The day after Thanksgiving I was walking Frank at night, and I came to my neighbor's driveway. They're an older couple, and don't have any kids. There were three young guys I've never seen before standing there, loading things into the back of their car. One of them said "It's a Pioneer!" So Miss Neighborhood Watch assumed they were robbing them of stereo equipment, so I ran home and told Mike to call over there. My neighbor answered the phone laughing, it was her nephew visiting for the Holiday, but she appreciated my watchfulness.
The next day we headed up to Mike's parent's place, to pick up some things for his Mom. Eliza was excited to go up for the night, so she packed her little suitcase with everything she needs to go to sleep: a teddy pillow, her Teddy Bunny, a little purple blanket, and her Tangled nightgown. She also put in her clothes. We packed up, made the two hour drive, and settled in. Until Eliza asked where her suitcase was. I thought Mike packed it. He thought I packed it. We didn't pack it. I've never seen a 5 year old so mad, she balled up her little fists, stamped her foot and said "I am just so MAD at you!" Poor kid cried until I lent her a shirt that I won in a giveaway at
Angie's blog, and a pair of my socks, and her cousin lent her a stuffed bunny. Luckily it was just for one night, but now she wants to wear the shirt and socks to school.
I took Frank for a three mile run yesterday, I'm not sure how he's going to handle running in the snow once it hits. You know that feeling you get, when you want to run Every Single Day? I have that right now, but I'm going to force myself not to, and alternate cross training and running. I need to dust off my kettle bells, fire up a Jillian Michael's workout, and start doing planks again.

It's December First, and I've started on my shopping list for Christmas presents. I'm not a Black Friday shopper, more of a Cyber Monday shopper. The other day Mike and I went to Toy's R Us after visiting his Dad in the hospital. We never get a chance to shop together because of the kids, but they were at school so we took advantage of the time. I get anxious when shopping for toys, I give other shoppers the once over, and figure out where they're headed, hoping they're not looking for the same thing that I am. The only toy that Eliza has asked for is a Lalaoopsy Silly Hair Doll. Nothing else, just that doll. Of course it was sold out of Toy's R Us, as well as Walmart. I went online once we got home, it was sold out at Sears, Toy's R Us, Walmart, Target, and K Mart. I found it on Amazon, with about a 80% mark up. But then at the bottom of that page, I saw a sponsored link for Little Tikes, and lo and behold, they had the doll. SCORE! Now I can relax, and E is going to be a happy girl on Christmas morning.
Did you see my Collagen Sport Giveaway???
Enter here!
Ugh--so frustrating on the suitcase! But you all made the best of it. Glad you found the special doll...I've been lucky in that regard all these years, thankfully!
Could Eliza be any cuter? I think not. I cannot go near TRU. Ever. Hate it.
That Lala doll is on the list here as well. Ugh.
Go Frank! Go you!
I dont have youngins, but thanks for the heads up on what to expect, especially shopping for a doll
Your daughter is adorable! Congrats on the shopping score!
Poor Eliza! That's so cute that she packed her suitcase herself. I went from not wanting to run at all to wanting to run every day, but just short runs. I'm going with it until I figure out a plan to get the mileage back up.
Poor Eliza. I would have been mad at you too! :)
I'm more of a cyber shopper too. So much more pleasant of an experience. Glad your running is going so great right now!
uh oh, my little one wants that doll as well. i can't stand how all the places sell out .....the whole idea of it gets me bothered. but of course i will search high and low .....
Haaa. I LOL'ed at Eliza being SO MAD.
I cannot stand TRU. I make The H go - he loves that place, and somehow has the patience for it. I am NOT INTERESTED. Awful.
You are so funny and such a great neighbor! :)
Poor Eliza... sounds like you made it up to her with the shirt and socks!
Eliza is adorable!! I am much more of a cyber shopper too.
Sounds like running is going GREAT!! That is awesome.
Pssst...Frank might be interested in a giveaway that Porter has going...just sayin :)
Glad you found the doll - the whole "sold out" so early in the shopping season drives me nuts!
Hey chickie! I've been living under a rock for the last few weeks, so I am playing catch up on blogs. Lots of good stuff going on in Molly world.
1.) I'm so sorry to hear about your father in law! I am glad he is doing much better now.
2.) Congrats on your NYC marathon! I know I send u wishes/congrats on facebook, but I hadn't gotten around to reading your race report (shame on me) until now. I loved it! I'm so glad that you never hit the wall or got your feet tangled in a wire like bridge guy! I bet it was awesome running where your dad (used to) and your sisters live.
3.) I love the necklace that Mike gave you after the marathon and I am bummed that I missed the giveaway. :(
4.) Happy Belated Turkey Day! Eliza is such a cutie.
E is totally your clone.
And worth every ounce of effort for Lalaloopsy!
I LOVE your watchful neighbor story. I would be so appreciative of your efforts!!!!
I LOVE your daughter's shirt - it's one of my favorite sayings . . . it cracks me up EVERY time I see it!!!
Have a great weekend!
Nice score. I am on the hunt for a full size loopsy doll with the sheep!
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