Monday, September 7, 2009

Here's the Line Up

First of all, I can't believe it's Labor Day, and that Luke starts kindergarten on Wednesday, and Eliza starts preschool. Second, after keeping the kids up past their bedtime last night, we all slept until TEN O'CLOCK. Niiiiiiice......

Get Active has started, and this is the list of participants. Everyone has really great goals, I'll post on Friday to check in on how you're all doing. Good luck!

Kelly at My Life As A Trimommy is doing yoga once a week.

Jennifer at Arcane Matters is doing a boot camp workout.

Brittany at Mommy Words is doing prenatal exercise.

One Chic Mommy is focusing on diet and exercise to drop some post baby pounds.

Elizabeth at But Such Is Life is focusing on exercise, by walking and using her elliptical trainer.

Tara at Colorado Runner needs to take one day off a week for recovery during her marathon training. She's also cutting down on her meat consumption.

Janie at Life Not Wasted or Lost is becoming more active to take control of her Type II Diabetes.

Kristin at Just Me The Mom at Alpine Klein Bunch is focusing on her flexibility.

I am going to do one or two days a week of strength exercises.

Here is one of my favorite photos from this summer. This was taken in the Dairy Building at the NY State Fair, we take the same pic every year with our 25 cent chocolate milks. I like looking back to see how the kids have grown each year. Plus the milk is delish.


Ronnie said...

Here we go...

Janie B said...

It's nice to be accountable to someone. That should help us all.

HautePinkCloset said...

I am really excite about this! I have already started to change .my eating habits. I have set this weeks goals as two days cardio one day strength training.
I'm Sending you all positive fitness vibes for this week!

Tara said...

You and your two kids are just too cute! Love the pic.

Thanks for the comment on my blog. I am going to google Sara Snow and check out her blog and receipes.

Julie from JulieChats said...

Fun to have a picture you take every year! I just took my daughter's first day of school picture next to our house number today, starting 3rd grade,I can't believe it, she's getting closer to the numbers every year.

Hope you have a great week! I'm out leaving comments for all my followers!

Mandee said...

I love the pic Molly!

I would like to get in on the challenge. I plan to go for more walks or work out on my Wii here at home every week. I really need to get in shape! Sorry it has taken me so long to sign up..It has been crazy around here! How do I sign up?

Theta Mom said...

Great picture with you and the kids! Love it!