For Eliza's game, I ended up sitting next to her Assistant Coach. There is a man who runs around my neighborhood wearing a Survivor buff, and I had a feeling it was him. Which he confirmed, then told me it was given to him by a rep from a running shoe company, and he wears it all the time because it keeps all the sweat out of his eyes. We ended up talking about All Things Running (including my trip to the Chiropractor, which I'll get to in a minute) for the whole game, while cheering on the kiddo's.
Later that day at Luke's game, I realized after the game started that he needed his water bottle, so I headed over to the side of the field. His coach noticed my NYC Marathon shirt, and in about 30 seconds, he found out which races I've run, that my heel was acting up, and I learned that he is an Ultra Runner.
I've never been to a chiropractor, and I was curious, so I went on Friday. I told him about my running, and my history of injuries on my left side. He examined me, and lo and behold, determined that my right leg is significantly shorter than my left, and that my pelvis is completely out of alignment.
Talk about an A HA! moment!
Of course I went home and googled this info, and it looks like I could be the poster girl for Short Leg Syndrome because I experience all of the following:
- Knee pain in both the short and long legs.
- Sciatica, or inflammation of the nerves in the leg and lower back.
- Poor balance when walking and running (I now have an excuse for 40 years of bumps, bruises and falls. For more details, see this post).
- Foot and ankle pain.
To top it all off, to compensate for a shorter leg, you pronate. And we already know that I'm a stellar over-pronator.
The Chiropractor did some electronic stimulation on my lower back and foot, than did some adjustments to help even me out. He then explained the science behind why stretching and night splints don't help the body heal (it turns out that a stretched muscle means cells are stretched out, and away from the area that needs to be healed). I'm going back tomorrow, but I can't tell you how happy I am to have a concrete reason as to why I have been dealing with injury for my past 16 years of running. I really feel like I'll be back out there sooner than later.
Can I get a Whoop Whoop?!?!!?!!!!