I was in a bit of a funk on Monday. I was still mad about the race on Sunday, but after reading the comments on my post about it (thank you), and talking to my Dad (former triathlete and marathon runner) I felt much better. I was given the chance to read and review Run like a Mother, and I'm about half way through, and will post about it soon, but it's helping to light my fire again.
Mother's Day always sneaks up on me. I know it's because Luke's birthday is a few days before hand, so I'm usually preoccupied with planning his day, forget about Mother's Day. I can't believe he's going to be six. We brought him home from the Hospital on Mother's Day, after 31 hours of labor, attended by my sweet Korean Doctor who was pretty much pushed aside by a big Russian Doctor who was on duty and had nothing else to do. My epidural only worked on my right side, Luke broke his collar bone on the way out, and the only reason he got out was because the big Russian kept yelling at me. Ah, memories.
So I have to think of something for my Mom, and send it out today so that she gets it in time. My mom was/is a single parent. When we were in grade school she put herself through college, studying at the kitchen table at night while we watched TV, and found babysitters that we liked to stay with us while she was at class. One time she found a $100 bill on the sidewalk, and instead of spending it on herself, she took my sister and I for new Girl Scout uniforms, as well as every accessory she could find to splurge on. I still have my pocket knife.
I'm just realizing I don't have any recent photos of just her and I, so I'll post this one of us when I was a baby. I've posted it before, but I love it. Dig the arm bangle, she's hotter than Wonder Woman.
Glad you're feeling better. Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman. She is beautiful! Love the photo!
I am totally digging the arm bangle--hotter than hot! What wonderful parents you have--the apple didn't fall far from the tree!
Glad you're feeling better. Races like that are character-builders for sure.
BTW my friend who collapsed at mile 7 is better after a night in the hosp. with IV for dehydration. Blech.
Love the picture!! Def hotter than wonder woman!! Sounds like your mom was a terrific mother!
First, the story of your sons birth is amazing and terrifying.
Your mom sounds absolutely amazing! I always think it's difficult to find something for my Mom for mother's day because nothing does her justice! How can you possibly tell your mother how much she means to you through an object?
Hi there. I stumbled upon your blog through "moms bloggers club". I like it a lot. I am a SAHM as well so I can relate :) I from Rochester, NY which is upstate to you. I really like your blog and will continue to check back for new updates :)
Hi Molly,
I am glad that you have cheered up and life is good again:) Your mother is looking good!! Now I know where you get your youthful skin and gorgeous everything else! I am still trying to figure out what to get my mom too! Have a good one Molly!
What a cute picture - I love the arm accessories!
Sounds like a great mom! And she was so hip looking in that pic!
Love the picture! Your mom sounds like quite the woman.
Love the photo! Maybe you should print a copy of your words for her.
Yeah reading about your sons birth kind of made me not want to have kids. Happy Birthday to your son and happy mothers day!
OMG, you still have your pocket knife...you crack me up.
Your mom sounds like a wonderful person and a great inspiration! How is your husband's mom doing?
I sooo want to read that book. I've heard so much about it. Gotta snag me a copy.
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