Everyone says how quickly time goes by, but when you look at the events of the year (the Olympics were last January, which seems ages ago!) then the time that passes is mighty full.
My goals for 2018 were to sleep more and to stop looking back. Well, I was better about my sleep, and taking care of myself in general. I lost a bit of weight, and was happy with my performance in the Mountain Goat 10 miler, a race that is not easy! I trained on my own and ran it on my own, which was different from how I train for the Boilermaker. I almost signed up again for the Goat, I think I'll wait another year or so. I'm still working on staying in the moment, and not looking back, which I think everyone struggles with at some point in their lives.
Mike had to have major surgery in April, he was pretty sick leading up to it, and it was a relief when he found out what was wrong and had it fixed. He's still dealing with some adjustments, but compared to how much pain he was it, it's a world of difference. I enjoyed my first colonoscopy - NOT!
We continued to have adventures with L & E, we took them to Boston, NYC, the Jersey Shore and the Adirondack's. No big trip this year, but we are planning a trip with the kids this year, to celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary! Holy cow, I don't know how that happened. Half the time I have to ask Mike how old I am, if I'm 46 or 47! I have a month before I actually turn 47.

I still enjoy my job, although at times working at a high school can be both a blessing and a curse, seeing the issues the students deal with. Academically speaking, I know what the kids need to do in order to be successful at school and to prepare them for college. But I end up putting unintentional pressure on the kids. I look back at my high school experience, I played field hockey, was a cheerleader, belonged to clubs, and compare it with what L & E do.
I'm thankful for all I have, and I'm ready for 2019!! Happy New Year!!!