Miss Zippy asked: What is your dream race? then Stacie asked: What would your dream run/event/destination be?
Angie asked: what are you doing over the winter. Any races? What do you do when its too cold and yucky to go outside to run?
I don't have any concrete race plans yet, but I'm working on it. When it's too yucky outside, I hit the treadmill, or pick something to do on the exercise on demand channel. I live within walking distance of a golf course, where I cross country ski, which is a nice change of pace, I get to be outside and I'm still moving.
Darlene asked: You've run a marathon. What's your next goal?
I plan on running another marathon, my next goal is NYC, which I've wanted to do forever, I did the lottery last year, but didn't make it in. I have a tiny "vision board" next to my laptop, it's the NYC Marathon logo. Who knows how long it will take me to get in, but I'm going to run it.
Brittney asked: My question is how do you find time to run with kids?
I'm lucky that I own a treadmill, which I would use during naptime. Now that my kids are bigger, then can entertain themselves for 45 minutes while I run. Although there are times I have to hop on and off to deal with whatever comes up. My husband is very helpful on the weekends, and hangs out with them while I run. I think I'm setting a great example fitness wise, the other day my son said "run it like you mean it Mom!"
Rachel asked: What is your best tip for a person (me) training for their (my) first marathon?!
Have faith in yourself and your ability. You might have some rough moments, and that's when you have to dig deep down and believe in yourself. Be confident because you can do it.
Terri asked: How do you treat post-long-run soreness? Or do you even get that?
I would get sore after a long run, I was a fan of ice baths immediately after the run, and as the day and night wore on, I used ice packs to help with soreness. As my friend Kristin says, Enjoy your pain, you've earned it!
Andrew asked: what did you wear for that chilly february 5k?
I wore thick socks, an UnderArmour sweatshirt, with a NorthFace hoodie over it, along with Nike DryFit running pants. Topped it off with a fleece headband around my ears, and gloves.
then One Crazy Penguin asked: What are your three must have winter running things?
1. my fleece headband. Its made of acrylic, so you can toss it in the wash, it gets soaked with sweat.
2. knit gloves, which are thin enough that they fit in my pocket if my hands get too warm
3. a fitted, long sleeve shirt made for cold weather, which I wear under a Tech shirt. I found mine at Target, from their C9 line, it's a great shirt, and it's reasonably priced.
Wells L asked: what have you learned about yourself through running?
I've learned that I'm not a wimp. Running is a release for me, and I'm constantly thinking of when I can fit it in.
Abbi asked: Since you say you have been running for years, how did you get started?
It started in an effort to lose weight. I gained weight in college, and my weight went up and down in the year after I graduated and was out in the real world. I finally made a New Years Resolution to hit the gym every day, which I did, and started running on the treadmill. I lost the weight, and at one point I was running six miles a day. I got the courage up to run my first race, and the rest is now history! I was on RunnerDude's blog about how I started running, here is the link if you want to check it out.
Whew! I'll answer the next round of questions in another post.....in the meantime, thanks to everyone who entered my 300th post giveaway......I used random.org, and the winner is Darlene! Congrats!!!
Love the questions and answers! :)
loved this!
This was really fun to read. NYC would be a lot of fun, keep entering and you'll get an automatic entry soon :). Yay for treadmills, huh? I'd never get in any training without one!
I somehow missed this giveaway and chance to ask questions! What a good idea! I think it would be great to run NYC too - so much to look at!
This is fabulous. Love this style of a post.
I'm with Amy. I need to ask questions!! ;)
I liked reading this, thanks for sharing
Great answers! And thanks for sharing - I especially liked your answer about marathon training :)
your outfit for the chilly february 5k sounds like what I might want for my run tomorrow morning! It's cold here all of a sudden!
NYC is on my bucket list too. Hopefully we'll both be there soon!
This is awesome!
Hey, my comment isn't here! I did send it from work, though, and our security software may have blocked it. Anyway, I said thanks for answering the questions, congrats to the winner and HOLEY COW - an ice bath??? Just cold water or actual ice in the bath? (yes, I've heard of them before but cannot imagine actually soaking in cold water!)
Nice post!! Love Q&A's!!
ohh dublin now that would be really cool!
I didn't realize it started as exercise to lose weight. You sure fell in love with it!
This was awesome!!! The Dublin Marathon is one of my dream races. My best friend and I want to run it together someday. Maybe we'll see you there :)
Congrats Darlene!!!!!
Congrats to Darlene for the prize and to you for the 300th post (now 302). Interesting questions and answers. Dublin ... why not?
Great questions and answers and tips! I have a headband, reversible..I only use the pink side, love it! it's great for winter.
Congrats to Darlene!
Dublin would be great for sure. About topping myself...I try to always have a base so that I can run a marathon or 50k at any time. I then build up from there for longer ultras a few times per year. There is a trade-off though...speed. No PR's for me or maybe on a 100k or higher.:) But I'm happy with the PR's I have. All set more than 10 years ago.
If I didn't see that picture at the top, every time I clicked on your blog, I wouldn't believe it is possible to be that happy.
Very cool post, you're sounding like a veteran marathoner here. Killer advice for Rachel, that should be on the back of a t-shirt.
And I like that quote you shared as well, "Enjoy your pain, you've earned it!"...I feel the same way.
I'm on the verge of getting a (free/old) treadmill. I like seeing that it is your trick for getting in a training run with the kids hanging out. My only option right now is to run in the dark :-)
Thanks! Love your blog & love winning giveaways!!
My co-worker just ran the Dublin marathon. You should do it!
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