In honor of MCM Mama's love of the brew, I was hoping to do an outside run, and go past the Budweiser Brewery here in town. Mike is back to work this week, so I had to treadmill it instead. But I kept up the Beer Theme, Exhibit A: my Boilermaker 15k t-shirt from four years ago, that I dug out of my drawer, hence the wrinkles. I don't wear it often because it's cut kind of weird. If you aren't familiar, the Boilermaker is a race in Utica, NY, that ends at the Saranac Brewery, with free beer for everyone, including a pint glass. What I call my "Rohan Squinty Left Eye" is really obvious in this Grandfather, Mother and Aunt all have the same quirk, the left eye gets really small in pictures.
got the kids set with a game, put Monster's vs. Aliens on the television, mixed up some HEED (which I won in a past MCM Mama giveaway) then headed to the basement to hit the treadmill. I set the incline to 1% (thanks to Emz, I now do that so my treadmill run is comparable to running outside), and cranked it up to a 10 minute pace. And stayed there. My knee was bugging me a bit yesterday, and as I'm less than 3 weeks from the marathon, I'm not taking any chances.
I scrolled through daytime television, paused on VH1 '80's to watch a video from the movie Pretty in Pink (loved John Hughes), put on Fox News for a bit, watched some of a stupid movie with Beyonce, about a guy who is cheating on her with a psycho at work. Finally landed on Riding in Cars With Boys, with Drew Barrymore and Brittney Murphy. I really don't know what I would do without my basement television. The treadmill would just be a bear.
Happy Birthday MCM Mama!!
Lovely report!
P.S. who won Monster or Alien?
That sounded like a fun workout, I put a tv in the basement for the same reason.
Great report...I was a loser in this race with a DNF...haha. I had some weird ankle thing going on and like you do not want to take any chances with the marathon getting close, so I cut the run super short yesterday.
Cool workout! i should have got involved in this one -- im such a slacker lately! When I saw your pic I winked right back at ya !
I know what you're talking about! Running on the treadmill inside is a complete bore. The tv is the only thing that saves our minds from madness.
what a great way to honor her! I love the beer themed run.
I think you probably did her proud! Oh and I love Pretty in Pink!
Nice job - I love that you included the beer theme!
Beer themed run? Score!
Great job! The beer theme was a nice touch :)
Very nice! beer after the race? Sign me up...
Way to go!! YEA on the treadmill run!
Nice beer theme!
Tv is great!
8.25 on the dreadmill!!! Really!!! how!!! I mean I know your a runner, but thats a longgggggggggg way and time on the machine, well, ok, I do the same on the bike trainer, point taken, lol I am having a conversation with myself about it now, time to click post and move on, do de doo, I like the glass
I love Pretty in Pink.
Good Lord Molly, you ran that on the mill!?! You are a super stud for sure:) Nice race report...mine is coming tomorrow!
Way to rock the race...and I LOVE the beer theme...I wish I would have thought of that! Hopefully I'll get mine posted tomorrow:)
8.25 on a dreadmill is an undertaking. When I rarely use that evil stuff I prefer to listen music. What a pity, I am teetotal and I don't like the beer, how can I do?
Great race report!! Love the glass.
great virtual race!
Nice! and love the glass...but ya should've had a beer! it's got great carbs right? ;-)
1% incline on the treadmill may better simulate outdoors, but it makes my poor legs scream after only 1 mile. Impressive that you could maintain it for the duration.
I love the president in Monsters vs. Aliens when he's playing the keyboard, hilarious.
This is a good race report, this will be a good reference to our fellow racers. Good job!!!
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