How's it going weight loss peeps? I for one am in a great mood, I must be doing something right, the scale didn't let me down this morning!
For Week #2, I focused more on my diet. I kept up all my running, and although I wanted to do planks every day, I faltered a bit in that area.
This is where I succeeded:
- I ate bananas. I'm not a huge fan, I only eat them in smoothies, or sometimes I'll have half of one before a long run. I'm always picking on my sis in law Jeannine, because she sometimes eats 2 or 3 in one DAY, but apparently they help keep you feeling full. So I've been eating one a day, and they do seem to hit the spot.
- If I needed a little something, instead of having a cracker, I had nuts. Peanuts and raisins is my new favorite snack combo.
- I also ate a Tic Tac if I had the urge to snack, but wasn't really hungry.
- I cut back on my wine. Although I did have beers on St. Patrick's Day.
- Exercise wise, I kept up my running, but I also started tracking my walks with Frank, on Sunday I took him for a 2.5 mile walk. I usually walk him three times a day, and that adds up to over a mile a day of just walking.
I'm going to continue with these changes, and exercise wise I'll be better about planks (did I mention I hate them?) and I'm going to work on push ups. I'm up to three sets of 10, with a few seconds rest in between, and I have to do the girl version.
So my weight loss friends, I hope you had a great Week #2. Since I don't go to a gym, I have to rely on floor work and DVD's to get my strength work in, and I would rather run than do that any day. My question this week is....are you more of a cardio person, or a strength person? If you had to do one or the other which would you pick?
Here is another weight loss factoid, courtesy of Harmony at Keep on Keeping On: Don't weigh yourself with wet hair!
Have a great week! : )
* I copied this Bloom County cartoon from my own copy of Classics of Western Lit by Berke Breathed.
FOUR?! Congrats!! I'm down 2!
Let's see. I think last week I committed to hydrating better, and.. I did do *better*, but it's still not great. I still need to work on that. I also continued logging e v e r y bite, which is tedious, but it totally works. Plus, I was able to pick up running again, and I think that was key in my 2lbs :D
Awesome!! Keep it up with the planks, they really do wonders!
Lol on the factoid, I've experimented weighing myself with wet hair and then after blow drying and it is usually a 1/2 lb difference :D
Congrats on the 4 pounds! That is awesome! I hate planks too!
You made me laugh when you said you moved the scale around the floor. I do that too! You are doing so great!!!!
Great job!! Very nice work.
way to go!!!!!
and a huge THANK YOU for the donation. SOOOOOOO appreciated.
Congrats on the 4!!! A well balanced diet and regular exercise together are the best solution.
Great job, Molly! But I'd be lying if I said I didn't hate you a little bit right now. lol I'm stuck. I lost 3 lbs pretty quickly, and it's not going anywhere else. I'm measuring my food and tracking my calories. I'm still running and cross training, and it's not budging even though I'm averaging a 300-500 calorie deficit every day. It's pissing me off!
Cardio all the way! Great weight loss!
I had to laugh at "I weighed myself three times, and even moved the scale to different parts of the floor to make sure I wasn't seeing things."
I do that ALL the time ... to make sure my gain is REAL. Haha!
I'm working on losing. It's frustrating!
Congrats on the four. I lost 3.4 again this week (which I nearly fainted when I saw that one!).
Oh no definitely not wet hair!
Woot for FOUR! Amazing!
I am so naturally a strength girl. I can look sideways and build muscle. Running is more challenging for me.
My number this week is -2. Next week will tell the tale as it's spring break!
Congrats on the 4 pounds! Great progress!
You should vote me off the ranch - I'm definitely the weakest link. congrats on your 4 pounds. I weighed in after I ate breakfast and it said I gained 1.5 pounds so . . . I'm REALLY hoping that was my breakfast (I had 2 bottles of water so I'm thinking it was a lot of the issue). I will try to weigh in a gain later this week before I eat breakfast. Sorry.
For my 2nd week, I got in my long run. I drank less wine (too). I ate less of my HDL plan (instead of dark chocolate and nuts and wine everyday, I had only one a day). I need to really return to discipline so week 3 will be all about discipline and focus!!!!! That will be my mantra week 3 - discipline & focus!
4 pounds!! Woo Hoo!! You are being so disciplined...nice job getting your nanna's in!
Great job. I went out to eat tonight and even had dessert. But I was good the rest of the week. Oh yeah, I am going out again tomorrow night. This is very unusual for me! Fun but not so good for the weight. Good for you on your loss! And get the snow out of this section of the country!
First, way to go! Second, I hate bananas-they remind me of being ill because my mother would always try to get me to eat them after a bout of a stomach bug. And third, I love working out with weights and hate cardio!
Lost one - very impressed by your four! :) Thanks for hosting this!
Way to go Molly!! :)
Holy cow!!! Nice job!!!! $ pounds isnt easy in a week
I love to lift, if I wasnt a racer, i would lift alot more, now I just do functional lifting to for injury prevent
Awesome job Molly. Let's see--I stayed away from Coldstone.......and lost the 3 lbs I gained on my little binge, so I am back to square one. I have been having protein shakes for breakfast and lunch, and almonds for snacks, with some sort of healthy dinner. And I cut back on the wine.
I get consumed by cardio, but really enjoy strength training which boots metabolism, so my goal this week it to add it back into my routine!
LOL I totally move my scale around on the floor too, you are too funny. Fantastic job on the 4 pounds. My body and scale are both a little schizophrenic lately. Like huge swings within the week. I know I am dehydrated again so I think my body is just reacting to that and stress. I need to late off weighing it, but it can get addicting. Good luck and keep it up!
Wow, congratulations, girl, that's awesome!
I'm so glad you are loving the sweatshirt and wearing it proudly!
wow!! 4 lbs is HUGE! Great job!!!
That's really great! Well done Molly! I don't diet or try to lose weight. It just keeps going down at the moment as I’m running myself to death every week. Upping the km’s so down come the kg’s.
Sweet!! I do the whole move the scale around thing to make sure it's for real too!! Nice job!
4 lbs is fantastic! Congrats!!
Four pounds is huge! Way to master it. Keep up the great work.
Strength vs. cardio? Cardio all the way, but--I know how important strength is, so I keep at it also.
Way to go!! This is awesome!!!
Woohoo! that's awesome! I wish that I could learn to like bananas. My hubby eats them all the time and I can't stomach them at all. :(
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