So I was given a few blog awards these past few days, and here they are!

Alicia at One Chic Mommy gave me the Lovely Blog Award for a second time! Alicia is awesome, she's taking part of our Get Active Challenge, posts healthy recipes, and photos of her chic kids. Then Ronnie at But Such is Life gave it to me as well! Ronnie is also a great blogger, she's Getting Active, writes about her family and food, and makes you think about politics and religion.

Another blog friend is Momma Such, at Raising My Four Sons. She's blogs about the antics her crew gets into, I still can't get over her recent post about finding a mouse in the leg of her jeans....well she just gave me the Best Blog Award. To accept, you need to post who gave it to you, along with their blog link. Then pass it to 15 blogs you've recently discovered that you think are great. Well, here goes:
Leslie at A Blonde Ambition
Allison at Miss Muffin Cakes
Sheila at Living Smart
Amanda at Lunchbox Limbo
Girl with flour in her hair at Peeling an Orange with a Screwdriver

Now this last one is from Amanda at Lunchbox Limbo...she comes up with the coolest ideas for kids lunches, you need to check out her photos, and her ideas on how to go organic. After accepting it, you pass it to six others,
Alicia at One Chic Mommy
Janie at Life Not Wasted or Lost
Momma Such at Raising My Four Sons
Susan at Fobes Family Formula
Ronnie at But Such is Life
then answer these questions:
1. Where is your cell phone?
2.Your hair?
3. Your mother?
4. Your father? nut
5. Your favorite food?
6. Your dream last night?
7. Your favorite drink?
...white wine
8. Your dream/goal? stability
9. What room are you in? room
10. Your hobby?
11. Your fear?
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
13. Where were you last night?
14. Something you aren't?
15. Muffins?
16. Wish list item?
17. Where did you grow up?
...Long Island
18. Last thing you did?
...fed the kids
19. What are you wearing?
...tshirt, sweatpants, birkenstocks
20. Your TV?
21. Your pets?
22. Your friends?
23. Your life?
24. Your mood?
25. Missing someone?
26. Vehicle?
27. Something you're not wearing?
28. Your favorite store?
...Barnes and Noble
29. Your favorite color?
30. When was the last time you laughed?
31. Last time you cried?
...last night
32. Your best friend?
33. One place that I go over and over?
...Long Island
34. One person who emails me regularly?
35. Favorite place to eat?
...Les Halles
2.Your hair?
3. Your mother?
4. Your father? nut
5. Your favorite food?
6. Your dream last night?
7. Your favorite drink?
...white wine
8. Your dream/goal? stability
9. What room are you in? room
10. Your hobby?
11. Your fear?
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
13. Where were you last night?
14. Something you aren't?
15. Muffins?
16. Wish list item?
17. Where did you grow up?
...Long Island
18. Last thing you did?
...fed the kids
19. What are you wearing?
...tshirt, sweatpants, birkenstocks
20. Your TV?
21. Your pets?
22. Your friends?
23. Your life?
24. Your mood?
25. Missing someone?
26. Vehicle?
27. Something you're not wearing?
28. Your favorite store?
...Barnes and Noble
29. Your favorite color?
30. When was the last time you laughed?
31. Last time you cried?
...last night
32. Your best friend?
33. One place that I go over and over?
...Long Island
34. One person who emails me regularly?
35. Favorite place to eat?
...Les Halles