Yesterday I got back to it.
Eliza is the class V.I.P. this week, so yesterday I was able to stay in her classroom for a bit, to watch her "present" a poster covered with pictures of everything she loves. The poster that I thought about all weekend, and that we finally put together at six o'clock Sunday night.

I was in my running gear, so once I got home, I grabbed G-unit, and shot out my front door like a bullet. It was so beautiful out, and I was so excited to be moving again. I tried not to look at my pace as I went along, and I felt naked since I wasn't wearing my fuel belt. I had no plan for how long I would go, but about four miles in, hammy started protesting, so I headed home. I finished five miles in just under fifty minutes, and today I feel great!
Great enough to tackle my closet and organize my running clothes, cotton race shirts, tech race shirts, long sleeve race shirts, running shorts and pants, skirt and dress. I tossed three of the six pairs of running shoes in my closet, and kept three sets of inserts. Now we'll see how long I keep it looking the way it does now.
If you haven't had enough of my Marathon story, you can read it
here, at Melinda Hinson Neely's blog, where she's featuring stories of first time Marathon runners.....
Great job on your run - so glad you didn't hurt at all after wards! Have a great day!!
ugh...I have to get our fall/winter stuff out and put away summer clothes...I keep putting it off...
you are an awesome rocket!
is that picture a pre or post organization picture?
Congratulations on the organization! ::high fives::
Way to go... I need to clean my closet something bad! Wanna come do mine for me???
I'm pretty anal about my side of the closet. It stays neat. Now my husband, on the other hand...
Great run! I hate cleaning my closets. It's the worst chore there is.
I'm with Pam. I'm an anal closet girl.
YAY for a happy closet and a happy run!!
I can't wait to get out to run for fun again! Nice job on the closet - I tried to do mine last weekend but it still looks like a mess!
Glad you had a great run!! Every fall/spring I go through my shirts and throw out any that have gotten too gross and worn. Its a tough job but needs to be done!
5 miles in 50 minutes- great pace
Dang! I wish a fast paced run like that would leave me ANY energy or motivation to clean my closets - they certainly need the cleaning, that's for sure!
I am terribly behind on your blog as I was sick as a dog for the past 10 days or so. In any case, I hope its not too late to wish you HUGE Congratulations on completing your race!!!!
It must have felt amazing to cross that finish line. I'm proud of you! :)
I can't believe you're back running so fast again. Must have spiked some energy for closet cleaning - you can come do mine anytime, I hate that project. So glad you're feeling great!!
I have seen people take there old race shirts and make a quilt out it. Looks pretty cool to me
I was just going to put my summer stuff away but today it's 90 again. Go figure.
I have a toy closet that you can clean out:) So happy to hear that you have recovered well from your marathon:)
YOu can come clean out all my race paraphernalia!! Its so gorgeous outside I can hardly believe it!
I love organizing my running clothes! But mine don't stay organized for long at all.
Please come organize my closet ;)
Apart from the unhappy hammy...that run sounded nice...jealous :)
I'm actually very good with my closet. My running goods are very well organized and somehow it stays that way. Good to hear you could run. Just take it slow and easy. The hammy will be fine soon.
LOL That's exactly how our closet looked till last Sunday.
Yay for a great run! My closet is not big enough.I'm having trouble to keep my closet neat too.
Great, I was entertained by the post. I learn more things on it. Thanks!!!
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