Monday, August 9, 2010

Second Chance at a Fuel Belt

I was cracking up when I read the comments on my last post about my tattoo.  I haven't gotten it yet, I'm having it done a couple of weeks after the marathon.  I've always wanted one, and came close a few times, and I figured what better way to mark a 26.2 milestone by getting inked?  It's going to be a celtic cross, I like the one my brother has on his arm, but mine will go on my ankle.

THANK YOU to everyone who entered the Nathan Fuel belt giveaway, I'm still working my way over to your blogs, but I enjoyed reading about the races everyone is training for.  First, congrats to Lynette, who is training for 2 half marathons a week apart, and is also thinking about an ultra in the fall (I used to pick the winner).

Now, here is a second chance to win....a Nathan Speed 2R Auto-Cant, with Race Flasks.  If you entered my first Nathan giveaway, leave me a comment letting me know you did so, and for this go around, I will give you the same number of entries that you did the last time.  If you missed the first giveawy, you can enter by going to the Nathan website, and letting me know what you thought of their products.  For additional entries:

1. like Nathan on Facebook or Twitter
2. follow my blog
3. spread the word and let me know how you did so.

This giveaway ends at midnight EST, on Sunday August 15th.


KovasP said...

I entered the earlier giveaway!

Unknown said...

I entered the earlier give away too. Hope you are having a great week :)

abbi said...

I entered the other giveaway!

The Green Girl said...

I entered the earlier giveaway! ::crosses fingers:: I'd love to try their new bottles - I've been eying them at the running store.

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

I entered the earlier giveaway! :)

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

I also just linked this giveaway on my blog at :D

Jen said...

I follow your blog.

BTW: I got my first tat in May on my wrist.

Nicki said...

I entered the previous giveaway.

Can't wait to see the tat later in the year.

Rae said...

I entered the first giveaway!

Rae said...

I also linked this giveaway on my blog side bar.

NY Wolve said...

I have never run with a fuel belt. i would be interested in hearing people's thoughts on them. Do they slosh around? Bounce? I have run with a small (8 oz) water jammed into a Spibelt, but that is about it. I hide water for long runs.

Michelle said...

I entered the first giveaway and will link this one on my sidebar again!

Have a good week!!

Runners Fuel said...

I entered the last entry

Unknown said...

I entered the first giveaway. Thanks for hosting another. I'm determined to get a fuel belt somehow this summer (without actually having to buy one).

Jon said...

If I were to ever get a tattoo, I would get it done in Henna first to see if I like it. Or I would get it done in different ways in Henna, that way I can always get rid of it easily if I don't like it.

I am now a follower of your blog!

Tricia said...

...........pretty sure I entered the first

If I didnt...then I should have :) I have one, but my hubs is in dire need of one of his own.

Tricia said...

I follow

have a lovely week!

Teamarcia said...

Wow Fuel-Belt-O-Rama!
I entered your first one!

yonca said...

I gotta try Nathan Catalyst. My favorite flavor is orange:)Have a wonderful week Molly- Great Giveaway!

Pam @ said...

I entered the giveaway the first time.

I think...

Heather said...

I entered the first Nathan giveaway!

track coach and adorable wife said...

i entered the first giveaway, and I linked this giveaway on my blog!

Sheridan Lee said...

I entered the previous giveaway...thanks!

Unknown said...

I entered the first giveaway also. Thanks.

Rachel Durazzani said...

I entered the first entry.

Rachel Durazzani said...

I "Liked" Nathan's on FB.

Rachel Durazzani said...

I Follow.

Marilyn @ Lipgloss and Spandex said...

I like the Nathan Quick Draw, which I own. It's great for short runs in the heat :)

Unknown said...

I entered the last giveaway. Thanks, Molly!

Marilyn @ Lipgloss and Spandex said...

Also, I follow your blog :)

Marilyn @ Lipgloss and Spandex said...

And I now follow Nathan on Twitter! Thanks for the giveaway.

Canadian runner said...

I entered the first give away

Canadian runner said...

I follow Nathan on twitter

Canadian runner said...

I follow your blog!

Canadian runner said...

I posted it on my blog

One Crazy Penguin said...

I entered the first give away :)

Alanna said...

I entered the last giveaway (I had 5 entries then). And I updated my sidebar to the new contest, but don't expect an extra entry for it.

Karen said...

I'm pretty sure I entered the last giveaway.

julie said...

I entered your previous giveaway.

julie said...

I am going to link this on my blog right now.

busyrunningmama said...

I entered the first giveaway!

MJ said...

I entered the first giveaway! Finger crossed for this one :)

Q said...

Became a follower!

Q said...

Spread the word by linking to you on my blog!

*~*~* Tracy said...

I entered the first giveaway!!

Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

Wow, another chance to win? Awesome.
I entered the first one =)

Anonymous said...

I entered the first giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Great blog-I did not enter the first give away.
Ben C

Elizabeth said...

I entered the first giveaway.

Lindsey said...

I entered the first giveaway:)

Lindsey said...

Zucchini is probably my favorite vegetable. I'm always excited when I find the GIANT ones at the farmers markets.

Last time my mom came to visit we went and got tattoos together. I was hoping we could get them again when she comes in September, but she's getting one BEFORE she comes out. WTH! Mom!

Tara Kieninger said...

I entered your first give-away.

Erika said...

I entered the first give-away!

Unknown said...

I entered the first time! :)

RunToTheFinish said...

i entered the first time

Marlene said...

Please count me in! I now follow your blog.

Marlene said...

I follow Nathan on Twitter!

Marlene said...

I like Nathan on FB

suzy, said...

I entered the first giveaway

suzy, said...

I'm a follower :)

suzy, said...

I like Nathan on Facebook

suzy, said...

and follow on twitter too

suzy, said...

linked your giveaway to my blog

Kristin said...

I entered your other fuel belt giveaway.

Unknown said...

I entered your other fuel belt giveaway!!

Unknown said...

I follow your lovely blog :)

Unknown said...

I like Nathan on Facebook!

Unknown said...

I posted a link to my blogs sidebar!!

Sarahlynsm said...

I entered on the previous giveaway.

Sarahlynsm said...

I posted a link on my facebook page. :)

Sarahlynsm said...

I'm a follower!

Sarahlynsm said...

And I liked Nathan on facebook! :)

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

I follow them on twitter! :)

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

Shelby said...

I love fuel belts...i tell everyone about them!

Kimberly said...

I follow Nathan on Twitter (@redheadrunswild)

Kimberly said...

I follow your blog.

Kimberly said...

Put the giveaway on my blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first timer. I now follow your blog.

Anonymous said...

Added link on my sidebar.

Stacie said...

I like Nathan on Facebook.

Stacie said...

I follow your blog!!!

Stacie said...

I posted a link on my sidebar.

Stacie said...

I'd love to try any of the Nathan Fuel Belts. The bag for triathlon goodies looks great too.

Jill said...

I have a nathan fuel belt but am dying to try this newer one. Would love to win it.

Jill said...

Linking you!!!