I was cleaning out my desk the other day, and came across this age group award, that I won a few years ago. It was for the Adirondack Deer Run 10k, a small (maybe 65 runners?) race they held to raise funds for Kiwanis. It was so small, that they timed it with a stopwatch, I don't even recall what my time was. I do remember that it was unseasonably hot, and it started at 10:30 in the morning. They sent me this certificate a couple of weeks later. I'm definitely not the speediest of runners, so I think this will be my one and only race award!

To continue your viewing pleasure, here is a photo of that bathroom shelf that I keep knocking things off of. I had the chance to try this
Herbal Foam Cleanser, by Doctor D. Schwab. I'm picky about cleansers, I don't like them to have too many bells and whistles, because I get that from my all my anti-wrinkle/anti-blemish creams (it drives me nuts that I have to use
both of those suckers). The cleanser is oil free, the scent reminds me of fresh cut grass. I thought it would foam up more, but it does what I hoped it would, my skin felt very clean, but not dry. I learned about the cleanser from
America's Nutrition, a website that has everything from the bath products, to supplements and fitness gear. I like how you can shop their site by health concern, they definitely have a lot to explore.
It's Friday again.
And I'm officially a brunette again.
And I'm going to tell you what air headed move I made this week. After buying my new running shoes, I took the kids to Wegmans. After shopping, we headed out to the Jeep, where I noticed the back passenger door was WIDE open. I figured my shoes and $10 worth of GU would be gone, along with the EZ pass, sunglasses, and whatever else was in there that a thief might want. And go figure, everything was still sitting there. Thankfully.
And as soon as we got home, the first thing Luke said to Mike was "Guess what Mommy did!!!"
Please note that I received the Herbal Foam Cleanser for the purpose of this review, my opinions on the product are entirely my own.
First time caller here. Cool award, it should be framed. The trick is to pick the right races, or keep getting older.
I just won my first AG triathlon medal. SOOO Proud. I wore it all night Sunday.
Awards will always be cherihed
Poor you, got ratted out as soon as you got home.
I got a 1st place age group award the very first 5K I ever ran in. Nevermind the fact that I was the only one in the 20-24 age group. Totally doesn't matter.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has to use antiwrinkle AND antiblemish. I thought I was the only one lucky enough to have the teenager's acne AND the old-lady crows feet.
Everybody that passed your car--even if they WERE a thief--probably thought it was some kind of camera-rigged trap and wouldn't dare try to steal anything from it!
Hi Molly,
Woo hoo for the age group award! I have only a few age group wins so far. The only time I win is if it is a smaller race:) The thing that totally sucks is that I am in the 40-45 age group now..it sucks...40 year old runners kick butt!
You with an anti wrinkle product..please! I am pretty darn sure you flipping still get carded:)
Happy weekend!
After 29 years of running I've won zero awards. Well, a few distance awards but that's not the same. I've even been in races with 15, 21, 34 and 39 finishers...but no awards. Super slow me!
Gotta love awards!!! Don't ever put the disclaimer of how many people were at the race... it doesn't matter! think of all the people you beat who didn't even come out to the race! :)
Gotta love the kids who will turn you in the first chance they get! :)
Yay for awards!! Never say never, you may get another one!!
Congratulations on placing, that's awesome! I agree with Mighty M., never say never. ::smiles::
I'm glad nothing was stolen from your car - what a relief!
yay for the award! :D I got one in a really small 5k... 3rd in my age division! lol... and the race was really small ;) one of these days i will get a first place prize!!! (in my dreams lol)
Nice award! And you got really lucky leaving your car door open like that! I left my shopping cart for 10 seconds at the grocery this week and someone swiped my iphone. We have to be so careful these days...
Whew! So lucky on the car, huh?
Hey, I have a feeling that is not your last award.
Tattle tale. LOL! I left the passenger door of our van open too-thank goodness it hadn't started to rain yet... Are you going to show us your brunette self? Very curious... (Come by my site when you have time, okay?)
Yayyy I love awards and you got one for RUNNING!!! Your a superstar. I got an award in high school for eating the most food (problem began earlier!) PS I can't wait to read your twittery feeds
Potential thief probably looked in the Jeep, saw the GU and said, "Dude, what's with this girl?" and moved on to the next victim.
Had a similar experience recently, good reminder to walk around the car before/after...but we're always in a hurry!
Bet you smiled when you found that award! And you got some signatures from some official Kiwanis, that is like priceless right? Might want to hold on to that one!
That is a cool award :)
Pretty lucky that nothing was gone from the car...oh I've had those days :)
You definitely need to hang that award.
And, I think I'd hang my son too if he had done that. Kids will be kids, though; I'm constantly checking that doors are closed behind them. I'm glad nothing was missing. Good karma.
Embrace that award!!! You still got one!!! :)
I don't think that is an airheaded thing...so hard to remember everything with kids in tow!!
Cool award! Herbal Foam Cleanser sounds really good. Gotta try it! Have a great weekend Molly!
Love your award! I'll probably never get one, too slow. So, my opinion is to frame that baby!
I haven't tried the Accelerade, but have tried a few other Hammer Nutrition products (my SIL works for them). I like them because they don't have sugar and thus my tummy is fine when I run. :)
I've only ever placed in my age group when there were only 3 in my age group, lol.
I left the front door of my house open before. I also count the kids when I am out to make sure I haven't lost any.
Wegmans... I'm green with envy over here. Don't even get me started. Congrats on the age group win- a win is a win! :) I'm glad your car wasn't ransacked!
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