Well, here is the photographic evidence. I'm registered for my marathon on September 12!
This has been an interesting week. First off, I have to say that between the two giveaways that I have going on right now, I've "met" a whole bunch of new people, and I look forward to reading more about each of your journey's.
On Wednesday, Mike was home in the morning so I was able to run outside, which is rare during the week. My bruised foot is still bugging me, I can't wear my Birkenstocks (which I live in), and it hurts to lace up my running shoes, but once they're on and I get moving, it's bearable. I went seven miles around my neighborhood, and left my water bottles at home, I figured if I needed water I could stop at one of the water fountains at the various playgrounds. At mile five I came up to a big baseball field, and as I cut across it, between the sunshine and smell and crunch of the grass, it took me right back to my high school field hockey days. The water even tasted the same.
My appetite has really kicked in this week, I'm like a bottomless pit. I was hoping to drop a few lb's by the marathon, but then I keep hearing that you really shouldn't lose weight while training. It seems hard to do at this point anyway. The day after my 17 miler I had a black bean, rice and veggie burrito, and after it was gone, I felt like I could eat another. Today Luke came in my room to tell me he wanted breakfast, and I was like, I'm right there with you buddy, I'm so hungry I could eat my hand.
My whole meat issue is still there. I went for five days without meat, and I was headachey and just didn't feel right, so I went back to eating it once a day. Some days I don't eat it at all, but I'll eat it if Mike makes it, or if it's mixed with something else. I'm definitely getting my fruits and veg in, I roasted a bunch of tomatoes, onions, zucchini and mushrooms to add to a ziti last night, and I'm loving all the summer fruits for my breakfast smoothie. I did have two kitchen disasters the other night, a perfect example of when blogging is distracting. I was heating up/defrosting some vodka sauce, and I'm tweeting/blogging away, Mike is on the phone, and I smell something. As in burning vodka sauce, the pan is completely black on the bottom but I'm trying to salvage it. So then I had to come up with something for dinner. We had two whole wheat burrito wraps left, some chicken, rice, cheese and corn. So I threw together a big quesadilla, and put it in the oven. Flipped it over when it was halfway done, put it back in the oven, then kept blogging. Then I smelled something. Yup, I burned it.
Hooray for Friday and all the good things it comes with it.....my iRun Like A Girl giveaway ends Sunday....and don't forget the Nathan fuel belt giveaway!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Anyone need a Fuel Belt?
When I started going for runs that lasted more than eight miles, I knew I needed to get some kind of hand held bottle, or fuel belt for my water and electrolyte drinks. I carried a small 8oz bottle of water in my hand, but that got old quick. My neighbor Heather has a marathon under her belt, and thanks to her, I use the Nathan Speed 4 Fuel Belt.
I like it for several reasons, the belt doesn't shift around once I Velcro it on, it has four bottles, and two pockets, one in front, one in back. I used it during the Boilermaker, my camera fit easily in the back pocket. Otherwise it can fit four gels (haven't needed that many yet!) and my ear buds. The front pocket zips, so that's where I put money, and lip balm.
There is a new model out of my belt, the Speed 4R, and thanks to the lovely folks at Nathan Sports, I have one for this giveaway, in a size Medium. The cool thing about this one, is that two of the four 8 oz bottles have what they call a Race Cap. These have a high-flow, one-way valve that opens and closes automatically and offers a quick shot of gel. You don't have to suck or squeeze hard to get it out.
To enter this giveaway, please go to the Nathan Sports website here, click around, and leave me a comment.
As usual, for extra entries you may (please leave a comment for each additional entry)
1. be a follower of my antics, or become one
2. follow Nathan Sports on Twitter here, or facebook
3. spread the word, via blog, twitter, facebook
4. tell me what you're training for
This giveaway ends at Midnight EST on Sunday August 8th. (August......already???)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
What I'm liking this week
You know what makes a mess? When your kid dumps a whole bottle of shampoo in the tub when you're not looking. So I didn't really like that.
As I've mentioned before, although my name says otherwise, I'm not a very good sleeper. I'll be tired when I get in bed, but then my mind kicks in, Mike starts snoring, and the next thing I know, it's two a.m. I've been a fan of Badger Balm for years, especially their lip balm tins, so I was excited for the chance to try out their Badger Sleep Balm. It's made with organic lavender and bergamot, and at bedtime you rub a bit on your temples or face, or wherever you want to smell its lovely scent. Which, by the way, is not overpowering at all, otherwise Mike would complain. I've been using it for almost 3 weeks now, I put a bit on the back of my neck, and on my temples. I didn't realize how well it's been helping me to settle down until I forgot to pack it when we went to the Adirondacks. It took me forever to fall asleep, and then it was like a light bulb went off, and I thought "I forgot the BALM!" I haven't forgotten it since, it has a permanent spot on my bedside table.
But.....I finally broke 500 miles today, halfway to my 1,000 miles in 2010 goal! I did it while wearing my latest running acquisition, a Nuu-Muu exercise dress in olive green and pink, that I won in a giveaway at Laura's blog, My Reason to Run. I have to say it's really comfy to run in, I like how the arm holes are cut small, so there is little room for chafing. Because I'm tall, I did pair it up with some boy-cut bathing suit bottoms, otherwise I'd be flashing a bit too much skin! It also makes for a cute bathing suit cover up, which mixes things up nicely because we've been hitting the pool practically every afternoon.

I'm almost on giveaway overload, I still have two more to post.....in the meantime don't forget my iRun Like A Girl Giveaway!
Disclaimer: I received a tin of Badger Balm for the purpose of this review, the opinions stated here are entirely my own.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Top Five Running Must Haves
I'm a guest blogger today over on Be Active, which is part of Become.com.....on what I think you need when you're going for a run.....so go check it out.....here!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Wild stilettos on the dance floor make for a tender run
Alcohol (well, we are Irish)
I was so looking forward to my cousin's wedding this past Friday, despite the downpours, and heat and humidity, they managed to have an outdoor ceremony overlooking the Hudson.
I was bummed that my brother and his wife couldn't make it, but it was great to see my extended family on such a happy day.
I tend to enjoy the cocktail hour more than the dinner, I like the chance to have a little bit of everything. There were some beautiful salads, seafood and lamb, but I really went for the passed hors d'oeuvers like ahi tuna springrolls, tomato basil tarts and teeny tiny BLT's. I tried Mike's lamb, and later on his filet, and they were like butter (I'm going to write more about how my relationship with meat is going in another post, but I went with the fish for dinner).
I did have a couple of typical Molly moments. During the cocktail hour, I was doing some plate/glass adjusting (I decided to forgo the mint juleps, in honor of the groom's Kentucky roots, for margaritas. You know, since tequila is a safer choice over bourbon) and I managed to drop my fork. Well, I didn't want to drop it and make a loud noise on the marble floor, so it tumbled a bit along the front of my dress before I caught it. It left a few spots on the top of my dress, which my sister said just made me look like a breastfeeding mother. Which I haven't been in three years.
My family loves to dance (although my sister dances JUST like Elaine from Seinfeld) and it's pretty much a requirement when "Build Me Up Buttercup" is played, since it's my Mom and Aunt's favorite song. What isn't fun though, is when a women dancing next to you manages to drill the top of your foot with her stiletto. Can I get an ouch? A bruise popped up immediately, and it even got a bit puffy, I wouldn't have been surprised if I broke it, since it was my right foot, and I've broken that ankle twice already.
The party went on late into the evening back at the hotel. Thankfully check out was at noon. Mike and I managed to stumble out at 11:45.
Since the wedding was on Friday, I had to do my long run on Sunday. Which was good since I needed to work off all that I had indulged in at the wedding. I wasn't looking forward to it, wasn't sure about my foot, and there were thunderstorms in the forecast. But by the time Jeannine and Norine arrived, and my running shoes felt okay on my tender foot, I was ready to get it on.
Next week.....18miles Baby!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thursday Always Sneaks Up On Me
1. Mike and I are having a night away from the kids this weekend, and I can't wait. My cousin is getting married at a fab place, and I have a fab new dress, and it's in a fab single digit size.
2. My long run this weekend is going to be seventeen miles. Seventeen miles! I'm lucky if I drive that far in a day, much less run it.
3. Don't forget the iRun Like A Girl giveaway.....and congrats to Cynthia O'H, who is the winner of the JumpStart membership!
2. My long run this weekend is going to be seventeen miles. Seventeen miles! I'm lucky if I drive that far in a day, much less run it.
3. Don't forget the iRun Like A Girl giveaway.....and congrats to Cynthia O'H, who is the winner of the JumpStart membership!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
iRun Like A Girl.....Giveaway!
When I was at the Expo for the Boilermaker last weekend, I was excited to see a booth for iRun Like A Girl. If you haven't seen their line of running gear, it includes skirts, hoodies, tees, and even jewelry for women and girls. I have my eye on a hot pink hoodie for Eliza, it would be perfect for her upcoming birthday!
But what I really like about iRun Like A Girl is their message, they "celebrate the ageless girl spirit in females of all sizes, all ages, and all fitness levels. We believe that the spirit of a girl is what runs her thru life successfully, literally and figuratively." Pretty great motto huh?
I'm excited to give you a chance to win something from iRun Like A Girl, the winner will be given a choice from a few options, depending upon your preference.
To enter:
1. please visit iRun Like a Girl, then leave me a comment.
2. for extra entries (please leave a comment for each that you do) you may:
*be a follower of my blog or become one
*follow iRun Like a Girl on twitter *join the iRun Like a Girl mailing list
*let others know about this giveaway via blog, twitter, facebook
Giveaway ends at midnight EST on Sunday August 1.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Weekend Comparisons
I've spent the last 20 minutes trying to put a new blog header photo up, and for some reason Blogger keeps making the photo huge.....so I'll just get to my post. We headed up to the Adirondacks this weekend to spend time with Mike's Mom and Dad, take the kids to the water park a couple of times, and fit in a long run for me.
When we got on the road I kept feeling like we were forgetting something, loading up the car seemed a bit too easy. Until I realized we didn't have the usual baby crap, pack n plays, potty seats, etc. The kids are really kids now, no more being slaves to nap time, and they're easy to port around. After the first day of exploring the water rides, I commented to Mike about how easy it is having just two kids. There is one for each of us, and since Eliza couldn't go on all the rides, Mike and I took turns taking Luke on the bigger, scarier rides....and let me say, I screamed like the girl that I am on several of them.
special running socks
running skirt
wicking tank with built in sports bra
sport sunscreen
sport chapstick
ipod/ipod holder/ear buds
running visor
fuel belt with four water bottles
power cords to charge ipod and garmin
foam roller
calve stretcher
16 oz pink nalgene bottle with a flower on it
I'm so high maintenance now I hardly recognize myself.
Once I got into town I walked a bit because of the crowded sidewalk, and I didn't mind at all. There was so much up and down with all the hills, I was almost bored during a flat stretch of road. At mile 9 my ipod got all wonky, then it crapped out. Anyone familiar with my track record with ipods won't be surprised. Not only does mine turn off during runs in 10 degree weather, my nasty sweat soaked arm causes the same issue. I made it to the point where I was going to meet Mike for a ride home, and realized I still had about a mile to go. He pulled up in the Jeep, I jumped in the back and had him drop me off at the campground where I usually run, figured I could bang out the last mile quickly....until half a mile in and realized the run back out was Up. Hill. Enough already!!! I finally finished with two hours and two minutes.
Holy cow, do you remember Trapper Keepers????? Mike's Dad went to a garage sale, and came back with a box full of coloring books, paper, games, and......a heart and rainbow Trapper keeper. It was the EXACT same one I had in Junior High. It's mine now.
I also got a new phone this week.....it's some kind of android. You know what that means.....blogging on the go Baby!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Jump Start Review....and Giveaway
I'm going to switch gears for a moment, from my usual dialogue about my love of running and food, to my main love in my life.....my kids. For this review you'll have not only my opinion, but Luke (age 6), and Eliza's(almost 4) as well.
We had the chance to review Jump Start, which is a browser based virtual world of learning and games. This is an educational website for kids age 3 - 10 where they learn how to navigate among the many areas such as The Neighborhood, Town Square, The Jungle and The Beach, along with additional games that you can download.
Luke is a great reader, it's easy to challenge him just by picking the right level book. Right now he's learning basic math skills, which he was able to work on with the Stadium games, such as Basketball. You can choose addition, subtraction multiplication or division, there was a question written on the basketball (ex: 5+1) and Luke had to click on the correct answer to keep the ball from falling.
I found the blog for parents helpful when we weren't sure how to proceed with something, a perfect example was when the kids wanted to venture to the Enchanted Sanctuary, to raise their own dragon. They first had to earn enough coins, then within the Sanctuary they had to find and capture 15 hearts. They competed with other avatars to get the hearts, so that caused some excitement. After finding the hearts, they were told to look for an egg. It took a while to find one, but once they did a Fairy told them to bring the egg to a hatchery. They were able to choose the gender of the dragon, and the colors. We had to check back a few times to see if it hatched, once it did they had fun feeding and bathing it, watching it grow, training it, and letting it fly.
We had the chance to review Jump Start, which is a browser based virtual world of learning and games. This is an educational website for kids age 3 - 10 where they learn how to navigate among the many areas such as The Neighborhood, Town Square, The Jungle and The Beach, along with additional games that you can download.
The three of us had a great time with this game. There are so many different places to play, the number of choices is almost overwhelming, but there is a dog named Frankie to help you navigate through. Right off the bat I noticed how L&E interacted with each other while they explored the different areas, they weren't competing against each other, they played together, with Luke helping Eliza with the more difficult parts. They laughed out loud at certain things, like the Matching Duckie game, and both got excited about hatching a baby dragon in the Enchanted Sanctuary.
To play the game, the kids made an avatar, as they played games they acquired coins that they could redeem in different stores, like the Pet Store. There is a star in the top corner of the screen, showing what level they had achieved in the game. In the lower left corner is a map icon, which brought them easily to whatever part of the game they wanted to be. As they played there were other avatars running around, of other children playing the game at the same time. Through facebook you can link up with other players, although we didn't do that, it helps to earn more coins.

Eliza is all about her Littlest Pet Shop games and dancing, so she loved Storyland, and making her own houses. We started playing Jumpstart last month, and it was neat how they had Fireworks go off in the Main Street section for the Fourth of July.

I realize that technology is a big part of the kids lives, it's pretty much unavoidable these days. They play Wii and Playstation for entertainment, but what I liked about JumpStart was that they were being entertained and learning at the same time. Luke can navigate my laptop very easily now, a couple of times he took over when I was trying to get the avatar to swim or jump, he especially liked the Launch Pad that allowed the avatar to fly. Overall, the three of us give JumpStart a thumbs up.
Now the fun part. If you would like a chance at winning a three month membership to JumpStart, please leave me a comment, telling me what kind of games you enjoy playing with your kids.
For additional entries:
1. let me know you are a follower of my blog, or become one, and let me know in a comment.
2. spread the word about this giveaway, any way you choose, via blog, twitter or facebook, and leave me a comment.
Giveaway ends at midnight EST on Wednesday, July 21.
Disclosure: I was provided with a JumpStart membership at no cost by Knowledge Adventure in order to test the products’ abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but were not influenced by the company or the free product provided.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Boilermaker...Year Four
This is how the past four years of running the Boilermaker have gone:
2007....1:39:39 (scary hot and humid)
2008....1:38:39 (weird, exactly one minute less)
2009....1:37:05 (could have done better)
Yup! Finally, a decent PR!
Today was a really great race, everyone I know did really well.
We were up and on the road by six a.m., since we had my brother in law driving, he dropped us off right at the start, with plenty o' time to hit the porta potties. It was really crowded, from what the announcer said, over 13,000 people registered, which made this year one of the largest 15k's in the country. The weather was decent though, some clouds, warm, but not humid at all, and at times we felt a breeze. I wasn't nervous at all, and I kept my eye out for J, Katie, and Nicki, but it was hard to look in that sea of people.
Gun went off, took about ten minutes just to get to the start line, but then we were moving, if you can call it that. Lots of dodging and weaving around people, we said a quick hello to a fellow Lake Effect Group runner, then everyone was just off. We all had a goal in mind, and had to try and do it. My goal was to do under 1:35. After mile one I started running on the grass alongside the road just to get my pace up, and barely noticed the bands and dancers and crowds alongside the course. I kept my eye on G-Unit, didn't want to go over a ten minute mile, at this point I was about a 9:30. Kept this up until mile 3, when I saw my friend C, who ran Boston for the first time this year, and whose training plan I'm following for Rochester. We chatted a bit about our time goals, and how we might have to adjust them based on how many people were out there running.
Mile seven came and went, and it was almost mile eight. I wanted to try and pick it up, and came to a corner near a bunch of warehouses, where the first year I ran this, I got a little loopy in the head because of the heat, so I always have flashbacks to how lousy I felt that year. I got nervous and just kept steady, saw the Mile Nine sign, and next thing I knew, I was done.
Then it was time for beer, which wasn't doing it for me, so I made due with a snow cone. Then we took photos of us in our running skirts, Jeannine and I matched in our camo skirts (on sale to boot!). Looking back at my race, I played it safe again, but I'm testing the waters. I'm proud of myself for running strong, not puking or letting my head get to me, and still finishing faster than last year.
Now I can look forward to the next race on the calendar......Rochester Marathon on September 12.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Non numeric five for Friday

I'm really excited for the Boilermaker on Sunday. I have a goal in mind, but I'm going to be flexible about it, it will depend on the heat, humidity, and crowds, there are over 13,000 people registered for it. I had a conversation with my friend Heather, as well as Mike about my running. They both think that I'm holding myself back, that I could run faster if I wanted to. I do run faster on the treadmill, because lately my outside runs have been about building mileage, so I don't push my pace. I formulated a plan, so we'll see what happens.
I have two giveaways coming up.....one is of a fitness nature, the other is for kids.....if you have one.
Now the meat thing......I realize that I eat meat once a day. As for for not eating it, I'm going to just take baby steps. If we have pasta Mike usually grills some sausage or chicken to go with it, so he can still do that for himself, I'll just pass it up. I'm also looking at my dairy consumption, which I've felt uneasy about for a while too. I use Coffe Mate in my coffee, so I'm going to switch to either soy or rice milk. I bought some Earth Balance spread to replace my butter, and it's actually really good. Mike gave it a thumbs up, and Butter is one of his favorite things in life (other than me). I love love love cheese, that's going to be harder to replace, so I'm going to wait on that one.
Speaking of cheese, I can't get enough of fresh mozzarella, tomato and basil. I don't know what my Italian sister in law does to her salad, I use the same ingredients as her and I can never get it to taste the same. Yesterday I broiled the tomatoes with some ground pepper and kosher salt and layered it with the basil and cheese on a baguette. So good that I had it again today....for breakfast.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Beef, chicken or fish?
I had a great run Saturday, we had 15 miles on the schedule. I think I have my energy routine figured out, I've been using a fuel belt, with three bottles of water, and one of nuun. I took a gel (I've been favoring the lemon/berry flavors, the vanilla and chocolate ones make me gag) at mile 6, and mile 12, before I felt like I needed it, and sipped water when I wanted it. I got into my little zone around mile 13 which is the most boring stretch of road, just kept my head down and kept at it. We took a turn that added more mileage than I thought it would, so we ended up with 15.67 miles, it took 2:40:24, with an average pace of 10:16. Not bad.
During the run J&N and I talked about compression socks and ice baths and running in general, after they left my house I decided to try out an ice bath. Took six ice packs and threw them in the tub of cold water....and EEEEEYOOOOWWWW it was ccccccold. Soaked for 20 minutes, Eliza tried to keep me company but she decided to put on her elephant costume and go play, so I had time to read my new Marian Keyes book. I think it worked, I wasn't sore at all later or the next day, so I think that's going to be my new habit after the long runs.
I'm having an issue with meat. As in, I don't know if I want to eat it anymore. I've always eaten meat, but until I met Mike, it had to be very well done for me to do so. I like burgers and bacon. And lamb chops. Not a huge fan of chicken, I can barely cook it, and when I do I have it in something like enchiladas or mole. Or I bake the hell out of it. I don't do ham. When I was pregnant I couldn't look at or smell any kind of meat. I'm a fan of veggie meals, I usually choose the vegetarian option at weddings, or order fish when we eat out. Love sushi.
I made my Healthy Helper this week with ground beef, and I housed that because it's mixed in with the pasta. I ate that rotisserie chicken, but not much of it. We had ribs on Friday, and I picked at them and around them, and ate most of the black bean salad, slaw and corn bread instead. So I don't know what's up, I just don't want to eat it, and this isn't the best time to experiment with my diet since my mileage is going up every week. So I have a conundrum.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Mid Point
I have a new favorite running song. Neutron Star Collision by Muse, it's from the Eclipse Soundtrack. Yes, I've read all of the Twilight books. Yes I've seen the movies. And Yes, I am Team Edward.
Mike finally got his Father's Day gift up and running this weekend, a rotisserie for this grill. The weather on Sunday was supposed to be nice, so he prepped a chicken to roast, along with some Pecan Grilling Smoke that I got from Brad. Five minutes after he got it going, dark clouds rolled in and it started to rain, so we dragged the umbrella from the patio set over to cover the grill, and we were all set. Not to sound all Frank Perdue, but it was the juiciest chicken I've ever had.
I do not have a green thumb, but I'm proud of this little pot of wheat grass that I planted with Luke as part of one of his craft projects. It's just enough for a shot of wheat grass juice, if I had a juicer around.
Found Muse on YouTube.....Happy Fourth!
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