I've started to put together a new playlist for my half marathon, although I'm not sure if I'm going to even use it. For the Boilermaker, I skipped using my ipod, because there was so much going on that I wanted to be able to savor the whole experience. From what I can tell, I can use my ipod for the Rochester Half. It will be a new course for me, in my old stomping grounds, which will be great, so I might not need music. At the same time, I don't want to be stuck for long stretches without anything to motivate me. I have two new songs on my current rotation - Kelly Clarkson's "My Life Would Suck Without You" (big surprise, but it's a fab running song) and Cake's "Love You Madly." I start sprinting whenever these two come on.
I'm beginning to wonder how my music is influencing the kids. I edit what I play around them (no Beastie Boys), it's mostly classic rock. We have a bunch of "Kid's Bop" cd's, where they butcher songs to make them toddler friendly. L&E love Raffi, which I like, as well as what they call "Bob and Marley." The other day in the car, Guns n Roses "Sweet Child of Mine" came on the radio. The skies were blue, the air was clean, we were all in a great mood, and I just had to turn it up. The two of them bobbed their heads along, until they spied the playground and asked to stop. And then there is the "Immaculate Collection" cd of Madonna's, which I borrowed from my sister in law, and the kids call "Aunt T's music." I skip over some songs but, forgive me, their favorite is "Papa Don't Preach." They don't know what it's about, but I can't stop laughing when Eliza starts singing in her little voice about "Papa not reaching," and "dut dut the baby...."