I've spent the last 20 minutes trying to put a new blog header photo up, and for some reason Blogger keeps making the photo huge.....so I'll just get to my post. We headed up to the Adirondacks this weekend to spend time with Mike's Mom and Dad, take the kids to the water park a couple of times, and fit in a long run for me.
When we got on the road I kept feeling like we were forgetting something, loading up the car seemed a bit too easy. Until I realized we didn't have the usual baby crap, pack n plays, potty seats, etc. The kids are really kids now, no more being slaves to nap time, and they're easy to port around. After the first day of exploring the water rides, I commented to Mike about how easy it is having just two kids. There is one for each of us, and since Eliza couldn't go on all the rides, Mike and I took turns taking Luke on the bigger, scarier rides....and let me say, I screamed like the girl that I am on several of them.
special running socks
running skirt
wicking tank with built in sports bra
sport sunscreen
sport chapstick
ipod/ipod holder/ear buds
running visor
fuel belt with four water bottles
power cords to charge ipod and garmin
foam roller
calve stretcher
16 oz pink nalgene bottle with a flower on it
I'm so high maintenance now I hardly recognize myself.
Once I got into town I walked a bit because of the crowded sidewalk, and I didn't mind at all. There was so much up and down with all the hills, I was almost bored during a flat stretch of road. At mile 9 my ipod got all wonky, then it crapped out. Anyone familiar with my track record with ipods won't be surprised. Not only does mine turn off during runs in 10 degree weather, my nasty sweat soaked arm causes the same issue. I made it to the point where I was going to meet Mike for a ride home, and realized I still had about a mile to go. He pulled up in the Jeep, I jumped in the back and had him drop me off at the campground where I usually run, figured I could bang out the last mile quickly....until half a mile in and realized the run back out was Up. Hill. Enough already!!! I finally finished with two hours and two minutes.
Holy cow, do you remember Trapper Keepers????? Mike's Dad went to a garage sale, and came back with a box full of coloring books, paper, games, and......a heart and rainbow Trapper keeper. It was the EXACT same one I had in Junior High. It's mine now.
I also got a new phone this week.....it's some kind of android. You know what that means.....blogging on the go Baby!
OMG! I had a trapper keeper almost exactly like that except it was purple! HA! That's a great blast from the past! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend!
I heart trapper keepers :)
Nice job on the run girl!
You have quite a list of necessities there. You lost me after ipod. Nothing else on that list rang a bell at all. I barely run more than one mile, much less 12! (Of course I'm 59 and haven't been at it for long.) You are an inspiration.
Great pic! I loved my trapper keeper!! We are at the "pack half the house" stage still with Emma. It takes forever to pack and I still forget something! I have started leaving things at my parents house so I don't have to pack it!
OMG, havent seen trapper keepers in YEARS!!! what a blast from the past. and pssstt.....go look at my post from saturday, i think you got something else new this weekend :)
Fun weekend--great job in the heat! Wow a trapper keeper!
Did you check the box shrink to fit?
Amazing how much stuff we need to run. My non running friends pick on me about all my stuff when we travel!
I swear I always pack a separate bag for running gear. AND, it is worse in the colder temps as I can't predict what I will need as no clue what the temps will be.
Nice new photo! And, as I date myself, my kids had Trapper Keepers - or wanted them and the teachers didn't like them - as they were growing up. Of course, I only have one that is still in high school and the other five will, after this year's birthdays are done, all be in their 20's.
I can completely relate to this post! We go to the Adks each year and while its beautiful and I love it, the running out there freaks me out! It's so isolated and I worry about bears, etc. too. Which town do you go to, btw?
love the new picture.
Great job on the run!! I know what you mean about vacay with kids - so much easier. We also had a whole suitcase for our running things when we vacayed this month so know you aren't alone.
Thanks for the info on your giveaway, but we aren't a gaming family so I didn't enter. I'd rather have someone get it who will actually use it.
Upload your pic to Picassa and then crop it and make it look like a horizontal rectangle. Then save it to blogger and you should be good to go!!
You and my wife would really get along strikingly! She has about the same checklist as you with the longer runs - drives me crazy sometimes when we run together. I am a got my sneakers on - lets roll type of runner. I will admit though it is nice when she has an extra gel or salt tab when I am hurting because I was under-prepared (-:
i was just talking about trapper keeper with my girlfriend !!!!
Haha, nice Trapper Keeper :) Great job on your long run!
My running bag is always packed. After a race or run where I used it I pack it again as soon as everything is washed and dry. I just add the right shoes when I get to the day I need the bag. Well done with that run!
Haha! Trapper Keepers are awesome! Score!
You look gorgeous in your picture. Totally gorgeous!
I went to Colorado without my husband, but with my three young daughters two weeks ago. Insane the amount of stuff little little ones require. Exhausting! Glad to know it gets better....even if I will be the one requiring mass amounts of gear. :)
Ohhhh, I like the new layout! Very nice. Great job on the longish run. I can relate to the hills but have no concept of the humidity and all the extra fueling you need. You are high maintnance :) TRAPPER KEEPER!!! love.
I like the new look!! Awesome run the other day. I can't wait to get back into some longer runs. Ryan has a "Trappers Keeper" as he calls it, and loves it. Kids are so funny.
I had a Trapper Keeper in middle school, but how you remember your exact design is beyond me! omg, if you didn't have one, you were a nobody! LOL
Glad you had a great weekend!
I think I have seen that Donut shop sign while driving in the Adirondacks!! Glad you got your run! You sure did pack alot! I think you had more stuff than the kids!
Sounds like a great weekend! Good job on the run, even when it was rough :)
Awesome job on the run. I've never tried nuun- I'll have to look into it! I LOVE my droid phone. It's awesome! Your trapper keeper just took me back to fourth grade. Ahh the good ol'days :)
Beautiful pic!Sounds like you had a great weekend.Your new layout looks very nice:)
Sounds like a great weekend.
Your running gear might look crazy on paper, but you're prepared, so you win.
My wife and I also feel pretty comfortable with the 2 kids, which probably means we need another one.
And I love my Droid, it has all the gadgets I need and the actual "phone" usually works.
Love your new pic, Molly! You're gorgeous and so is the setting!
Congrats on the long run over the weekend. I had to giggle at the "high maintenance" comment ... I just interviewed my sis in law about her triathlon and I can't believe all of the stuff that goes into preparing for a long race. You go, girl!
Oh, and I *am* old enough to remember Trapper Keepers ... what a blast from the past!
Wow...that's incredible!!!! My hubby used to be a runner and I don't run, but it is fascinating to me to hear these amazing stories!
Thats soooo OLD SCHOOL!!!! I want one now!! Do they even make them anymore?
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