I've started a new strategy this week running wise. With the amount of traveling that Mike is doing for work, I realized the treadmill is going to be my BFF sooner than I had hoped. It's a decent set up, the treadmill is in the basement, in front of the TV, facing the sliding glass doors so I can see what's going on in the backyard. But I still get bored, so to keep it interesting I play with the incline and the speed as the mood strikes me.
My next race is a 10k on Thanksgiving. So this week I'm doing four mile runs as often as I can, as quickly as I can. When I was training for my 15k and half marathon, I made it a habit of finding a decent pace, without pushing myself too hard, and sticking with it for the duration of the run. I know I can do six miles no sweat (well, with sweat), so I think if I do some speed work, I might pull a quicker time in my 10K.
Yesterday after my four mile run, I came upstairs, and iced my hamstring, right shin, and left arch. They ache from time to time, so I ice to prevent re-injuring these areas. Which has me wondering, is this because of my age (late 30's, gasp) or because I'm doing too much? I don't think it's overuse, I stretch and take rest days, and do a sit up from time to time. But is this how I'm going to be for the rest of my life? I want to be like my Dad, and still run when I'm in my 60's, but will these aches be a part of it?
I think this is why I'm afraid to take the next step and commit to running a full marathon. I can just see myself getting injured, and be out of the running game....for good. I think I'm up for the challenge mentally, but physically, am I just fooling myself?
This photo is from my first Turkey Trot, nine years ago. This dude came up next to me near the end and asked me to sprint with him, so I did. Which was a fun way to finish it off.
-->I wish I could learn to run and actually like it. Good for you!
Lord knows, I have no insight into what causes these aches and pains. I admire your ability to stay constant in your joy of running. By the way...just bought a health master...gonna start making raw smoothies every am with at least a cup of spinach for the kids. Should be interesting...maybe we'll add some greens...
Hi I just wanted to let you know that I have given you an award and you can pick it up at http://robyns-page.blogspot.com/2009/11/two-more-awesome-awards.html
Love that pic of you sprinting!
Good god I hope it isn't because of age. I've got enough problems now, I can just see me by the time I'm forty if it just keeps on getting worse!
I think a lot of runners have the same aches and pains, we put a lot of stress on our joints. Hang in there!
Hmm.....I think it's just normal runner's aches. NOT YOUR AGE!! Nope, because that might explain some of my aches too and it just couldn't be THAT!! :-)
He is trying so hard cracks me up!!
From what I have heard things only feel worse once you get older. If you TRULY have a life goal to Run a Marathon there is no time like the present. There is always risk of injury, but truly you can get hurt doing anything.. Walking out your front door for example...but the fear does not keep you from leaving the house?? RIght?
The ache means it is working..
Anyhow that is my 2 cents. I would hate for you to look back knowing you did not do something you wanted to do because of fear of injury..
Don't say the age thing. 30ish is not old and these pains are associated with your limbs taking a pounding on asphalt, right? What about your shoes? Something with a little more support? And as far as the marathon is concerned, runners that tackle it never seem to forget or regret they did it...
Thanks for the comment! Great blog! I think all running comes with some aches and pains. I feel the same way--If I run too much then I ache more--will I ever be able to run enough miles a week to do a marathon....??? Keep running!
Good luck! I'm sorry you're having more soreness and whatnot these days but I hope you're ready for that 10K in a few weeks!
I just never could get into the joy of running. I admire you!
Just stopped by from SITS to say hi; hope you'll do the same.
Way to go getting back into your skinny jeans! I'm so close!! Training and running a marathon is definitely physically challenging but when you cross the finish line....wow there is nothing like that! Just listen to your body! You will know!
Good luck Molly! Have a great Sunday!
I wish I had your motivation to run and love it!
Love this post. My advice, if I may impose, is to go with what your heart tells you. You'll never go wrong or regret it. Keep on running!
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