Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stick with the old? Or try out the new?

I have the four mile Shamrock run tomorrow, which should be a lot of fun. The weather is supposed to be half way decent, and I'm making plans with some of my fellow runners to meet up after at an Irish bar.

I am debating on which running shoes to wear. I've run four times in my new Nike's, yesterday I ran six miles in them. I'm feeling a couple of aches in spots I haven't felt before, I think it must be because I'm getting used to this style shoe. The larger size is great though, I can't believe I ran for so long in too small shoes.

I've worn my Asics for all the training runs for Shamrock, and there are some decent hills. There is a notable difference in the shoes, the heels of the Asics have much more padding, which I kind of like for the hills. Although when I put them on now it feels like I'm wearing high heels!

Any suggestions? Wear the shoes I've been training in, even though they're too small? Or wear the Nike's, even though I haven't worn them outside, or run any hills in them?

Above, the source of my dilemma. Note the 12 pack of Stella Artois, it's been buried in the snow ever since my sister was here two weeks ago. Guess the snow is finally melting.


Pining for Pinterest said...

I would wear the Nikes, but I would not take my word for it! I am running on shoes that have lost their tread :-)

Anonymous said...

I popped over from Maggie's site. I really enjoy reading your blogs. I poked around a bit and became a follower. I have always wanted to run a mini marathon but am quite old to be starting now. I'm one of your 45 year olds that took the poll questions.

Look forward to hearing what happens in your race.

Jen said...

I would wearthe ones you trained in... but I am biased as I cannot stand Nike to run.

Suzy said...

I'd wear the tried and true and trained in shoes. GL with your race!

J said...

Stick with the old. Its only a 4 mile race this weekend so you should be good with those and then you can break in the new ones more after wards!

I guess since those shoes are too small - maybe just where what you are most comfortable in. How do you feet feel in the new ones? It is only 4 miles...its not like you are running a half marathon or anything that could cause you to get chafing or blisters from the shoes.

Love and Puppies, Christy said...

Stella! I'd go with the new ones...they should be worn in enough for a short(ish) run. I wouldn't run a marathon in them, but I would think 4 miles is (probably) not long enough to do any serious damage.

NY Wolve said...

Every time I have worn a new show in a race, I regret it. I'd go with the old and use Nikes in next one.

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

found you on the MBC forum! Following now!

follow me?

Anonymous said...

I adore Asics, but I'm not a runner, Molly. Wishing you the best of luck though tomorrow. You'll make the right choice. I hope.

Liz Mays said...

I just don't know and I don't want to give you bad advice!

ajh said...

Four miles isn't that far. WEar the more comfy ones. If it was a marathon or half I would say don't try something new. Have fun and good luck!

Tricia said...

I think since its a short race you'll probably be fine in either one. Go with what is most comfy. :) Have fun!

yonca said...

I would wear the new ones.Good luck!
My computer is finally back :)
Have a great run!

Anonymous Fat Girl said...

Hmmm.... I would go for whichever are the most comfortable for you right this moment. And love the brew in the background! LOL

Susan Fobes said...

Trust in your feet and go with your gut feeling Molly...