I did something to my back/neck this week. I woke up Wednesday and it hurt to move, I had to do the old roll out of bed move that I used back in my pregnancy days. Luckily Wednesday was a rest day, so I popped some advil and took a few hot showers. Managed to run six miles yesterday, but today it's still a bit stiff. I think it's because I've been sleeping in so many different beds these past few weekends and it's catching up with me.
I finally ordered a running skirt! They had a great sale going on, and I bit the bullet and bought one in camo/purple. My sis in law had ordered the same one, so now we'll match for the Boilermaker. We did the matching thing a couple of years ago, and wore pink tech shirts, but I think the skirts are more fun. We're planning on a 13 mile run tomorrow, just in time for the 90 degree heat and humidity due to arrive this weekend.

I love my Jeep. I bought it alone, negotiated the deal myself (although it did help that the dealership advertised in the newspaper I worked for, and my boss called ahead and let them know I was coming). Love love love it. We've had it forever and it has 137,000 miles on it. I hope it lasts a bit longer, but things keep needing to be fixed on it, and Mike has told me to prepare myself for when it finally bites the dust. I really hope that doesn't happen for a looong time.
I decided that my favorite time of day is when we go to bed and we check on the kids slumbering away. Last night Luke looked like a teenager, and he's only six.
If you've read my blog for a while, you know that my mother in law went through treatment this past year for breast cancer. Things are looking good now, so my father in law is hosting a lunch on Father's Day to celebrate the news. Most of D's family and friends who did the fundraising walk for breast cancer last fall will be there. So Sunday should be an extra good day.
Congrats on the new skirt. That's what I need. Since I've taken up jogging, my legs don't like the feel of my shorts hitting my thighs. I need a short skirt or short-shorts or something.
Sorry about your back. Hope you feel better soon. Be careful running in that 90 degree weather. That's what we have here and it's miserable. But, running gives a bit of a breeze, at least. (I can't run as far as you yet either).
Hope the back loosens up soon!
Great news about the MIL!
We had to get rid of my wife's Ford Escape with 150K on it a few months ago. That was the perfect vehicle for dirt dogs like us -- we miss it.
That's good news for sure! Today's our Relay for Life Walk at our high school track and the weather couldn't be any better...
Hey love the blue-but I guess you already know I'm partial to that color...
We've had 3 jeeps too. Love them! And I don't like the style and design of the new one. Ours look like yours and that's how they SHOULD look!
I love those running skirts. So cute!
I just ordered a skirt too. We'll see how it fits my ample rear.
We have a jeep too and the thing just keeps hanging in there. The older ones were definitely built to last.
Great news on your MIL!
We have the same jeep and I love it too but we just had to fix the transmission, $3,000 later...I hate cars but do love the jeep.
Hope your neck/back feels better. Great news about your dad.
have you tried stretching and using a heating pad? I used to suffer from really bad shoulder problems that would move into my neck (still do a little bit), and heat really helped. Sometimes I would go to sleep laying on a heating pad on low!
I hope you have a great time with your husband's family this weekend! It's fantastic news that your MIL is doing well!
Awesome news about your mom in law! Get your hands on some arnica or muscle ice for that neck! My friend woke up with a horrible stiff neck earlier this week, she used some of my muscle ice and along with the good old hot shower remedy she was able to run our watermelon run yesterday :)!
Where did you get the skirts? -on sale-? I want one so bad! P.S> I love the matching idea.. I know its a bit away but me and my sis are making tutus for the turkey trot later this year:)
Great news about your MIL.
I love the jeep.Hope next year I have one;-)
Have a wonderful time this weekend!
I completely agree with your theory of different beds.
Enjoy the lunch, definitely cause for celebrating.
I run my cars till they die as well
Great news and what a great day Sunday will be
yippeee for a new skirt! happy to hear the good family news :)
I think I was too slow to the skirt sale and everything in my size was gone.
Great news on your MIL!
You'll love your skirt. I missed out on the deals.
Enjoy Sunday with your family.
Nice news on your mother in law. How nice of your father in law to use father's day to celebrate it. Where did you get the skirt?
That's wonderful that your MIL is doing well, hooray!
Sorry about your back. Running skirts? Sound cute!
I'm so sorry about your back and neck! I am currently having to roll out of bed, being 7 months pregnant, so I know the routine! Back problems are so awful. Hope you heal soon!
Hope you have a great weekend with your in-laws! That is great news about your M-I-L!!
Hi Molly, I hope your back is feeling better!
Sorry I have not commented in awhile, to much to do, to little time...
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