I've been using Amazing Grass Superfood for well over a year, it's powdered greens and antioxidants that help you to reach your 5 to 9 daily servings of fruits and veggies. I add it to my smoothies, I'm more of a vegetable person, so if I have to eat fruit, that's how I do it, all blended up.
Amazing Grass has a Two Week Challenge to up your energy, and "redefine your health", and I'm starting it today. Instead of the Superfood, you use their Amazing Meal, which has everything the Superfood does, but with the addition of protein and fiber.
You receive daily emails with lessons to keep you motivated. There is also a menu that you can follow for the 14 days, with fruit and vegetables, grains, chicken, tuna etc. Nothing out of control, I already eat Ezekiel bread, and veggie burgers. The one thing that is missing, is......coffee!!! That's going to be hard, but it will be good for me though, because I'm trying to wean myself off my non-fat non-dairy creamer, which Mike calls my bottle of chemicals. This summer I switched from butter to Earth's Balance spread, and about a month ago I switched from milk to almond milk in my smoothies. I haven't given up cheese, but I am prone to the sniffles, and I realized the other day that my nose isn't as bad as it usually is. There might be something to this going dairy free thing.
I'm also going to be mindful of my chocolate intake, since we still have Halloween candy everywhere, and I'm going to abstain from my evening vino....GASP!
Well.....here goes nothing!
Okay - I needed this post. I absolutely suck at eating good. I'm doing all I can [HA! but trying] to elimate SOME dairy. GREAT post. HAppy Monday!
Veggies in a powder?!?! I am all over that, I am the opposite of you, I prefer fruit, love fruit, I fight to get my veggie intake.
I still need to look up that Amazing Grass...since you mentioned in a blog about 15 years ago :) I have kept thinking about doing that. I do use Chia Seeds - do you know if AG is suppose to have more powerful benefits that CS? Cuz I need all the energy I can get!! I also need to stop thinking Halloween candy is going to magically make me speedier.
I actually do a pretty good job of eating healthy, but it can be a challenge on the run. Thanks for the link - I'll check it out!
This is so good to see. Very motivating. Maybe I'll do something like this??
WHAT?! NO WINE?!?! That's MADNESS!!! Get ahold of yourself, woman!!!
Am working on giving up the coffee too. What flavor of the Amazing Meal do you like?
I'm going to look for this Amazing Grass stuff. I have a goal of eating a piece of fruit every day this month. I have to make it a goal, or I don't do it. (I also need to get my blender repaired).
Amazing Grass sounds great--I'll have to check it out. And yes--damn Halloween candy!
um....no wine or coffee?? I'm out!! haha.
Sounds like a great challenge - I'm trying to cut dairy out too. It's the cheese that kills me!
Sounds like an interesting program. I'm interested to hear how it goes for you! I drink almond milk now and very rarely soy or cow's milk. Trying to cut it out completely but it's hard sometimes.
I heard about Amazing Grass from you a few times. Sounds like a good product. Will try soon!
Good luck with this!
Ooo no wine and no coffee? Ouch! Actually I did a cleanse for a week a while back and was able to stay off coffee for about 3 weeks - it's hard at first but then the energy level kicks up!
I'll have to check out Amazing Grass.
Good luck! Can't wait to see how it goes.
If only we could do the vulcan mind meld thing. I can eat fruit all day. I have to hide veggies in my smoothies! :) Your smoothie looks sooo delish!
No dairy. No Halloween chocolate? I'll pray for you;) seriously though I've been meaning to try amazing grass, maybe now is a good time.
Bottle of chemicals, nice. That's like I call Diet/Caffeine free soda "brown water."
Anymore it's tough to find a month that doesn't cripple a sensible diet. Those programs that provide a menu though are great, and based upon an NYT article I read yesterday, giving up cheese is probably a good idea (we Americans eat waaaay too much). Good luck!
The Amazing Grass sounds interesting. I try to eat healthy but I don't succeed because I like Pepsi and Coca too much.
Good luck, I am curious to know the end of the story....
Ohh, good luck, Molly! Abstaining from your evening vino? Now that takes dedication ;)
No vino...really!? Moyers Corner Liquor will go out of business!!!!!
That looks delicious!
I would have a hard time giving up a nightly glass of wine!! I could do it....but.....not today. :)
Oh you are a brave woman! I am continually craving all the bad stuff now, and I have been trying to add more fruit to the diet...good luck!
Good lord, let's talk about chocolate intake:) I threw my little guy's last candy away! No more chocolate for Julie for at least one month:)
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