Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Anyone need a Fuel Belt?

When I started going for runs that lasted more than eight miles, I knew I needed to get some kind of hand held bottle, or fuel belt for my water and electrolyte drinks. I carried a small 8oz bottle of water in my hand, but that got old quick.  My neighbor Heather has a marathon under her belt, and thanks to her, I use the Nathan Speed 4 Fuel Belt. 

I like it for several reasons, the belt doesn't shift around once I Velcro it on, it has four bottles, and two pockets, one in front, one in back.  I used it during the Boilermaker, my camera fit easily in the back pocket.  Otherwise it can fit four gels (haven't needed that many yet!) and my ear buds.  The front pocket zips, so that's where I put money, and lip balm. 

There is a new model out of my belt, the Speed 4R,  and thanks to the lovely folks at Nathan Sports, I have one for this giveaway, in a size Medium.  The cool thing about this one, is that two of the four 8 oz bottles have what they call a Race Cap.  These have a high-flow, one-way valve that opens and closes automatically and offers a quick shot of gel. You don't have to suck or squeeze hard to get it out.

To enter this giveaway, please go to the Nathan Sports website here, click around, and leave me a comment.

As usual, for extra entries you may (please leave a comment for each additional entry)

1. be a follower of my antics, or become one
2. follow Nathan Sports on Twitter here, or facebook
3. spread the word, via blog, twitter, facebook
4. tell me what you're training for

This giveaway ends at Midnight EST on Sunday August 8th.  (August......already???)


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abbi said...

I'm a follower

abbi said...

linked on my blog sidebar

abbi said...

I went to their website. I like their fuel belts and their handheld bottles

abbi said...

training for freedom's run - 10/2/2010

Alanna said...

I'm a follower.

Runners Fuel said...

I'm already a follower

Runners Fuel said...

I love Nathan's water bottles!

Alanna said...

I would love their Synergy bladder that is compatible with my backpack - it holds water and sports drink with a valve so you can have as much or as little as you want.

Runners Fuel said...

I already follow them on facebook

Runners Fuel said...

I'm training for my first 1/2 marathon in May

Alanna said...

I like Nathan on fb.

Alanna said...

Linked to my sidebar.

Alanna said...

Currently training for my first marathon - GoodLife Fitness Victoria 10.10.10!


I really need one of their Rock Star Nano arm bands. Mine is 3 years old and has never been washed. I probably need to cut the iPod out of it.


I follow Nathan Sports on Facebook.


You are linked on my sidebar.


I am running RNR Chicago on Sunday, but am training for the Indianapolis Marathon on Oct 16.

Unknown said...

It's a comment. A new fuel belt would be sweet :)

Unknown said...

I am following you on twitter

Unknown said...

I am following NathanSports on Twitter

Unknown said...

I am training for the Warrior Dash in Nor Cal :)

Anonymous said...

I am a follower.

Anonymous said...

Just tweeted about the fuel belt giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I am training for Triathlon in 2 weeks

Rad Runner said...

How sweet! I have the hand held Nathan bottle, my friend has a belt just like this though and LOVES IT!

Erika said...

Ohhhh! this is exactly what I've been looking for! Yea!

Erika said...

I'm a follower:)

Erika said...

linked you on my blog!

Erika said...

Training for my First Marathon which I actually paid the money for TODAY! Yikes! That means game on!!! It's in Long Beach, CA!

Erika said...

Following on Twitter!

busyrunningmama said...

Would love a QuickDraw handheld and would love to try the Catalyst drink!

busyrunningmama said...

I'm a follower

busyrunningmama said...

I'm training for a 5K, trying to get back after 9 months of no running and 2 surgeries!

ajh said...

I would like to try most anything Nathan. I have not had the orange electrolyte and would start there.

ajh said...

I'm a follower.

ajh said...

LInking on my blog

ajh said...

I'm training for the Wineglass Marathon and the 100 on 100 relay.

misszippy said...

I have an older one, but I'll post on my blog

Brittney said...

I'm a follower of your blog!

Brittney said...

I tweeted about your giveaway!

Brittney said...

Right now I'm getting treatment for a knee injury, but in a few weeks I HOPE to start training for a half marathon sometime in the fall. Not sure which one yet. Probably OBX, Wilmington Battleship (NC), or one in Charlotte!

ajh said...

Are you near Corning?

track coach and adorable wife said...

I checked out their website and the triathlon bag is really cool! I am not that serious yet, but still would look pro carrying that around.

mommaof3ontherun said...

I'm a follower

track coach and adorable wife said...

I am a follower.

track coach and adorable wife said...

I added this to my blog

mommaof3ontherun said...

I posted on facebook

track coach and adorable wife said...

I am training for a baby Tri in Sept. and coach is training for a 10k in 2 weeks.

mommaof3ontherun said...

training for women's half marathon in st.pete florida in November

Jill said...

I'm a follower :).

Jill said...

I follow Nathan on FB!

Jill said...

I'm training my heel to be happy! Had to bag Chicago Marathon to do so :(.

Unknown said...

I would love a fuel belt!!
I looked around and I do have the hand held elite that I like very much although kind of sick of carrying it and would love to try the 4 bottle pack.

Unknown said...

already a follower of your antics :)

Unknown said...

I am in marathon training.

Unknown said...

I posted a link to my blogs sidebar!

Unknown said...

I tweeted about this too!

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway!! I would love a Nathan Fuelbelt...

Unknown said...

I am a follower.

Unknown said...

Training for an upcoming half-ironman and then a 50k...yikes!!

Teamarcia said...

I love my Nathan Quickdraw Plus but would loooove a new fuel belt as mine is so old it is white with salt crust. Eeeew!

Teamarcia said...

I linked you on my blog

Teamarcia said...

and I tweeted @teamarcia

Teamarcia said...

I'm training for the Chicago Marathon.

Cole said...

I'm training for the Spacecoast 1/2 Marathon and maybe the Disney Princess 1/2 (Havne't 100% committed to that one yet due to potential family issues around that time-frame)

Cole said...

I follow you!

Cole said...

I've never used a hydration belt (afraid I wouldn't like the feel of it bouncing away on my waist) but I'd be willing to give it a shot! I really like their reflective pink band and the shoe pouches on their site though!

Cole said...

I follow them on twitter

Cole said...

Tweeted about it

RunToTheFinish said...

i have always been fearful of a bouncing fuel belt, but honestly I'm tired of my hand held..that being said Nathan's makes some very nice hand helds!

RunToTheFinish said...

i am a follower

RunToTheFinish said...

I am training for a PR at the Ft Lauderdale 13.1 in Nov

RunToTheFinish said...

you are linked in my sidebar

Mindy Bobe said...

I am a follower!

Laura said...

I am a follower

Laura said...

I am training for my second marathon....I REALLY need a belt as my old one is too big as I lost weight. Bragging? Hell yes! :)

Mindy Bobe said...

I'm following Nathan Sports on twitter!

Laura said...

I love the Nathan handheld, especially the thermal ones when it is chilly here in Canada.

Mindy Bobe said...

I tweeted...

Mindy Bobe said...

I went to the Nathan Sports website. They have a lot of cool stuff! I really need a fuel belt! Been wanting one for a long time!

Mindy Bobe said...

I am training for my first half marathon in November! So excited!

Iron Mike said...

Your new blog photo came out great, it's beautiful and makes you look like you're standing on water. Impressive.

Let's see, my first marathon training, I thought I had it together, til I passed a kid I graduated with. Me, 20 miles into the training run carrying ZERO fuel, him with a fuel belt. Guess I was still a rookie.

That Nathan belt looks cool, and would improve on my handheld (which I love, but requires refills pretty frequently).

I already follow your antics and I'm training for a couple triathlons (which should involve some athletic activity...pending...)

Nice giveaway

CCJade23 said...

The Nathan website has a lot of great products. And wow I really need one of these. I ran 13 miles this past weekend with my 8 oz handheld bottle and ran out of water with over 2 miles to go. To make matters worse two guys ran past me wearing Nathan hydration belts full of water. I'm training for my first marathon and just starting to hit the longer runs.

Michelle said...

I really like the Nathan Quickdraw Plus handheld in addition to the fuel belt.

CCJade23 said...

I'm a follower of yours.

Michelle said...

I'm already a follower :)

Michelle said...

I already fan/follow Nathan on FB(whatever they call it now!)

Michelle said...

You're linked in my sidebar!

CCJade23 said...

I'm following Nathan Sports on twitter @CCJade23

CCJade23 said...

Just tweeted about your giveaway @CCJade23

CCJade23 said...

I'm long term training for a marathon, but short term I have 3 halfs for the summer / fall.

Heather said...

I'm a follower.

Heather said...

I follow them on Twitter.

Heather said...

I posted a link to this on my blog.

Heather said...

I'm training for a marathon in October of this year.

Unknown said...

I'm training for Road2Hope, Hamilton's marathon in November.

Unknown said...

Posting to my sidebar. Thanks!

H Love said...

I am a follower!

H Love said...

Training for my first marathon in Portland, OR 10.10.10!!

H Love said...

I would like to have a hand held as a gal has options.

Canadian runner said...

I am a follower !

Canadian runner said...

I checked out the website and a fuel belt would be great, I am training for a 1/2 in September and the hand held is just not enough for the hot Canadian weather that is happening this summer.

Canadian runner said...

I am following on twitter

Canadian runner said...

I posted about it on twitter

Canadian runner said...

I am training for the Ottawa Army 1/2 marathon in September and a new 1/2 marathon 9 run run in October.

Peggy said...

Definitely love the variety of mp3 player bands they have!

Courtney said...

I'm training for a half marathon in Costa Rica in September, then the Disney Half Marathon in Jan with TNT!

Courtney said...


Courtney said...

Linked to your giveaway on my blog.

Carly said...

Linked you on my sidebar.

Carly said...

And I start half marathon training next week.

Carly said...

Went to their website and I like the smaller handhelds. Perfect for shorter runs.

Nicki said...

Already a follower of your blog.

Nicki said...

Went to the Nathan site. Was intrigued by their electrolyte replacement. Also, have a friend who is looking to replace a belt with just a pocket. Will send him to look.

Nicki said...

What am I training for? In August, I am running the Catherine Valley Half on the 22nd. In September, I am running the Ithaca 5 & 10 on the 12th. Both of these are being incorporated into my training for the Wineglass Marathon on Oct 3.

Lindsey said...

I'm a follower!

Lindsey said...

I'm tapering for my tri this weekend, then I've got another tri 8/29 and a half marathon 9/11!

Pining for Pinterest said...

I want on one of those!!! I am already a follower

Pining for Pinterest said...

I am training for the Spinx half marathon :)

Lynette said...

I'm a follower. I really need a fuel belt with more bottles and pockets (I have the Nathan with only 2 bottles right now)

Lynette said...

Right now I'm training for 2 1/2 marathons a week apart- trying for the Half Fanatics club =) And I'm thinking about an ultra in the late fall

Sarahlynsm said...

I am a follower! :)

Sarahlynsm said...

I visited Nathan's website. I love these fuel belts and was thinking about getting one! :)

Sarahlynsm said...

I follow (like) Nathan on facebook.

Sarahlynsm said...

I posted this giveaway on my facebook page.

Sarahlynsm said...

I'm currently training for the Hudson Mohawk marathon on 10/10/10. I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time!

Unknown said...

This would definitely come in handy during Ironman Louisville! :)

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

Nathan's products on their website look so much more comfortable than some of the other brands I've seen and been scared to try!

Kellie said...

I'm a follower and could really use a fuel belt!

Kellie said...

I've visited the Nathan's website and really like the idea of their "race cap"

Kellie said...

I'm training for the Nike Women's Marathon on 10/17/10

Kellie said...

I've also added a link to your giveaway on my blog

Becka said...

I'm a follower! Speed 4R would be fabulous...

dclugston said...

I visited Nathan's website and like the variety of fuel belts

dclugston said...

I am a follower

dclugston said...

I follow Nathan on Twitter

dclugston said...

I am training for half marathon

Unknown said...

I am a happy follower.

Unknown said...

I like Nathan on FB

Unknown said...

I checked out Nathan's website and I love several things. I reallty like the fuel belt bc the one I wear only hold 2 bottles of water and that is not nearly enough.

bobbie said...

I would like a sprit handheld!

Unknown said...

I've got a 25K coming up in October and the San Antonio Marathon in November. :)

bobbie said...

I follow your blog!

bobbie said...

I am following Nathan on Twitter

bobbie said...

Tweeted it @bobbie087

bobbie said...

Posted it on facebook

bobbie said...

Training for a half marathon in October

julie said...

I am a new follower.

julie said...

I am training for a bunch of races ranging from the 5k to the marathon but next year I want to run a 50 miler. I must be crazy so I could really use a fuel belt.

julie said...

I am heading to my blog to post it there, right now.

Elizabeth said...

New Follower

Elizabeth said...

Following Nathan on twitter

Elizabeth said...

Have you linked on my blog sidebar

Elizabeth said...

Running the Kathleen Neitert Race For Hope 7.5 hilly miles on Sunday 8/1 but my "A" race is my second marathon which is the Akron Marathon on 9/25

Elizabeth said...

The intensity hydration pak looks like it will be perfect for trail running

One Crazy Penguin said...

I'm a follower :)

One Crazy Penguin said...

I'm training for the Lewis and Clark half marathon on October 3rd.

KovasP said...

I'm a follower

KovasP said...

I linked you in my sidebar

KovasP said...

I use the Nathan shoepouch tocarry my Nike+ sensor

KovasP said...

My next race is the Lake Carroll Triathlon

Questionably Texan said...

I'm already a follower.

Questionably Texan said...

I'm currently training for the Kansas City Marathon in October.

Questionably Texan said...

I see these Nathan Belts all the time at races, so they must be comfortable. From their website though, I must say that the HPL 020 vest looks pretty sweet for longer runs. I have a Camelbak hydration belt, but it's little too bulky for my liking so I generally stick to my handheld.

Rae said...

I linked you on my blog side bar.

Rae said...

I like the fuel belts, handheld, and the reflective bracelets.

Rae said...

I'm training for my first 10K!

*~*~* Tracy said...

I like the 3r and the 4r belts

*~*~* Tracy said...

I follow your antics

*~*~* Tracy said...

I'm training for Freedom's Run Half Marathon on Oct 2!

*~*~* Tracy said...

I 'like' Nathan on FB

bobbi said...

I'm a follower!

bobbi said...

I like Nathan on fb

bobbi said...

I REALLY like their fuel belts, but I didn't know they had nutrition products too...

bobbi said...

I'm training for my first marathon - Chicago 10/10/10!!

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

Im following Nathan sports on twitter! :D Thanks for the giveaway!

Tara Kieninger said...

I follow you on Google Reader!

Tara Kieninger said...

I added your give-away to my blog:

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

I am currently training for the women's magazine half marathon in Nashville, Tennessee on September 25th... it'll be my first half! :D

Tara Kieninger said...

I'm doing the c25K program and training for my first 5K...hopefully the first of many races to come! Wish me luck!

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

I've been looking into a hydration pack or fuel belt because my long runs are now getting up there and i hate carrying anything in my hands... thanks for the giveaway! :D

Meredith said...

I'm training for a few things... Hood To Coast Relay, Eugene women's 1/2 marathon and Vancouver's Girlfriends 1/2 marathon. Would LOVE a new fuel belt as my clip just broke and the belt is barely hanging on AND 8/8 is my 12 year anniversary... would make a great gift!

Lia said...

Just started to follow you. I am new to running but hope to run a marathon one day.

Willow River Piecemakers said...

Would love to win - got my follow on Nathan in FB

Kristin said...

I am a follower.

Kristin said...

I went to the Nathan website, I already have several products, but would LOVE the Speed4!

Kristin said...

I am posting this giveaway on FB.

Kristin said...

Also going to put it on my blog.

Kristin said...

I am training for the Anacortes Half Marathon (tomorrow) and the Bellingham Marathon (Sept. 26). (Could really use the Speed 4 for the marathon!)

suzy, said...

I'm a follower

suzy, said...

Training for my 3rd half marathon in October :)

suzy, said...

posted on Facebook

Brandi said...

I'm a (new)follower

Brandi said...

following Nathan Sports on Twitter

Brandi said...

Linked to my blog

Brandi said...

Training for my first marathon 10/10/10

Brandi said...

I went to the Nathan website and think the 4R would work just about right for me

Paula - Running Mom of 5 said...

I went to their website. I like the handheld bottles.

Paula - Running Mom of 5 said...

I am a follower!

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