2. To have some kind of reference point for the challenge, I decided to weigh myself for the first time in months (honestly). I looked at the number and was surprised, it hasn't changed much. Even though my running has gone way down, my weight didn't go up. My clothes still fit fine, even the skinny jeans. So I guess yoga, weights and Jackie Warner are onto something.
3. And.....I'm uh....getting a tattoo this weekend. Can you guess what it is?
Will your tat be "26.2"?
26.2 Can't wait to see it!
Ooo post a pic of the new tattoo when you can!
Oh, brave woman! I've never had the nerve to get a tattoo - please show it off when you get it!
Love that Jackie Warner!
Have fun with the tattoo! They are a tiny bit addictive. :)
Which Jackie Warner workouts are you using? I've been thinking about a kettleball...
I think your tattoo will be one of these:
- heart with "Mom" written in it
- navy anchor with "Marines!" written on it
- full arm "Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh
- celtic cross on your ankle (I cheated cuz I read your blog and I'm a very good stalker)
Fun! Something irish or something related to the marathon!
Have fun getting your tattoo!
Have fun getting the tatoo!
You look great...I need a kettle bell. Can't wait for pictures of your tattoo
I won't even venture a guess. Can't wait to see it though!
Yay for the tattoo! Please post pictures!!! :)
and a double yay for not gaining weight when your running decreased. That's hard to do! :)
Can't wait to see the tattoo!!! :)
Great job on nixing the caffeine. Did you get a massive headache the first day?
Can't wait to see your new tat!
Congrats on sticking with the challenge. Every day is an accomplishment! I recently stopped buying a cup of coffee on the way to work each day and have definitely replaced it with tea. Especially now with the cool weather - it's key!
Is this your first tattoo? Hope it's not too big so it doesn't hurt much! ;)
Something running related.... I look forward to seeing what you get
I wanna know your tat design!
Caffeine... Chocolate... the two reasons I make it through my day. You are one brave soul!
You're brave - they hurt!!! I would guess something to do with running.
You are a brave soul!!! :)
can't wait to see the tatoo??
I'll be dead before 10AM on decaf. Probably some mystic symbol only you know the meaning of.
A monkey or penguin, hey both are cool animals ;-)
oooohhhh....a tattoo?? You're BRAVE! Can't wait to see what it is!
Nice work on the challenge!
Yes, glad I skimmed the comments, because I definitely thought you were getting a Kettle Bell tattoo.
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