Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just Like a Tatoo

I don't have a tatoo, but it's something I've thought of getting since college. I was in school during the days of grunge, plaid flannel shirts, clunky boots, Pearl Jam and Kurt Cobain. And tatoos. Everyone had one, or was getting one, and the night of graduation I decided to get one. Because I find easy ways to injure myself, I was running through the living room barefoot, and managed to step on a pencil with one foot, and stab my other foot into the pointy pencil end. It left a mark, (not lead, graphite) on the side of my foot. I figured if I was going to look at a dot for the rest of my life, it may as well be a tatoo.

I wanted to get a half moon, something I was into at the time, but then heard that was kind of a dark symbol, so I opted for a daisy, cheerful and pretty. I made it to the tatoo parlor, and sat there for over an hour, then chickened out. I went back a couple of years later with a friend, she got a sunflower, I chickened out and watched.

Now it seems people get tat's for a reason, to honor someone, or to mark a milestone. After Luke was born I understood why people tatoo their kids faces or name on their arms. My brother has a few, one is of an American Indian head (which, after a few drinks, I've been known to pinch the lips and make it "talk" to us). He also has a Celtic cross, which is what I think I would get, with the first initials of Mike, Luke, Eliza and myself.

I've also seen tats of marathon runners, to commemorate their races, which I think is really cool too. I must still want one, since I keep thinking about it. So I'm curious fellow bloggers, do you have one? What is it? Why did you get it?


Eliza Returns said...

I have 4.

Once you get one it tends to roll down hill from there.

My first is Japanese Kanji for Trust (which I later found out is literally: The way of Faith) which I got when my grandfather died.

Next I got Japanese Kanji for Friendship along with my two best friends from College around about the time we were graduating.

Then I got a Lotus flower about the time I moved out on my own and was doing my own thing. I see it as a symbol for me blossoming :)

And Finally I got a Sun/Moon Combination which was inspired from a movie quote "You just need balance. A little moon to go with your sun!" (paraphrasing) I got it after my divorce was final and I was starting over.

Phew! Sorry for the length! LOL!

Goes to show every tattoo has a story :)

Reyna Meinhardt said...

I don't have any tattoos, I'm glad that you waited until after college though! Now you can be more sure about your decision.

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

No tatoos here.. I have always wanted to get one on the top of my foot...but I doubt I ever will.. Would have to be of great meaning to me..

Ronnie said...

I have considered it...maybe two Js intertwined for my two babies. However, I think hubby would have a cow!

Also, I have heard some natural docs say that putting the ink/dye in your skin is bad cuz your body absorbs it...just something to think about.

Unknown said...

I was seriously considering getting a tattoo this summer to remember my first half-ironman race. I've since decided I will probably wait until I do an Ironman...

Brad said...

I have 7 tats so far and more to come. They are eternal reminders of the events that inspired the artwork. All are original drawings by 5 artists total.

Molly, it is intersting that you desired a half moon. My third tattoo is a half moon with a sleepy face kinda curled on the ends.

Don't be afraid, it only hurts while being applied.....Thanks for the interesting post, cool to hear about others' tattoo experiences.

RunToTheFinish said...

OHH I keep thinking about it too, but the pain...and the permanence. I need something that is really important and then I have a feeling I'll get one. shoot i might be the only person in miami without one

Tara said...

I grew up in the same era as you did. When I was in college, I really wanted a tatoo, but I never got one. I'm glad that I didn't now, but I think that if you get one to commemorate something, that's really cool.

Mrs. M said...

I have a small one on my ankle, a flower. I wish I had thought about it longer, gotten something more important to me. Plus it hurt!!!! But I still think about getting anther one at some point.

Susan Fobes said...

No tatoos on me. The reason? The needles-I still feel faint before getting a flu shot. Plus being poked continuously with a sharp object is not my idea of fun... But if you want one, go for it!

Theta Mom said...

I don't have any (don't like needles) but my hubs has a few and wants more.

JenLo said...

I've always thought about getting one, but the thought that stops me is how weird old women look when they have them. And someday I'll be old. And wrinkled. And then the tattoo probably won't look nearly as cool as it did when I got it. So I keep reconsidering.

Midnite Skys said...

I have a comet on my breast. I want more but I don't have the money for any more. I want a dragon on my back (that would be some $$) a spider on my ankle heard that would hurt. I want a bracelet with a Celtic heart and I have a friend who said he do it for me. Oh my tattoo is 30 years old, it looks faded still looks cool to me and people when I show them.... but I don't look my age my wrinkles are very faint.

Melissa B. said...

My youngest is a tat woman. She has two. I did have one, but had it lasered off. I think of tats as a younger chapter in my life, I guess...

Brianne said...

I don't have any, to chicken but I use to want one. Something on my lower back. The husband has two but I told him no more!

Janie B said...

No thanks...too permanent for me. I like change too much and don't enjoy pain.

Starla said...

I have to admit that some tats are pretty - but not for me -
I found you on Mom Bloggers club

Name: Holly Bowne said...

Nope, no tatoos on me. I worry that with how much my taste has changed over the years on the art I want in my home, it would be too scary for me to have non-changeable art permanently drawn on my body.

I enjoy your blog, Molly. Swing by my blog and pick up the Heartfelt Blog Award I'm presenting you with. :)

Brad said...

Amazing how many diferent opinions there are about tattoos. The permanency of the artwork is definately something to consider. I would also recommend wearing sunscreen as often as possible to any sun exposed tats, they do fade faster in the sun.

Tracy DeLuca said...

I have one on my upper arm. It is a wolf howling at a moon. It is actually a pic from one of my favorite comics, ElfQuest. I thought it was funny that when I met my husband, I later found out that his nickname was "Wolf".

I want about 3 more but have to actually be able to afford to pay for them.... LOL

Came over from MBC and will be back!

amanda said...

I have 2. A small daisy lookng flower right on the top of my shoulder. It was hot when my arms were super toned... My husband calls it a sticker cause it is so small. It has great deep meaning (cough, yeah right, cough). I chose it from the wall designs at the tattoo parlor.

My second one is a 'tramp stamp' on my back. I wised up with that one and............. picked it off the wall again (eye roll). I hate that one cause since I am a teacher, I am always yanking at the back of my shirt when I bend over.
I got those two while in college, and over 10 years later I have had time to think about what I would want if I got a third - let me just say IF I did get another, it would NOT be one from off the wall!