Thirteen days from the marathon, and I really hope I didn't injure myself on my 12 mile run Sunday.
Two years ago I pulled my left hamstring doing speed work, ended up not running for months, and having to go to Physical Therapy. I'm vigilant about icing it after every run, stretching before and after a run, and using my foam roller if I feel like it's getting tight.
Sunday was going to be the last time Jeannine and Norine and I ran together as a group, we've been doing our long runs together for all these weeks of training. The girls made it to my house at seven, Norine planned to do her 21 mile run that day, she had already run over nine miles when we set out. Beautiful morning, we varied the route a bit, I was moving along and feeling great.
Then about 5 miles in, I felt my hamstring kind of seize up into a painful knot, I've never had a cramp in my legs while running, so I just assumed that's what it was. I slowed down, walked a bit, and realized I hadn't been drinking much water. So I guzzled some Nuun, water, and a chocolate GU, and got moving again, but slowly. I tried to rub the cramp out, but no go. So I just started running, hoping it would work itself out. Then about 9 miles in, my freakin' blister toe started acting up, and I got pissed off, and walked a good half mile. Started to feel a bit better, so I was able to keep up with J & N and finish it off.
When I got home I rolled on the foam roller, iced my leg, and took some advil. I tried to stay off my feet the rest of the day, but if I walked too fast my leg hurt.
It feels better this morning, but I slept like crap worrying about it. I made an appointment with my PT on Wednesday, but I'm not sure what to do about this week's runs. I can't believe I made it this far without any major problems, but now I have one. Was it just a cramp? Or more????
Like I said, I'm trying not to bug out. But it's a little hard not to.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Happy Circle

1. I love a good night out. Like Friday night's foray to the NY State Fair, which lasts for 12 days every August. Usually its a day out with the kids, taking them on rides, looking at animals and the butter sculpture. But Friday was all about the grown ups, being silly, having beers. I laughed until I cried more than once. I also finally acquired a cowboy hat....I've wanted one for so long, and when we came across the leather goods tent I told Mike he was buying me one and that was it. I love it, I think it will make a great beach hat. It looks even better with my Ray Ban Aviators.
2. Sleeping children make me happy. Once in a while I'll even get into their beds with them and fall asleep myself. Bonuses all around. Sleep, plus snuggle time.
3. Bread makes me extremely happy. My mornings are bleak if I don't have some kind of toast and topping with my coffee. A chunk of baguette with a slice of cheddar on top. Or toasted with warm brie. Rye with corned beef, wheat dunked in soup or stew. An everything bagel from the Bagel House in Astoria. Just plain old white toast with butter. Ezekiel with roasted tomatoes and a sprinkle of Parmesan. Italian dipped in olive oil with fresh pepper and cracked sea salt......
4. My jeans make me happy. Dark wash, light wash with holes, dressed up with black leather boots, dressed down with Birkenstocks. Paired with black snow boots in winter, or brown Frye Cowboy boots in the fall (is there cowgirl theme here?) The most expensive pair I own are 7 For All Mankind, the least expensive are a pair I got for $12 at Old Navy. A pair of Daisy Dukes from college that I can juuuust fit into. And still I will shop for more.
5. Books cover my house, so that makes me happy. The bookcase in the living room is overflowing, books are in the family room, in the kids rooms, in the guest room, on my bedside table, in all three bathrooms. I need a stack of unread magazines, and three books waiting to be read, or else panic sets in. Every year on my birthday I stroll through Barnes and Noble, coffee in hand, looking for my annual present to myself. No matter how hard I try, I always have a fine at the library for overdue books. They make me happy.
I'm to pass this along to 5 bloggers, but I have so many blogs that I love, that I'm passing it to whoever else would like to do it.
Be Happy.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Mama Goes Masters Virtual Race Report.
In honor of MCM Mama's love of the brew, I was hoping to do an outside run, and go past the Budweiser Brewery here in town. Mike is back to work this week, so I had to treadmill it instead. But I kept up the Beer Theme, Exhibit A: my Boilermaker 15k t-shirt from four years ago, that I dug out of my drawer, hence the wrinkles. I don't wear it often because it's cut kind of weird. If you aren't familiar, the Boilermaker is a race in Utica, NY, that ends at the Saranac Brewery, with free beer for everyone, including a pint glass. What I call my "Rohan Squinty Left Eye" is really obvious in this Grandfather, Mother and Aunt all have the same quirk, the left eye gets really small in pictures.
got the kids set with a game, put Monster's vs. Aliens on the television, mixed up some HEED (which I won in a past MCM Mama giveaway) then headed to the basement to hit the treadmill. I set the incline to 1% (thanks to Emz, I now do that so my treadmill run is comparable to running outside), and cranked it up to a 10 minute pace. And stayed there. My knee was bugging me a bit yesterday, and as I'm less than 3 weeks from the marathon, I'm not taking any chances.
I scrolled through daytime television, paused on VH1 '80's to watch a video from the movie Pretty in Pink (loved John Hughes), put on Fox News for a bit, watched some of a stupid movie with Beyonce, about a guy who is cheating on her with a psycho at work. Finally landed on Riding in Cars With Boys, with Drew Barrymore and Brittney Murphy. I really don't know what I would do without my basement television. The treadmill would just be a bear.
Happy Birthday MCM Mama!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
First Marathon? No Sweat!
I'm happy to have Amanda here, as my first guest blogger, to share her advice for first time Marathon Runners......
Thanks to Molly for letting me invade her blog today! For those who haven't visited me at RunToTheFinish, swing by as I'd love to get to know you and learn from your running, biking, hiking, eating experiences!
Most people are shocked, surprised and in complete disbelief when I tell them that my first marathon was still my best race experience to date. That race was so good in fact I feared running another marathon and didn't sign up again for 3 years!! How was I able to have such a great experience?
1. Put in the miles. Don't worry about speed for this first race, just get in miles on your feet all week, every week.
2. Pat yourself on the back. It's easy to get bogged down in all those miles, unless you take time to really congratulate yourself on each milestone. Be amazed, awed and proud of each mile you run that is farther than the last week.
3. Find a pattern. Consistency is key for your first marathon, you need to create a habit. Run at the same time or the same path on certain days to create a natural rhythm to your life for the 18 weeks of training.
4. Choice. Realize that you don't "have to" run, you are a lucky person that "gets to" run. You have people in your life that make it possible for you to have the time to run, you have a body that allows you to run, etc...whatever it may be for you remember that this is your choice.
1. Run it for fun! Your first marathon shouldn't be about hitting a specific time goal, it should be about crossing the finish line without wanting to kill someone.
2. Talk! I talked to all kinds of people throughout the race and that made the miles pass.
3. Thanks! Say thank you to spectators, to policemen, to the water'll be amazed at how saying thank you actually boosts your mood and hence keeps those legs pumping.
4. Pray! I kid sort of...but really once I hit mile 24 praying and saying thank you to some higher power helped me get my emotions under control and keep running.
5. SMILE!! You know the old saying fake it til you make it. It works with running too! If you keep smiling and reminding yourself that you are excited about this experience it makes the whole day amazing...take in every moment.
Have you run a marathon yet?? How did your first compare to any after that? If you haven't done one yet, I'd love to know why or will you ever?! I always said I wouldn't, but get sucked in and 4 later I keep saying I won't do another one.
Thanks to Molly for letting me invade her blog today! For those who haven't visited me at RunToTheFinish, swing by as I'd love to get to know you and learn from your running, biking, hiking, eating experiences!
Most people are shocked, surprised and in complete disbelief when I tell them that my first marathon was still my best race experience to date. That race was so good in fact I feared running another marathon and didn't sign up again for 3 years!! How was I able to have such a great experience?
1. Put in the miles. Don't worry about speed for this first race, just get in miles on your feet all week, every week.
2. Pat yourself on the back. It's easy to get bogged down in all those miles, unless you take time to really congratulate yourself on each milestone. Be amazed, awed and proud of each mile you run that is farther than the last week.
3. Find a pattern. Consistency is key for your first marathon, you need to create a habit. Run at the same time or the same path on certain days to create a natural rhythm to your life for the 18 weeks of training.
4. Choice. Realize that you don't "have to" run, you are a lucky person that "gets to" run. You have people in your life that make it possible for you to have the time to run, you have a body that allows you to run, etc...whatever it may be for you remember that this is your choice.
1. Run it for fun! Your first marathon shouldn't be about hitting a specific time goal, it should be about crossing the finish line without wanting to kill someone.
2. Talk! I talked to all kinds of people throughout the race and that made the miles pass.
3. Thanks! Say thank you to spectators, to policemen, to the water'll be amazed at how saying thank you actually boosts your mood and hence keeps those legs pumping.
4. Pray! I kid sort of...but really once I hit mile 24 praying and saying thank you to some higher power helped me get my emotions under control and keep running.
5. SMILE!! You know the old saying fake it til you make it. It works with running too! If you keep smiling and reminding yourself that you are excited about this experience it makes the whole day amazing...take in every moment.
Have you run a marathon yet?? How did your first compare to any after that? If you haven't done one yet, I'd love to know why or will you ever?! I always said I wouldn't, but get sucked in and 4 later I keep saying I won't do another one.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
More than 21
I should have known something was up last Sunday, it was dark and rainy out, and after lunch, I got the kids settled down with a movie, then went upstairs to get the laundry. When I saw my bed I decided to stretch out on it for a minute, which turned into two hours. It is rare that I nap, so I must have needed it. The next morning I went out for six miles, and I was okay, but felt kinda lousy. I was looking forward to an 8 mile trail run the next day at a nature center in town, where I've been trying to go all summer. My head and nose had different plans, I barely made it through six, because I felt like I was going to hurl and my head was going to explode. So the rest of the day and night I stayed on the couch, I couldn't even smell the garlic laden tomato sauce Mike was making.
The next day was a perfect day to go to the JETS Training Camp, at SUNY Cortland, where Mike and I met. I'm a Giants fan, but the Jets are my #2. It was very cool to be able to be right at the side of the field while they practiced (yes, that was Mark Sanchez in the photos, as well as L.T.). Eliza scored a foam #1 Fan Finger, and Luke got a jersey for $10 (bargain!) and mini football. We took the kids through campus and had lunch in town, so it was a nice rest day.
So all of a sudden it was Saturday, time for the last long training run. I was ready for it, but mostly ready for it to be done, the training getting kind of old, I'm ready to just run this marathon already. I made it over to Jeannine's house by 6:30 a.m., and we took a "scenic route" all around town back to my house. We've been really lucky with the weather for our long runs, and yesterday it was in the low 60's, with no humidity. As usual, the first half flew by, I was busy blowing my nose and entertaining Jeannine with all my hocking and spitting noises. I really need to be more vigilant about my fueling schedule. I usually suck down a GU every 5 miles, I was too busy running to realize we had already gone 7.5 miles, and all I had taken in was water. At 10.5 we made a quick stop at Dunkin' Donuts to use the bathroom and replenish my tissue supply (I ignored the donuts). Then we were off again, chomping on sports beans, water and Nuun.
I really like the route we do, it goes through the village, by the river, through neighborhoods with some really cute houses, as well as farmland. We pass by wild flowers, corn fields, and yesterday, we ran by some late summer raspberries. We usually leave from my house, but yesterday we ran it the opposite way, which was enough of a change to keep it interesting.
It seems that I start to feel the run at mile 17, and that was true yesterday, I felt it right in my quads. Then at 18, my toe with the blister started to feel sore too. But that was really it. My head was in the right place, my lungs felt good. It was just a matter of staying in the moment. I'm happy to say that I haven't been using my ipod for all these runs, which for me is huge.
We came to an intersection that leads into my development, and I paused G-unit while we waited for the light. And I forgot to turn it back on, I didn't realize it for about 10 minutes. UGH! Jeannine had mapped out a 21.09 mile route, but I wanted to know our time. Aside from that, we were having a good run. I kept waiting for something to happen, to hit a wall, or trip, hack up a lung, whatever, but my house was getting closer and closer, and I knew I could keep going. Like 26.2 miles.
After the run, I had a smoothie with fruit and Amazing Grass, took my ice bath, then ate a bean burrito, and took a hot shower. Then I was running again, around my house to clean and cook to get ready for Miss Eliza's Fourth Birthday party (I don't know how that happened, she was a baby just last week). When Jeannine came back for the party, she had driven part of the route that we ran when G-Unit was off. We did the math, and we ended up doing closer to 22 miles, in 3 hours and 45 minutes.
After cake and ice cream, and gifts that included red sparkly cowgirl boots, princess lip gloss and a ukulele, I sat down. And my quads started screaming at me. Seriously, they have never felt so sore. So I hauled out the ice packs, had some wine, and watched the end of the movie Signs. Which always scares the crap out of me.
I'm off to catch up on blogs, and to celebrate Eliza's actual birthday tomorrow. I love this picture of us. And it cracks me up that my foam roller is sitting in the background.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Going into week 15
I got a little nervous the other night about the marathon. It was bound to happen sometime, since it's now only four weeks away, and we're talking more about making hotel reservations and what we want to do after the race. I'm not in freak out mode, just a few butterflies. I have my 21 mile run planned for this Saturday, I'm sure after that I'll have a better idea of what I'm capable of. I know I can do it, it's just getting closer and closer to the day that I actually DO it.
My 12 miler this weekend was good, nothing out of the ordinary, it went by pretty quickly. When we got back to my house everyone was still in bed, so the kids didn't have too much of a chance to drive Daddy nuts before I got home. I used some waterproof first aid tape on my blister, and Ta-Daaaa! it's gone, and knock on wood, hasn't come back. But thanks for all the suggestions on how to get rid of that sucker.
I'm on a cleaning kick, and I've been going through boxes of cards, pictures, and things I've ripped out of magazines, I even found an inspirational card that I used to keep next to my computer at work. I read through two favorite poems, one is by Yeats that I associate with Mike, the other is by Elizabeth Barrett Browning that I associate with the kids (old blog post here). I get most of my inspiration from books.....and song lyrics, I have a few of my favorites on my blog sidebar. If you have a favorite quote or lyric, I'd love to hear it.
My summer of giveaways has ended.....and without further delay, the winner of the Nathan Speed 2R fuel belt is Elizabeth, from Highway to Health! (I used to pick the winner). Congrats Elizabeth, email me your address and I'll get it right out to you!
My 12 miler this weekend was good, nothing out of the ordinary, it went by pretty quickly. When we got back to my house everyone was still in bed, so the kids didn't have too much of a chance to drive Daddy nuts before I got home. I used some waterproof first aid tape on my blister, and Ta-Daaaa! it's gone, and knock on wood, hasn't come back. But thanks for all the suggestions on how to get rid of that sucker.
I'm on a cleaning kick, and I've been going through boxes of cards, pictures, and things I've ripped out of magazines, I even found an inspirational card that I used to keep next to my computer at work. I read through two favorite poems, one is by Yeats that I associate with Mike, the other is by Elizabeth Barrett Browning that I associate with the kids (old blog post here). I get most of my inspiration from books.....and song lyrics, I have a few of my favorites on my blog sidebar. If you have a favorite quote or lyric, I'd love to hear it.
My summer of giveaways has ended.....and without further delay, the winner of the Nathan Speed 2R fuel belt is Elizabeth, from Highway to Health! (I used to pick the winner). Congrats Elizabeth, email me your address and I'll get it right out to you!
Friday, August 13, 2010
this will probably be my only running award
I was cleaning out my desk the other day, and came across this age group award, that I won a few years ago. It was for the Adirondack Deer Run 10k, a small (maybe 65 runners?) race they held to raise funds for Kiwanis. It was so small, that they timed it with a stopwatch, I don't even recall what my time was. I do remember that it was unseasonably hot, and it started at 10:30 in the morning. They sent me this certificate a couple of weeks later. I'm definitely not the speediest of runners, so I think this will be my one and only race award!
To continue your viewing pleasure, here is a photo of that bathroom shelf that I keep knocking things off of. I had the chance to try this Herbal Foam Cleanser, by Doctor D. Schwab. I'm picky about cleansers, I don't like them to have too many bells and whistles, because I get that from my all my anti-wrinkle/anti-blemish creams (it drives me nuts that I have to use both of those suckers). The cleanser is oil free, the scent reminds me of fresh cut grass. I thought it would foam up more, but it does what I hoped it would, my skin felt very clean, but not dry. I learned about the cleanser from America's Nutrition, a website that has everything from the bath products, to supplements and fitness gear. I like how you can shop their site by health concern, they definitely have a lot to explore.
It's Friday again.
And I'm officially a brunette again.
And I'm going to tell you what air headed move I made this week. After buying my new running shoes, I took the kids to Wegmans. After shopping, we headed out to the Jeep, where I noticed the back passenger door was WIDE open. I figured my shoes and $10 worth of GU would be gone, along with the EZ pass, sunglasses, and whatever else was in there that a thief might want. And go figure, everything was still sitting there. Thankfully.
And as soon as we got home, the first thing Luke said to Mike was "Guess what Mommy did!!!"
Please note that I received the Herbal Foam Cleanser for the purpose of this review, my opinions on the product are entirely my own.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Like a blister in the sun.
I've gone without one for so long, including the past fourteen weeks of marathon training, that I almost didn't recognize the feeling until I took my shoe off yesterday, mid-run, in my new kicks.
A blister! UGH!
I had had it with my Nike's, so on Tuesday I went to Fleet Feet and got a much needed new pair of running shoes. I went with something new, the Brooks Adrenaline in a lovely size 11. They felt great as soon as I put them on, so I was excited to try them out on my run last night. I must have laced my right foot too tight, because I developed a blister between two of my toes. I forgot about how gross they look.
I'm going to stick a band aid on it today and get back at it, I have to do 8 miles today.
Now, onto the winner of the CSN giveaway, thank you to everyone who entered! Using, the winner is #13, Wannabe Runner at One Crazy Penguin. Congrats!
You still have until Sunday to enter the Nathan Fuel Belt Part 2 giveaway.....
A blister! UGH!
I had had it with my Nike's, so on Tuesday I went to Fleet Feet and got a much needed new pair of running shoes. I went with something new, the Brooks Adrenaline in a lovely size 11. They felt great as soon as I put them on, so I was excited to try them out on my run last night. I must have laced my right foot too tight, because I developed a blister between two of my toes. I forgot about how gross they look.
I'm going to stick a band aid on it today and get back at it, I have to do 8 miles today.
Now, onto the winner of the CSN giveaway, thank you to everyone who entered! Using, the winner is #13, Wannabe Runner at One Crazy Penguin. Congrats!
You still have until Sunday to enter the Nathan Fuel Belt Part 2 giveaway.....
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
more to know about me.

Hmmmmm, what the heck haven't I told you yet?
1. I loved working in restaurants, my first job was as a bus girl in high school, at the Pig N Whistle, a restaurant down at the beach. My last job was waiting tables at a tappas style place, I did three shifts a week in addition to working full time, to help pay for my wedding. I just love the vibe. The cash is nice too.
2. The first concert I went to was Bryan Adams, the last one was Kelly Clarkson last summer. The best one I went to was the Grammy's in 2003, where and Simon and Garfunkel reunited to sing The Sound of Silence (hello goosebumps).
3. I no longer have a Long Island accent. Although I've been told it comes back when I chew gum.
4. My first car was a '78 Chevy Malibu, an old undercover police car with a broken speedometer. Never got a ticket.
5. I was an exchange student in high school, and I'm still in contact with people from the program. I stayed just outside of London, and was able to spend time in Scotland and Wales while I was there. I really want Luke and Eliza to take advantage of a program like that.
6. I'm good at party tricks. I can fit my fist into my mouth, and I can do "chin man." (draw a nose, and eyes on your chin, hang upside down off the edge of the couch, and cover your face from your nose down. It looks like a weird little person talking to you).
7. I can be lazy about certain things. I have a shelf in the bathroom, and I'm constantly knocking things off it, and they land in....the toilet. One time my whole make up bag went in. But do I move things off the shelf, or, possibly close the lid? No. I don't.
8. I'm very close to my family, I speak with my sister Meagen at least once a day. One of the hardest things I've had to do was to tell them we were moving upstate.
9. If there was a fire, other than Mike and the kids, the first thing I would grab are my photo albums. Everything else you can replace.
I'm to tag three bloggers, and they are:
Andrea from Wife, Mother, Runner
Erika from Chasing My Monkeys 1 Mile at a time
and three...Runners Fuel
Monday, August 9, 2010
19 miles and an abundance of produce
When Mike and I first moved in together, we used to take walks after work. Mike used to pretend that he hated doing it, and his running joke was that he was in too much pain to walk. He would say, "Oh my foot hurts. Oh my back hurts. Oh my ear hurts." That's kind of how I felt, for real, during my 19 miler on Sunday.
For the most part, my long runs have been going great, and this week was great too, but I was definitely feeling it at the end. We left from Norine's house, and followed the same route as last week, into the next town and back again. Right off the bat, my left arch was bugging me, and it lasted for the next couple of miles. Although I'm not due for a new pair of running shoes, I think I have to get some new ones, because my PF keeps threatening to flare up. I switched from Asics to Nike in March, and I was happy with them at first, but something isn't feeling right, and if I'm going to try something new, I'd better do it now, since I'm exactly one month from the marathon.
My arch started to feel better, and we cruised along, I had a GU at 6.5 miles, later than I normally do, but time was flying by. We made a pit stop in the park at 9.5 miles, and I felt confident about the second half. Then my knee started acting up again, and at mile 15 I realized I should have had another GU back at mile 13, although I was drinking Nuun and water. I was kind of tired, and my legs felt heavy, but we were going up a small hill, and once we turned onto a flat road, I regrouped, turned on my ipod, and felt a million times better, so I took a photo.
Around mile 17 my legs were really getting a workout, and by 18.5, even my back was feeling it. I was happy that the run was coming to an end, but I felt like if I really had to, I could do the full 26. I just wouldn't be very happy about it.
Once I got home the house was empty, so I took my ice bath in peace, and then inhaled a turkey sandwich. Then I made a smoothie with Amazing Grass, banana, and frozen blueberries and raspberries that we picked this summer. Then later on Mike made fresh corn and zucchini fritters, we got a huge zucchini at the public market for only a buck. We also bought 25 pounds of lovely roma tomatoes, I've been roasting them in batches to freeze for sauce. I actually had some this morning for one of my favorite breakfasts, smeared on some Ezekiel toast.
This week my runs are going to be six, eight, eight, then the long run is 12! That's going to feel like a cake walk.
I just posted a new Nathan Fuel Belt giveaway here, and there are a couple days left for the CSN giveaway here!
Happy Trails!
Second Chance at a Fuel Belt
I was cracking up when I read the comments on my last post about my tattoo. I haven't gotten it yet, I'm having it done a couple of weeks after the marathon. I've always wanted one, and came close a few times, and I figured what better way to mark a 26.2 milestone by getting inked? It's going to be a celtic cross, I like the one my brother has on his arm, but mine will go on my ankle.
THANK YOU to everyone who entered the Nathan Fuel belt giveaway, I'm still working my way over to your blogs, but I enjoyed reading about the races everyone is training for. First, congrats to Lynette, who is training for 2 half marathons a week apart, and is also thinking about an ultra in the fall (I used to pick the winner).
Now, here is a second chance to win....a Nathan Speed 2R Auto-Cant, with Race Flasks. If you entered my first Nathan giveaway, leave me a comment letting me know you did so, and for this go around, I will give you the same number of entries that you did the last time. If you missed the first giveawy, you can enter by going to the Nathan website, and letting me know what you thought of their products. For additional entries:
1. like Nathan on Facebook or Twitter
2. follow my blog
3. spread the word and let me know how you did so.
This giveaway ends at midnight EST, on Sunday August 15th.
THANK YOU to everyone who entered the Nathan Fuel belt giveaway, I'm still working my way over to your blogs, but I enjoyed reading about the races everyone is training for. First, congrats to Lynette, who is training for 2 half marathons a week apart, and is also thinking about an ultra in the fall (I used to pick the winner).
Now, here is a second chance to win....a Nathan Speed 2R Auto-Cant, with Race Flasks. If you entered my first Nathan giveaway, leave me a comment letting me know you did so, and for this go around, I will give you the same number of entries that you did the last time. If you missed the first giveawy, you can enter by going to the Nathan website, and letting me know what you thought of their products. For additional entries:
1. like Nathan on Facebook or Twitter
2. follow my blog
3. spread the word and let me know how you did so.
This giveaway ends at midnight EST, on Sunday August 15th.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
close to one sentence thoughts
I think there is something to my theory that if you want to have the sun come out, leave your sunglasses at home.
Bathing Suit Shopping is a humbling experience.
While I was singing in the car the other day, Luke told me I was a real dork. I told him to tell me something I don't know.
I realized that when I take a picture, I have a signature pose. I'm sure you can guess what it is.
The date is set for my tattoo with my BFF Dawn, two weeks after the marathon. Today at the playground I saw a guy with my tattoo on his leg, which I think is some kind of sign.
I'm reading Dominick Dunne's very last novel, Too Much Money. I love all his books, and I'm bummed that there will never be another.
I feel bad that Mike had pink candles on his birthday cake.
I'm going back to my brunette roots, literally. The red has been fun, but I need something new.
My long run this week is on Sunday.....Nineteen Miles.
I think True Blood has been good so far this season, but oh my, has it been gory.
I'm going to admit it. I LOVE the Enrique Iglesias song "I like it". Makes me want to fist pump.
My Nathan Fuel Belt giveaway ends Sunday.....and CSN gift card ends Wednesday!
Bathing Suit Shopping is a humbling experience.
I miss the beach.
Today is Mike's birthday, so for something different, we went to lunch up near SU, at a place called Funk 'n Waffles. He went with the traditional fried chicken and waffles, I chose the waffle topped with a bit of bacon, brie, fresh basil, and a side of jam whose flavor origin I couldn't figure out. Odd combo, but really good.
I'm reading Dominick Dunne's very last novel, Too Much Money. I love all his books, and I'm bummed that there will never be another.
I feel bad that Mike had pink candles on his birthday cake.
I'm going back to my brunette roots, literally. The red has been fun, but I need something new.
My long run this week is on Sunday.....Nineteen Miles.
I think True Blood has been good so far this season, but oh my, has it been gory.
I'm going to admit it. I LOVE the Enrique Iglesias song "I like it". Makes me want to fist pump.
My Nathan Fuel Belt giveaway ends Sunday.....and CSN gift card ends Wednesday!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Mid Summer Night, Winter Meal
I had no idea what to make for dinner last night. Mike was home in the afternoon, and he said he wanted chicken and rice. It was so hot and humid yesterday, and after a seven mile run that included an encounter with an unleashed dog, the last thing I wanted to do was turn on the oven. But then a big 'ole thunderstorm rolled in, so I cranked the A/C, danced around the kitchen to some Phish Live, and instead of grilling, I was baking.
I made one of our two favorite rices, Black Japonica. It takes almost a hour to cook, and I love to sautee onions and mushrooms, then stir them in halfway through the cooking time, it adds a bit more oomph. One of the four ways I make chicken, is to sprinkle Adobo seasoning all over chicken thighs, and put them in the oven at 375 and bake the heck out of 'em.
I had to take this photo because from my angle, Dracula was looking like he wanted to eat the Adobo.
I also sliced up bright yellow summer squash, they were so fresh they still had dirt on them, but my camera didn't do them justice. I tossed them with olive oil and salt and pepper, and roasted those suckers up too.
While all this was going on I nibbled on some of these spicy sriracha peas, not as hot as wasabi peas, but they went well with my glass of chard.
Surprisingly enough, we had leftovers for lunch today. But the kids ate them before I could.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
yet another giveaway.....
I'm working once again with CSN Stores, which I'm sure you've seen giveaways for on other blogs, including mine! If you haven't, CSN offers everything from a bedroom vanity, to exercise equipment to cookware. I reviewed a set of their Rachel Ray skillets a couple of months ago which was fun.
To enter for a chance to win a $60.00 gift card to use at one of CSN's 200 + websites, please do the following:
go to CSN, click around and let me know what you would choose with your gift card.
As always, for extra entries, you can (please leave a comment for each):
1. be a follower of my blog, or become one
2. let others know about the giveaway by posting on your blog, or twitter or what have you.
Giveaway ends at midnight on Wednesday, August 11th EST.
Good luck!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Runnin' down a dream....
Wow, thanks to everyone who entered the iRun Like A Girl Giveaway! I used to determine the winner, and it is #50 Run ODonnel!
Congrats! Send me an email and I'll give you the details on how you can get your prize!
Saturday was another successful run, of 18 miles. This week we left from Norine's house, ran through her neighborhood, then through some really pretty side roads that bordered cornfields, and then along the river. Onondaga Lake Park is in the town next to us, so we ran onto the trail there. It was nice to see so many other people running and biking at that early hour, usually at that time of day we only see each other. My legs were feeling it during this run, but in a good way, although my knee started bugging me a bit around mile 10, and that was weird. Then we came to a bridge that was under construction.....and I don't like bridges. I make Mike drive on the inside lane when we go over them, I get a weird tingly feeling in my feet and I want to be as far away from the edge of the bridge as possible. We had to run over what essentially was layers of plywood on a platform, and all I could think of was falling through it, then landing on the highway below, while a tractor trailer going 70 mph crushes me and screws up my whole marathon plan. At any rate, I felt good the whole run, but I bitched a bit for the last mile, because it was pretty much uphill the whole way.
What I'm especially happy about, is that for these last couple of long runs I haven't used my ipod. It makes a huge difference between running alone, and being able to talk with Jeannine and Norine as we run, but we have our quiet moments. It's those times when I'm in my little Zone, and I realize that I'm not only training my body for the Big Show, but my mind as well. I really feel in tune with myself, which helps to up my confidence level.
After I got home and sat in an ice bath (wearing Mike's Cleveland Browns ski hat - I know, I know) and ate some leftover veggie ziti, we took the kids blueberry picking, which made for some delish blueberry pancakes for breakfast this morning. My hamstring is a bit sore today, but I'm keeping up with the stretching and icing.
Two other fun notes, I joined Abbi's first time marathon group, called Distance Dreamers, for runners who are completing their first marathon, or half marathon in 2010. Abbi has a great blog, so if you're interested, go check it out!
And check out Julie's blog (I just love her), for her newest giveaway, which is a foam roller, sports beans, Nuun, gels and Glide. You can find it here!
Congrats! Send me an email and I'll give you the details on how you can get your prize!
Saturday was another successful run, of 18 miles. This week we left from Norine's house, ran through her neighborhood, then through some really pretty side roads that bordered cornfields, and then along the river. Onondaga Lake Park is in the town next to us, so we ran onto the trail there. It was nice to see so many other people running and biking at that early hour, usually at that time of day we only see each other. My legs were feeling it during this run, but in a good way, although my knee started bugging me a bit around mile 10, and that was weird. Then we came to a bridge that was under construction.....and I don't like bridges. I make Mike drive on the inside lane when we go over them, I get a weird tingly feeling in my feet and I want to be as far away from the edge of the bridge as possible. We had to run over what essentially was layers of plywood on a platform, and all I could think of was falling through it, then landing on the highway below, while a tractor trailer going 70 mph crushes me and screws up my whole marathon plan. At any rate, I felt good the whole run, but I bitched a bit for the last mile, because it was pretty much uphill the whole way.
What I'm especially happy about, is that for these last couple of long runs I haven't used my ipod. It makes a huge difference between running alone, and being able to talk with Jeannine and Norine as we run, but we have our quiet moments. It's those times when I'm in my little Zone, and I realize that I'm not only training my body for the Big Show, but my mind as well. I really feel in tune with myself, which helps to up my confidence level.
After I got home and sat in an ice bath (wearing Mike's Cleveland Browns ski hat - I know, I know) and ate some leftover veggie ziti, we took the kids blueberry picking, which made for some delish blueberry pancakes for breakfast this morning. My hamstring is a bit sore today, but I'm keeping up with the stretching and icing.
Two other fun notes, I joined Abbi's first time marathon group, called Distance Dreamers, for runners who are completing their first marathon, or half marathon in 2010. Abbi has a great blog, so if you're interested, go check it out!
And check out Julie's blog (I just love her), for her newest giveaway, which is a foam roller, sports beans, Nuun, gels and Glide. You can find it here!
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