It's so weird not to run. My house is immaculate. The laundry is done, there is food in the kitchen, I've been to the library twice. My kids are clean. My bills are paid. It has been hard not to eat all the food in the kitchen. Especially after I make chocolate chip walnut cookies, rice krispie treats, tacos, salmon burgers, and grilled teriyaki pork tenderloin. With baked sweet potatoes.

I'll do the more difficult one first....for the Cherry On Top, I need to answer the question: If you had the chance to go back and change one thing in your life, would you and what would it be? Hmmmm. I try not to look back too much on things in my life that haven't made me happy, because if I changed anything, I wouldn't be where I am now. I do regret not spending a semester of college studying abroad. I was an exchange student in high school, and I wanted to repeat it in college, but it just didn't happen. I remember feeling like my college years were experience enough, and that I could always travel, but couldn't ever go back to college life. Then the reality of work and money and limited vacation time made me wish I had done it while I had the chance.....
I'm supposed to thank who tagged me....thanks Erika, thanks Stefano!!!! Then pass it to 6 bloggers......
For the Happy 101, I also have to say thanks....thanks Ajh!!!! Then list 10 things that make me happy. I'm going to try and do this with one word, since I usually ramble on about everything else, and I'll leave out the obvious ones:
1. coffee
2. chardonnay
3. outdoors
4. kitchen
5. music
6. Bravo TV
7. diamonds
8. jeans
9. books
10. hair dye (two words, but I love it and need it for my greys).
I'm to tag 10 people....but I read and enjoy so many blogs, that I figured if you're reading this.....consider yourself tagged!!
Happy Labor Day Weekend.
not it! no touch backs.
Hope the healing continues. Love your list..I agree with many of them...Hair saviour..
You're making it way too nice for your family when you're injured!!! Why aren't you sitting on the couch vegging out? :)
Hooray for hair dye
This was great Molly! Your list made me smile because several of the things would be on my list too! Let's hear it for chardonnay and hair dye:) Thank God for the hair dye!
Happy healing to you! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Hang in there because everything is going to work out:)
wow. you've gotten a lot more done than I did when I was really laid up with my foot injury. I'm impressed!
I love that you listedn diamonds and jeans on your list! Awesome. I would be sad without Bravo!
Take care of yourself!
Oh boy, the injury sucks. Good news that you can still do the marathon. Enjoy all the yummy food you made!
Heal Heal Heal Heal. Positive vibes coming your way! Love your concise list!
Yes Heal Heal! Just think 9 days of rest= 9 days of energy! Keep us posted! Thinking of you.
I'm sending you lots of healing vibes!
Coffee, books, and hair dye definitely make my list, too!
Sending you healing vibes. Amazed you did that much cleaning and cooking, now you've set the bar high.
Gosh, it sounds like you're nesting. You're going to push through that marathon like there is no tomorrow. Rest and rest some more.
Bravo TV. YES! good one :)
what race are you doing?
I really hope you heal soon. Coffee is often first on any list of mine. Hang in there!
You've gotten good advice, staying off your feet until the race.
I'm sure your kids appreciate being clean, an all too common sacrifice of marathoning parents.
More healing vibes coming your way!!
I love your list -- we have many of the same!
hey there again. thanks for the comment about the dress, it was super easy to make. I think it only took about 45 mins to make.
I hope you can do the race. To train all that time and than have to stop is now fun. On friday I broke my pinky toe and I am not able to run. I am doing a half in april but was going to do a 5k in oct that may now be put off. Hope you heal quickly.
Hope your feeling can do it. I had to not run for 2 weeks before my second half BC I was hurt...its possible!
Sending you lots of healing vibes. I hope you are totally healed by the 12th.
Diamonds do make a girl happy!!! I hope your hammy is feeing better before your race.
Hope your hammy feels good and you are ready for next weekend!! Can't believe it is next weekend! I am getting nervous! Not sure what your plan is but I prolly will be getting there around 6:30 and then heading to the start line after picking up my chip thing. Once I get solid plans I will let you know!
Your race is Saturday, right? Good luck and I hope the hamstring holds out on you!! The rest will probably do you more good than you think.
And your immaculate, organized lifestyle without running made me laugh!
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