I'm happy I get to celebrate National Running Day, by actually running! I was hoping to run four miles last night after our ride home from Long Island, but traffic, a thunderstorm, and two kids needing dinner and baths kind of got in the way.
I was not in the mood to do anything today, like put the house back in order, grocery shop, visit the dry cleaners, Monday type stuff, not Hump Day stuff. But Mike called and said he was going to be home by four which meant I could get outside for a run! So after two iced coffees I threw on my Domestic Goddess hat and got to it, along with catching up on a bunch of blogs and a few other things. I have some giveaways and reviews coming up, and I need to post some recipes I've been tinkering with. I'm partnering up with CSN Stores again to do a review, if you haven't heard of them they have everything under the sun, from a sleeper sofa, to exercise equipment to cookware.
I felt like challenging myself today, and decided to do my four miles in under 40 minutes. So off I went in the heat (once again we skipped spring), with my ipod kickin' and G-Unit on my wrist and settled into a quick pace. I haven't been pushing myself as much as I should be, and there were moments when I felt it. After two miles I got one of those annoying cramps under my right shoulder blade, but I rotated my arm for a bit and it went away.
I had about 3/4 of a mile left when a car came along, and it was my friend Kelly! She yelled some words of encouragement, and I dug in for the rest of the run......ended with four miles in 37:30, with a 9:22 pace.....goal attained! For the heck of it, I looked at my time from the Shamrock Race, a four mile race I did in March. That time was 39:19, in 32 degree weather, today it's 80 degrees. I'd call that a PR!
Happy Running Day!
GReat job on the 37 minutes! I love PRs!
Hi Molly,
Yep, that was totally a PR! That is an awesome time especially for running in the heat! I have been having issues with running in the heat....I am moving so much slower and I feel icky:( Good job Molly!
Write. It. Down! PR and in the heat...awesome!
Great job on the 4 miler especially in the heat!! I hate those shoulder cramps! They are the worst!
Wow! 4 miles in under 40 minutes? You did a great job! I'll be checking out CSN Stores!
Congrats on the NRD PR!!
Way to go!
I'm a beginner who has shin splints, so that has set me behind. I have a trainer who has given me exercises to do so we will see.
Outstanding job on the run! Great pace in the heat or even not in the heat!
I love that your friend was there at just the right time to motivate you to finish it! You did so well!
Woo!!! You looked awesome out there today! So glad I didn't slow you down with all of my yelling! Congrats on the PR!
You go girl! Great job on the run... heat and all!!!
I knew as soon as I read "my friend Kelly," which Kelly it was.
Nice job in the heat. It was darn hot out there all weekend! I have been putting ice water in my Fuel Belt to pour on my head when it gets overwhelming. Perhaps I could put one of those battery operated fans on my visor?
I would call that a PR too :) Way to go on the run!!
Definitly a PR! Nicley done. I celebrated NRD by swimming and biking. Go figure :)
Wow, awesome job Molly!! Looking forward to your recipes :)
Way to go, Molly!!!!
I celebrated national running day by going on a bike ride. Oops ...
Great job! And what a great friend you have to inspire you to keep going!
You ran 4 miles in under an hour! You're my hero!
I found your blog through the MBC follow me club. I am now following!
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Jessica a.k.a. Nya's mom
great job on the sub 40! We skipped spring too but next week looks great!
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