We had the chance to review Jump Start, which is a browser based virtual world of learning and games. This is an educational website for kids age 3 - 10 where they learn how to navigate among the many areas such as The Neighborhood, Town Square, The Jungle and The Beach, along with additional games that you can download.
The three of us had a great time with this game. There are so many different places to play, the number of choices is almost overwhelming, but there is a dog named Frankie to help you navigate through. Right off the bat I noticed how L&E interacted with each other while they explored the different areas, they weren't competing against each other, they played together, with Luke helping Eliza with the more difficult parts. They laughed out loud at certain things, like the Matching Duckie game, and both got excited about hatching a baby dragon in the Enchanted Sanctuary.
To play the game, the kids made an avatar, as they played games they acquired coins that they could redeem in different stores, like the Pet Store. There is a star in the top corner of the screen, showing what level they had achieved in the game. In the lower left corner is a map icon, which brought them easily to whatever part of the game they wanted to be. As they played there were other avatars running around, of other children playing the game at the same time. Through facebook you can link up with other players, although we didn't do that, it helps to earn more coins.

Eliza is all about her Littlest Pet Shop games and dancing, so she loved Storyland, and making her own houses. We started playing Jumpstart last month, and it was neat how they had Fireworks go off in the Main Street section for the Fourth of July.

I realize that technology is a big part of the kids lives, it's pretty much unavoidable these days. They play Wii and Playstation for entertainment, but what I liked about JumpStart was that they were being entertained and learning at the same time. Luke can navigate my laptop very easily now, a couple of times he took over when I was trying to get the avatar to swim or jump, he especially liked the Launch Pad that allowed the avatar to fly. Overall, the three of us give JumpStart a thumbs up.
Now the fun part. If you would like a chance at winning a three month membership to JumpStart, please leave me a comment, telling me what kind of games you enjoy playing with your kids.
For additional entries:
1. let me know you are a follower of my blog, or become one, and let me know in a comment.
2. spread the word about this giveaway, any way you choose, via blog, twitter or facebook, and leave me a comment.
Giveaway ends at midnight EST on Wednesday, July 21.
Disclosure: I was provided with a JumpStart membership at no cost by Knowledge Adventure in order to test the products’ abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but were not influenced by the company or the free product provided.
That seems very cool Molly! No kids here so I don't want to steal a chance from someone who could use it but a fun giveaway!
Completely awesome. I had never heard of this. I must agree.... that technology is a big part of the kids lives & that it's pretty much unavoidable.
Hi Molly, Jumpstart sounds really cool! I'm not in need of that as my kiddos are now waaaay old (not sure how that happened as I haven't aged in years! ;) ) so enter the giveaway but did want to say HI!! :)
I like any game that requires more movement than just the hands! ;)
I'll link on my blog
I haven't heard of that, but it sounds cool. I am between the two -- my 10 year would find it too young (she is so sophisticated, don't you know), and my 2.5 year old is on the 'puter yet. when she is I will have her check it out.
I follow!! I think this looks pretty cool!
My littles love to play on PBSkids.org and they learn new stuff all the time! Some tech is great :)
linky poo on my blog for you!
Thanks for alerting me about this giveaway! I’ve been out of touch with bloggy-world the last couple of weeks!
My 6 ½ year old daughter would love this!!!!
I follow your blog!!
will link on my sidebar ......
My boys are reviewing this right now too and they love it! (Don't enter me in the contest.)
COOL I am a follower
Never saw anything like that before! pretty awesome! I'm a follower!
Linked it on my blog:)
we only play wii at my house right now because it's a game where we are active and not sitting on our butts! We got resort sports and all of the monkeys love it! Only other games are played outside (hide and seek and such)!
I find that the best way to get kids to learn something is to trick them into thinking it's a game - or developing a game to consolidate a skill.
I'm a follower.
I'll link this to my blog.
Congrats on your great PR, sorry if I am a bit late. Very nice game. My kids are a little grown (31 and 25). Ciao.
We play club penquin and Free Realms
Following your blog
Jumpstart is a scam. Look up jumpstart complaints, they rip you off with excessive charges and you literally can not get in touch with their customer support to be reimbursed.
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