Sunday, January 31, 2010
The boy did good
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Let's Get This Birthday Weekend Started (Fist Pump, a la The Jersey Shore)

Which is making me think about some of my birthdays.
There was the year I turned six, and wanted a big blue suitcase. Which I got, and proceeded to sit inside of to watch television.
The year I turned 16, and my parents rented out a room at an Italian restaurant, and I had all my best girlfriends out for dinner. I'm still very close to five of those girls.The year I turned 17 and got my drivers license, and spent the weekend driving around in my Dad's car, which didn't have working seat belts.
The year I turned 18 and I was just excited that I could vote (dork).
The year I turned 19 and was in college, and I got busted for drinking in the dorm. I was so mad I started whipping birthday cake frosting at the window until it looked like it was snowing outside. Then my friend S cleaned it up (Thanks S).
The year I turned 21 and the bouncer at the bar didn't believe my drivers licence (maybe he was used to seeing it chalked) so I had to walk home in a snowstorm to get my passport.
One of many years that my birthday was on the Superbowl, I won $40 in a betting pool.
The year I turned 29 and went out for dinner with friends, and there was a little girl there who looked like my Mini Me. Which made me start to think about having a kid.The morning of my 30th birthday, I cried on my way to work, it was cold and rainy and crappy out. I didn't feel better until Mike told me he was taking me to Vegas the next day, and had already cleared it with my boss. My coworkers surprised me with a cake, and my family and friends met me at our favorite bar for Happy Hour. I received one of my best birthday presents ever from my friend Jennifer (who I mention so often in this blog that I should just write a whole post about her), a scrapbook, all about me. I'm so happy to have it so Luke and Eliza will know what their Mom was like as a person, and not just as their Mom. On the subway ride home, I sipped from my brown paper bag wrapped beer and felt loved. Until I got off the train, and saw an undercover cop wave me over, to give me a ticket for open container. I told him "I turned 30 today" and he said "Happy Birthday" and let me off.
The year I turned 32 and I was pregnant with Luke. Mike and I went to Balthazar for breakfast, and in addition to my wonderful meal, I ordered a $16 bread basket and ate that as well.
I've had several birthday dinners with my sisters in law, as our birthdays are close together. We've been here, here and here.
The morning I turned 36, and put on my favorite jeans, and they ripped. I wondered if that was some kind of message.
So that's that. For this birthday, I put in my request for a chocolate cake, some time for a run, and a new pair of pj's. And time with Mike and the kids. Like this photo of my first birthday as a Mom of Two. Mike's not in it, but my other loves (including the cake) are.
Veggies....Bacon....I have room for it all
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sidebar Bling

so check his site out.....and fyi, I wrote about Gargoyle Athletics because I wanted to, I'm not being compensated for my views. : )
There's lots of happiness floating around the blogosphere lately....I was tagged last week for a happiness post which I split between running and cooking. Now over the weekend, I was tagged again by Susan from Family Formula, and Bella from La Bella Vita passed the Happiness Award to me.

I need to list 10 things that make me happy......
1. taking walks with my kids
2. thick socks
3. talks with Mike, where we catch up on what's going on in our family, and in the world
4. a full refrigerator
5. the Fab Six - my group of girlfriends, we've known each other for over 25 years
6. bodies of water, either the beaches of Long Island, or lakes in the Adirondacks
7. a clean house
8. when I'm flipping channels and find a good old movie to watch, when I say old, I mean the '80's
9. classic rock, disco, rap, and grunge
10.a book that is so good you hate to finish it
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Who said January is a slow month
I had a good week fitness wise. I had time to play with the Wii Fit, did two, three mile runs on the treadmill, and ran yesterday with Lake Effect. It was 18 degrees when I left my house, and there was a crazy fog coming up off the snow, I couldn't see the cars in the opposite lane until they were right next to me. It burned off though by the time I reached town. We headed out, and I was really feeling the cold, after the first two mile loop, my legs felt heavy, and the hills were hard compared to last week. Then my ipod crapped out, it was charged, but it just turned off, and wouldn't turn back on. It was right in the middle of the Black Eyed Peas too! This is the second time it's happened, and it's three years old, so I hope it hasn't reached the end of its ipod life.
After a second loop, my throat was scratchy from breathing in that cold air, my nose was running like crazy, but we decided to go for one more loop. I figured we were out, so why stop now. We ran the last loop in the opposite direction, and only had to deal with one hill, and the rest was a nice decline. Ended up doing 5.75 miles. I'm surprised at how much I sweat, even in that cold temperature, my hoodie was really damp and my headband was soaked.
I made it home for a quick shower, and got ready to go and see Wicked. It was a celebration of sorts, primarily for my mother in law, who is finishing up her last rounds of radiation for her breast cancer. It was her idea to go, and she gave the tickets to me, and my sisters in law for our birthday present. Our birthdays are around the same time, so it was a great gift. After the show we had dinner and drinks at Riley's. I went for the grilled snapper, which was topped with a roasted tomato, red pepper, onion and caper sauce. It went nicely with my two Harps.
Now it's time for football. I'm a Giant's fan, but since they're out, I'm going to have to root for the Jets over the Colts. Although I love me some Peyton to see why....
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Sweet Riot Winner!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Mind is a tricky thing
Monday, January 18, 2010
What can I find in my fridge......
So that's what they mean by a forefoot strike...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Just what the Doctor ordered
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Lots to be Happy about, but I'll start with running and cooking
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Organic Snackin'
Sunday, January 10, 2010
What a dork
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A Sweet Riot of a Giveaway
The nibs are little pieces of chocolate covered cacao, one of those natural wonders full of antioxidants. I'm off the sugar for the month, but I'm telling you, these are the bomb, each little nugget has 1 - 2 calories, I nibble a few and I've got my guilt free chocolate fix.
Lucky for you, I have two ways to try Sweet Riot, the first is a discount code to use at their online store. Use the code "rioting" for 10% off your order, although it excludes their riot club, which is already discounted on a monthly basis.
1. Become a Follower of my antics, or if you already follow, just say so
2. mention this giveaway on your blog and let me know
3. become a fan of Sweet Riot on Facebook -
4. follow their tweets
5. register for their newsletter for news & monthly discounts -
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Yet another Quest

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know I'm always up for a challenge. I did a month of Amazing Grass smoothies (still going strong) as well as ten weeks to Get Active with blog friends. I read Tall Mom on the Run for inspiration, she writes about being active while working full time, and being a wife and mother, and she reviews the latest and greatest running products. Well, she cooked up this doozy of a challenge after completing it herself in's to run 1,000 miles in one year. And since our New Year just started a week ago, that means I'm in a good place to try it myself!
It's a bit daunting, especially after I decided to take it easy on running for January. I'm not a betting kind of gal (except for the time I went to Vegas for my 30th birthday, and was yelling at the slot machines) but I bet that I can do it.
I ran three miles on the treadmill today, we have several feet of snow here, it definitely feels like January. I ordered a pair of Yak Traxs online (on sale, free shipping, I love after Christmas deals). I want to try and do more outside running during these winter months, and not be such a slave to my treadmill. Mike is nervous about me being on the road since the weather is so crappy, with all the large snowbanks he's afraid a car won't see me when I'm running. Until some of this melts, I'm going to have to stick to the trails around my house to give the Yak's a try. My cross country skis are also calling to's a good thing I like winter! : )
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Year, New Pizza Post
For the topping:
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 pounds (6 or 7 large) onions, very thinly sliced, I use Vidalia's
Salt and black pepper
1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts
1 1/2 cups (8 ounces) crumbled soft goat cheese
For the crust:
3 cups unbleached flour, plus extra for dusting
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 (12 ounce) bottle of beer
Vegetable Oil for greasing (don't use olive oil, it will burn the crust)
Heat the oil in a large stockpot over medium heat. Add the onions and a bunch of salt and pepper. Toss to coat well, then cover the pot. Cook, tossing occasionally, until the onions are very soft and are caramel brown all over. After the first 10 minutes, you will have to lower the heat to prevent sticking. The onions need to be cooked slowly over low heat in order to caramelize properly; this can take between 45 and 60 minutes, keep your eye on them. Keep them covered for the majority of the time, you will be surprised at how much they shrink. Remove the lid towards the end so you can get them the right color, once they are light brown, remove from the heat and let cool.
To make the crust, preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl and mix thoroughly. Pour in the beer and mix well. The dough will be sticky. Spread a handful of flour on your work surface and dump the dough onto it. Toss the dough around to coat it with the flour and prevent it from sticking. Knead it 2 or 3 times to make it pliable. You can shape the dough into a ball, then divide it in two to make two pizzas, but we just grease a large cookie sheet and make one big rectangle pizza.
Top the dough with the onions, then sprinkle the walnuts and cheese all over. Bake it about 12-15 minutes, until the edges are golden brown. You might want to sprinkle salt and pepper over it, but taste it first to decide. Then send me some.....