly! You are so funny, I really enjoyed reading through all of your birthday memories. I would not want to go back to my twenties either, too much going on in my head back then. I am much more settled and content in my thirties, like you said.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend!
PS-girl, why would you waste cake frosting like that? Why? ;)
Happy birthday! :)
Happy Birthday!!!
Aren't pj's the best? I always ask for them for every holiday. It is my favorite thing to get other than a purse.
Have a great day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a great weekend!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You have a great memory. I don't remember any of my birthday memories. Oh, yeas maybe a few:)You know what, i agree with you about 20's lol. I don't miss these years either. Not at all. Have a wonderful birthday weekend Molly!
Yeah I'm approaching 40 also, no worries bc you are young at heart...Happy birthday Molly!
Happy Birthday!!! I don't really remember any of my birthdays except for 30. I had a horrible year that year.....midlife crisis for sure!!! Turning 40 was a breeze though. Now whenever I get to 50, yikes!
Hi Molly,
I just found your blog! I have been blogging for about eight weeks now and I am on a mission to find new and interesting blogs:) First I thought, "Oh this girl looks pretty, I bet she is twenty something." Or not...holy crap you look great for being 38!! I just turned 40 a few weeks ago and am still claiming that I am 34:) Anyhow, I enjoyed your little trip down memory lane. I also cried when I turned 30 but I eventually got over it:) My son recently got busted drinking in his dorm too!!!
I think that you have a nice little blog here and I will return to read more! Have a great weekend:) Happy Birthday!!
Okay...it's another birthday (I'm only 3 years behind you, and I've had my own ripped jean incident)...but the bottom line is that you are happy, healthy, and have a beautiful family! Does the number really matter compared to all of that? Besides, in my opinion, at least from your pics, you don't look like you are 38! So happy birthday! Enjoy, and think of all the other birthdays you have to look forward to, spending time with family and friends.
Happy Birthday! Those are some great memories, I hope that today adds another memorable experience to the list.
I came across because I saw your very sensible comment about tribes over at 'Joys of my Splintered Life...', and because there aren't enough sensible people in the world, and I wanted to say hello.
OK - First time reader although I don't know if I can keep coming back. Seriously, I gained five pounds over three posts! :-)
I like that you went back through some birthday highlights. Maybe I'll do that when I hit the big, dreaded one this year.
If someone told me at thirty-eight, "I can't believe you're turning forty," I'd... I don't know what I'd do, but that person would be sorry.
Happy Birthday! I know what you mean about not "feeling" forty. Perhaps with guys it is a bit different. I mean, every woman knows that we really don't mature much past the age of eighteen, right?
Happy birthday. I have one coming up soon. Isn't funny that when you tell someone when your birthday is that they reply by telling you of someone they're related to, or know, that has, or nearly has the same birthday—like that would really matter? People always do that. BTW, my brother's birthday is the 27th too. :-)
Happy birthday!
Happy BD! You look far younger than your years so you're doing something right! I enjoyed hearing about past BDs...the only one I had a tough time with was 30 when I was newly divorced and living in DC -- a unfriendly city for finding relationships -- but that was long ago, I am now 52, and life is good......
I wish you a Happy Birthday! It was fun reading through your Birthday memories!!
Now I must go try that bread from your last post!
Visiting from SITS :-)
40 has come and gone for me and you know what? No real difference, so don't sweat it!
Happy Birthday! (Sorry it's late, but it's no less felt.)
My mother called me and cried when I turned 40. I thought 40 was great, but she cried. Being 38 is wonderful--enjoy every minute of it!
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