I received two more awards, from Susan at Susan Fobes' Family Formula....the Loyalty Blog (for a second time) and the Kreative Blogger Award. Susan is a teacher whose blog focuses on her family, and focusing on the writer within her. Thanks Susan!!!
For the Kreative Blogger, I have to list 7 things about myself that you might not know. Hmmmmmmm.
1. I have a big family, four sisters, one brother, 27 first cousins, 6 nieces, 1 nephew, multiple aunts and uncles, and.....my parents have been divorced for 30 years.
2. I also have a big group of friends, which are also my family. A cluster in Rochester, and several across the country, but my core is back home in NY, we call ourselves the Fab Six. We have been friends for about 24 years, and although I don't get to see them as often as we would all like, when we get together, we always pick right up where we left off.
3. I'm Catholic, and I pray every day. I get so much out of going to church, it is comforting and it's the one place that never changes. I sometimes get emotional during certain prayers or hymns, it is a place where I can just BE.
4. I obviously love to run, but I also love tennis (played in high school), riding my bike, and if I could play field hockey again (high school) I would. Sometimes in the fall I smell the air and I am right back on the field with my hockey stick.
5. I love movies. Name an actor and I'll ramble off every movie they've been in. I watch pretty much everything, but there are just a few that have made an impression - in no particular order - Urban Cowboy, Places in the Heart, Steel Magnolias, American Beauty, Clueless, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Paper Moon, Almost Famous, Sense and Sensibility, Love Actually, Tootsie, Marty, Bridget Jones Diary, Once and Goodfellas.
6. October, November and December are my favorite months of the year, October for the fall weather, November for Thanksgiving (which I love juuuust a bit more than Christmas) and obviously, December for Christmas (and for what J&R call, 25 nights of drinking).
7. There was a three week period where I saw Bono in the flesh three different times, and not in concert. Once after a flight home from Ireland (where I told him I thought he was "just the greatest"), once at a work party, and once on the street. I kept telling everyone he was stalking me.
Congrats on the award. So excited for Christmas too - it's the best. Hot toddies here I come! :-)
Congrats on your award! I would love to see Bono in the flesh, I have gotten through many tough runs with the help of U2.
Good job on the challenge! I have obviously dropped the ball on the physical activity, but I have been a very good vegetarin!
congrats on your award Molly! Oh where can i find info on this Challenge? This sounds great to have people to do it with you!
wow! what a cool list! LOVE your movie picks. and the bono thing is just bananas!!
"My legs are sweatin' mama." and "I'ma kill that sumab*tch!" - Best quote from Urban Cowboy.
BTW-Thanks for your comments on my new blog! I welcome visits from bloggie friends too! I just didn't want to burden everyone with constant health updates on my running blog, so I made a "family blog". :)
Take care,
My husband would be soooooo jealous that you saw Bono three times in the flesh. He has seen in them in concert around 15 or 16 times, once in Ireland. He is obsessed. He just went to their concert in Oklahoma on Sunday. Obsessed.
And I love your list of your favorite movies! I've seen all of them and I love them! I used to have the soundtrack to Urban Cowboy on LP record!
I added you to High Five Friday...sorry if you have told me about the run before... UGH hard to keep up..
My hubby is always quoting Anchorman...it makes me laugh every time. We are not big movie people...but when we like a movei we watch it a bunch.
Congrats on your award.
I'm Catholic too and love it. So, do you go to daily Mass?
Congrats on your awards. I have one for you as
well for leaving me comments:0) come and accept
it please. Thanks!
I love the variety of movies. Good picks! Bono three times in month. That is kinda crazy. You run with some cool circles :)
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