Alcohol (well, we are Irish)
I was so looking forward to my cousin's wedding this past Friday, despite the downpours, and heat and humidity, they managed to have an outdoor ceremony overlooking the Hudson.
I was bummed that my brother and his wife couldn't make it, but it was great to see my extended family on such a happy day.
I tend to enjoy the cocktail hour more than the dinner, I like the chance to have a little bit of everything. There were some beautiful salads, seafood and lamb, but I really went for the passed hors d'oeuvers like ahi tuna springrolls, tomato basil tarts and teeny tiny BLT's. I tried Mike's lamb, and later on his filet, and they were like butter (I'm going to write more about how my relationship with meat is going in another post, but I went with the fish for dinner).
I did have a couple of typical Molly moments. During the cocktail hour, I was doing some plate/glass adjusting (I decided to forgo the mint juleps, in honor of the groom's Kentucky roots, for margaritas. You know, since tequila is a safer choice over bourbon) and I managed to drop my fork. Well, I didn't want to drop it and make a loud noise on the marble floor, so it tumbled a bit along the front of my dress before I caught it. It left a few spots on the top of my dress, which my sister said just made me look like a breastfeeding mother. Which I haven't been in three years.
My family loves to dance (although my sister dances JUST like Elaine from Seinfeld) and it's pretty much a requirement when "Build Me Up Buttercup" is played, since it's my Mom and Aunt's favorite song. What isn't fun though, is when a women dancing next to you manages to drill the top of your foot with her stiletto. Can I get an ouch? A bruise popped up immediately, and it even got a bit puffy, I wouldn't have been surprised if I broke it, since it was my right foot, and I've broken that ankle twice already.
The party went on late into the evening back at the hotel. Thankfully check out was at noon. Mike and I managed to stumble out at 11:45.
Since the wedding was on Friday, I had to do my long run on Sunday. Which was good since I needed to work off all that I had indulged in at the wedding. I wasn't looking forward to it, wasn't sure about my foot, and there were thunderstorms in the forecast. But by the time Jeannine and Norine arrived, and my running shoes felt okay on my tender foot, I was ready to get it on.
Next week.....18miles Baby!!
Nice cake! :)
And nice job on the 17 miles. I've got a few more weeks before I hit that mileage. The foot's ok in the aftermath of your run?
I am impressed with your feeling like you could have gone way farther. I did not feel that way after my 16 miles. I am doing 18 this week too.
That cake looks soo good, almost too good to eat (almost).
Awesome 17 miles! Keep up the good work! :)
Sounds like you had a very cool time at the wedding. Nice 17 miler too!
My sister have the same affinity for "Buttercup!" We will even call each other and put the phone up to the radio/speaker/towards the singer if we are apart from each other when one of us hears it! Sounds like you had a great time at the wedding!
Weddings are always fun:) way to go on your 17 miles! that's amazing! my family always has to dance to "we are family..." SIGH!
Hi Molly,
It sounds like you had a blast at the wedding! You look so good....the dress is so cute and you really do look amazing! I love your hair and as always your skin is flawless:)
Way to go on the 17 miler! I am so jealous and I wish I was still marathon training:( Boo for me!
Great job on your long!!
What a nice wedding...and that cake looks so delicious.
Oh, chocolate is my weakness; I would have just eaten the icing! Yum!
Way to go getting your long run in after that. Dedication extraordinaire!
I can't believe you managed to pull it together after a fun wedding like that and RUN! Amazing.
You are so pretty as was your dress.
Wow, fantastic cake! I've got a birthday party this weekend (mine) but managed to organize it for Sunday after my week's long run. Feeling that you could go farther than planned is so good!
Nice job!!! When is your marathon??
Sounds like a great weekend! Great job on the long run!!
Nice mental recovery and back to running so strong. Weddings make me take a week off.
Awesome cake! Fun wedding! And super run! Wish mine were half that good.
What a nice wedding, I like the pictures. Anyway the weddings are my nightmares, I don't want to wear the formal suit, I don't want to eat all that food, I don't like to fault.
17 miles: great job!
Love that wedding cake! Looks really good, I could go for a piece right now! Great job on the 17 miler! You are going to rock the marathon!!
You look great, Molly! Love the cake. It is beautiful. Great job on your long run! I am not sure I could do it after a party like that.
I love the cake and I especially love the dress! I am also a huge fan of cocktail hour at weddings. Awesome awesome job on your run!!
I dont care much for cake, but that cake looks too pretty to eat
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